The U.S. Department of Labor is responsible for the enforcement of child labor laws and supporting safe and quality workforce development programs that lead to in-demand career pathways and livable wages for all young workers of diverse backgrounds.
If you are a young person looking for opportunities; working to connect a young person to the workforce; or would like to know more about the Department's support of youth employment and young workers these resources may be useful to you.
DOL also launched a Youth Employment Works Strategy to help ensure there is a "no wrong door" approach for young people to access good jobs and opportunities. You can watch the Youth Employment Works Summit, respond to the national Call to Action to learn more about the full strategy, and read the Employment and Training Administration's Priorities for Youth Workforce Development.

Explore Careers and Find a Job
- Get My - Find a career that makes you happy
- CareerOneStop – Your source for career exploration, training, and jobs
- Find your nearest American Job Center – Find a center near you where you can search for jobs and get answers to your questions
- Workforce Recruitment Program – Recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private-sector employers nationwide with college students and recent graduates with disabilities
- Careers and Internships at DOL – Learn more about opportunities to join the DOL team, including programs for students and recent graduates

Laws Protecting Young Workers
- Child Labor – Not all jobs are safe, appropriate, or allowed for young people to work. Find guides, FAQs, videos and resources to combat instances of child labor.
- Fair Labor Standards Act, Child Labor - Learn how the Fair Labor Standards Act applies to young workers
- Youth Rules! - Create safe and positive workspaces by learning about legal protections for young workers
- Bureau of International Labor Laws - Review the Department’s work to combat child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking
- Worker Organizing and Resource Center - Interested in unions and collective bargaining as a young worker? We're here to help.
- Know Your Rights – Know the rights you have in the workplace and learn about the resource available to help you exercise them.
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s research about creating safer workplaces for young people

Programs for Young Workers
- Apprenticeship - Explore apprenticeship programs for youth between the ages of 16-24
- Job Corps - A residential education and job training program for young people in need of supports
- Reentry Employment Opportunities – Workforce programs for young people with justice system involvement
- WIOA Youth Formula Program - Learn about how the Department supports state and local formula-funded programs serving young people ages 14-24
- YouthBuild - Programs for at-risk youth ages 16-24 that help them earn a high school diploma while preparing them for quality jobs
- Youth with Disabilities - Learn more about the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s focus on improving transition outcomes of young people with disabilities

Youth Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - Find historic and current information about the labor market, price changes, working conditions, and productivity
- Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey - Data about labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for young people ages 16 to 24
- Career Information for Kids: The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Kids Page - A teaching aid designed to introduce children to career planning information
- Educational Information - Resources about pursuing and funding post-secondary education opportunities
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - A tool providing information about earnings, training, work on the job, and job outlook for hundreds of occupations

More Resources
For information and technical assistance, visit:
- - Join the Youth Build, Youth Connections, Job Corps and Apprenticeship communities through Workforce GPS to access information, resources and connect with peers to share knowledge and expertise in serving youth and young workers
- – website provides youth-related information and resources
- Jobs Accommodations Network – Resource that provides free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment
- Grants – Learn about current and past DOL program funding opportunities