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News Release

US Labor Departments Office of Disability Employment Policy announces $1.6 million in continued funding for National Employer Technical Assistance Center

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy today announced the continuation of funding for a National Technical Assistance, Policy and Research Center for Employers on Employment of People with Disabilities at Cornell University. Continued funding in the amount of $1.6 million was awarded by exercising the first option year of a cooperative agreement between ODEP and Cornell University that provides for the center's operation. The center is also referred to as the National Employer Technical Assistance Center.

"Employers need talented, highly skilled workers to compete in today's global economy," said Kathleen Martinez, assistant secretary of labor for ODEP. "This technical assistance center provides the tools and resources employers need to find workers with disabilities and promote their full inclusion in the workplace."

This funding will continue the center's efforts to develop policy options and provide technical assistance to employers and employer organizations for the recruitment, hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities.

In September 2009, the Labor Department competitively awarded Cornell University a 12-month cooperative agreement for an initial $1.6 million with four option years to manage a consortium charged with conducting research, assisting the Labor Department in developing and promoting employer-focused policy, disseminating information, and providing technical assistance to employers and employer organizations.

The consortium also includes the AFL-CIO Center for Green Jobs, the Altarum Institute, the Conference Board, the Institute of Educational Leadership, the National Business and Disability Council, Rutgers University's John J. Heldrich Center and the U.S. Business Leadership Network.

Office of Disability Employment Policy
September 29, 2010
Release Number
Media Contact: Bennett Gamble