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News Release
Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan To Address Retirement Savings Summit “Advocates Consumer Education About Financial Technologies”
Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.
Washington, DC - Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will address the issue of retirement security at the 2002 National Summit on Retirement Savings on Thursday, February 28, 2002 at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Greenspan will be the luncheon speaker. Secretary Chao, the host of the Summit, will address the program earlier in the day and will introduce Chairman Greenspan.
“It is my pleasure to announce that Chairman Greenspan will speak at this year’s SAVER Summit,” Chao stated. “Given his leadership role within the financial community, he has been an outstanding advocate of consumer education about financial tools.”
Chairman Greenspan has spoken on the importance of education in allowing consumers to take advantage of financial technologies, including employees who self-direct their pension investment. In recent Congressional testimony, Greenspan said, “… education can play a critical role by equipping consumers with the knowledge required to make wise decisions when choosing among the myriad of financial products and providers.”
At the Summit, delegates will explore ways to promote retirement security through savings. Delegates will examine ways to educate and motivate Americans to plan and save for retirement throughout their lifetime. In breakout sessions, the delegates will work on action plans designed to address generational issues of the Millennial Generation, Generation X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation.
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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.