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News Release

ERISA Advisory Council, Working Groups To Hold Final Meetings Of The Year On November 13 And 14

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Washington, DC - The final meeting of the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans will be held November 14. The Council’s three working groups will present their findings and recommendations on the topics studied during 2001. The 1:30 p.m. session will be held in the Secretary’s Conference Room, S-2508, at the U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20210.

Outgoing chairperson Michael J. Stapley and vice chairperson Rebecca J. Miller will be honored along with three other members, Judith Mazo, Patrick McTeague and Janie Greenwood Harris, whose appointments expire on November 14.

Prior to the final session, the three working groups will convene in Conference Room N-5437A- C to complete their reports. On November 13, the Working Group on Increasing Pension Coverage will meet about its potential recommendations and/or report at 9:30 a.m. followed at 1:00 p.m. by the Working Group on Preparing for Retirement. On November 14, the third Working Group studying Challenges to the Employment-Based Healthcare System will complete its final report at a session beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Anyone having questions about the topics or the sessions should contact Sharon Morrissey, the Council’s executive secretary, at 202.693.8668.

The ERISA Advisory Council consists of 15 members, appointed to staggered three-year terms by the Secretary to advise on policies and regulations affecting employee benefit plans sponsored by private sector employers. The members represent the general public, employer and employee organizations and the fields of insurance, corporate trust, investment management and counseling, accounting and actuarial services.

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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Employee Benefits Security Administration
November 5, 2001
Release Number