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News Release

Statement by Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on importance of Trade Adjustment Assistance

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today issued the following statement regarding the importance of Trade Adjustment Assistance:

With many Americans looking for a job, promising new trade agreements that would create tens of thousands of jobs are being held up by partisan politics. These agreements must include responsible, cost-effective Trade Adjustment Assistance to help American workers who may be negatively affected by trade. This week, we finally reached a bipartisan agreement on TAA. But as we moved closer to the finish line, the Senate Republicans were missing in action. Every day we wait, more workers and their families go without the vital support and benefits TAA provides. We need to move with greater urgency and speed to give American workers the support they deserve.

Office of Public Affairs
July 1, 2011
Release Number