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News Release

Statement of US Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on June Employment Numbers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis issued the following statement on the June 2010 Employment Situation report released today:

"This past June, the economy gained 83,000 jobs in the private sector. Overall, employment declined by 125,000 and the unemployment rate dropped to 9.5 percent. The job losses are largely a result of 225,000 temporary census workers ending their service. However, over the first half of the year, we've seen the creation of 600,000 private sector jobs – steady growth averaging 100,000 new private sector jobs each month.

"While this steady private sector job growth is encouraging, the large number of Americans without a job reminds us we need to continue working to create jobs and grow the economy. That's why the administration continues to work to extend some of the tax credits, unemployment assistance and other programs that have helped us get through the worst part of the recession.

"The actions that this administration has taken over the past year have put the American economy on the right track. Millions of Americans are working today thanks to the Recovery Act, and we've gone from losing more than 700,000 jobs each month to steady private sector job growth. This summer is poised to be the most active Recovery Act season yet, with tens of thousands of projects kicking off, including 10,000 transportation and highway projects, more than 3,000 clean and water drinking water projects, and nearly 800 projects underway at our national parks. The Recovery Act continues to encourage economic growth at the local level across the country.

"And we're doing our part at the Labor Department to ensure that all Americans have the ability to participate in the economic recovery efforts.

"Last week, we announced $75 million in on-the-job training funds that will help businesses hire new employees by subsidizing a portion of their training costs. It's a win-win for businesses and workers, and we anticipate it will help expedite hiring in some sectors of the economy.

"This week we awarded $125 million in Community-Based Job Training Grants to 26 states and 41 community colleges and organizations across the nation. These grants will create opportunities for working Americans to train for high-demand occupations with the help of our national community college system.

"We also have been working diligently to provide assistance to workers in the Gulf Coast states that have been impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, providing $27 million in National Emergency Grants to workforce agencies that serve the Gulf Coast to help workers displaced by the oil spill.

"And while we continue to provide critical investments in the American workforce, there are still millions of workers who are desperately seeking jobs, but – in many cases – simply cannot find them. Yesterday the House of Representatives passed an extension for unemployment benefits. Now, the Senate needs to act. There is nothing more stimulative than unemployment benefits, as this money quickly flows from those who need help into local economies. There is no room for partisan roadblocks when Americans are depending on their government's action and the stakes are this high."

Office of Public Affairs
July 2, 2010
Release Number
Media Contact: Bennett Gamble