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News Release

Statement of US Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis encouraging Senate passage of legislation extending unemployment and health care benefits for unemployed workers

WASHINGTON – Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today issued the following statement regarding the vote of the U.S. Senate to begin work on legislation to extend unemployment insurance and Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act health care benefits to unemployed American workers:

"I applaud those senators who voted yesterday to move forward on this much needed extension of unemployment and health care benefits for the millions of American families who continue to need assistance even as we see our economy starting to turn around.

"The American people expect Washington to stand up for them in their time of need, and the unfortunate partisan delays we have seen are disappointing. Now that the Senate has voted to move forward on consideration of these short term extensions, I am hopeful that final passage will happen soon. Every day of delay is one day too long for our families.

"I am also hopeful that the Congress will move forward soon with a long-term extension of these vital programs."

Office of Public Affairs
April 13, 2010
Release Number