Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.
News Release
Colorado Department of Labor & Employment signs agreement
with US Labor Department to improve services to persons with disabilities
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that it has entered into a conciliation agreement to address allegations of disability discrimination by a person with hearing impairments against the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment. The U.S. Labor Department's Civil Rights Center investigated allegations that a complainant with a profound hearing loss was denied communication services by Colorado's unemployment insurance program by not providing a qualified American Sign Language interpreter. Based on a review of state processes, CRC determined that the program violated Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The conciliation agreement covers the findings in CRC's determination, as well as a later allegation by the same individual that CDLE's workers' compensation program had also not provided a qualified American Sign Language interpreter. By entering into the conciliation agreement, CDLE demonstrates its commitment to equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.
"We acknowledge the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment's commitment to nondiscrimination and its willingness to address these allegations affirmatively and cooperatively," said CRC Director Naomi M. Barry-Pérez. "CDLE began reviewing its procedures in 2011 following the individual's complaint and recently has expanded its review to all of its divisions as a demonstration of its commitment to equal opportunity for customers with disabilities. CRC will continue to actively investigate complaints and resolve allegations of discrimination, ensuring there is equal opportunity for all people in programs that fall under our authority."
Under the agreement, CDLE will:
- establish policies for responding to requests for communication services and reasonable accommodations/modifications from people with disabilities;
- formally evaluate the policies, practices and procedures of its unemployment insurance and workers' compensation programs, and eliminate any barriers for people with disabilities that the evaluation identifies;
- train CDLE staff about disability-related obligations and issues; and
- conduct outreach to disability advocacy groups.
CRC enforces nondiscrimination laws that apply to recipients of financial assistance from the US Labor Department and, in some circumstances, from other federal departments and agencies. It also enforces ADA Title II as that law applies to state and local governments and other public entities that operate programs and activities related to labor and the workforce. For more information about CRC, call 202-693-6500 (voice) or 800-877-8339 (relay), or visit CRC's website. Additional information about disability-related issues is available at