Please note: As of 01/20/2025, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.
News Release
US Department of Labor seeks public comment on proposed revisions to grantees’ financial report instructions
The department’s Employment and Training Administration requires all grant recipients to submit the ETA-9130 Financial Report electronically through an on-line reporting system to certify quarterly financial data. There are different variations of form ETA-9130, each pertaining to a specific program or funding stream, and the instructions vary accordingly.
The proposed changes would clarify instructions regarding the training expenditures reporting line item on ETA-9130 forms for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker programs; the trade Adjustment Assistance program; and the Indian and Native American programs.
Before implementing changes to forms used to collect information, the department solicits input from the public and stakeholders to ensure the instructions are clear, the data can be provided in the requested format, the time and financial resources required to submit the data are reasonable and there is a way to assess the effect of submitting the data.