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News Release

US Department of Labor welcomes nominations for members of the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship

WASHINGTON, DC The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that it is seeking nominations for members to serve on the newly reinstated National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships. The action follows President Biden’s executive order that directed the department to reinstate the committee.

The committee will include a diverse set of stakeholders from across the nation – including unions, employers, apprentices, community colleges and other institutions – to build a Registered Apprenticeship Program that works in all communities. It will focus on expanding apprenticeships into fast-growing industries and sectors like clean energy, technology and healthcare to create more high-quality training and employment opportunities. In addition, the committee will focus on making sure that Black and brown Americans, immigrants, youth and women can access the training and jobs of the future.

“The Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship will bring experts together to develop recommendations for an inclusive apprenticeship program that promotes equity for all participants,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh. “Apprenticeships offer good-paying jobs and a path to the middle class. The committee will help us ensure that people seeking apprenticeship reflect the broad diversity that has always made America strong.”

Committee members will be appointed to one- and two-year terms and will advise the Secretary of Labor on ways to expand and modernize the national apprenticeship system to provide equitable career pathways that advance the dignity of work for everyone.

“Expanding and diversifying apprenticeship is vital to equipping today’s workers with the skills needed now, for enabling opportunities into the future and providing employers with a workforce to support their growth,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Suzi LeVine. “To enable that expansion, the newly reconstituted National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships will provide important insights and guidance we need to succeed. To help with that, the re-established committee will include individuals with lived experiences and, for the first time, youth apprentices.”

The department will accept nominations for the National Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships until June 3. Learn more about the committee. Send questions to

Employment and Training Administration
May 4, 2021
Release Number
Media Contact: Grant Vaught
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