TAA Technical Assistance Webinars

The Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance (OTAA) conducts a number of live and recorded events to provide information to state grantees to help in the administration of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program. In addition to the recorded webinars below, live events include Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions on TAA reporting, TAA Data Integrity (TAADI), and TAA fiscal reporting. We also provide regular blog posts in issues related to state administration. Most of these resources can be accessed through our WorkforceGPS Community.

Unless otherwise noted, webinars are hosted on the WorkforceGPS website. WorkforceGPS, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor's (Department's) Employment and Training Administration (ETA), is an on-line interactive communications and learning platform designed to build the capacity of the workforce investment system. Members include the public workforce system and its strategic partners, such as employers, Federal agencies, community-and faith-based organizations, and educators. WorkforceGPS supplements other technical assistance provided by the ETA's national and regional staff to build the capacity of the workforce investment system to successfully meet the employment needs of America's workforce and employers. For questions regarding accessing WorkforceGPS, please send an email to support@workforcegps.org. For information on the TAA Community on WorkforceGPS, see this webinar.

2021 Reversion/2022 Termination

The following are recorded webinars on the 2021 Reversion Program which went into effect July 1, 2021, and Termination which went into effect July 1, 2022.


The following are recorded webinars on outreach to potential TAA participants.

  • Rural Outreach Strategies: Connecting Workers and Employers to the Workforce System: Bringing services to rural workers and employers has long been a challenge in the workforce development system. This webinar features the use of mobile units and virtual job fairs to reach this population. (Recorded 06/18/2024)
  • Employment and Case Management under Reversion 2021: Summary of guidance for employment and case management funding under Reversion 2021. Hear from Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Oregon about their outreach strategies. (Recorded 11/09/2022)
  • Digital Access and Reaching Underserved Populations, Part 2: How to Make It Happen: This is a follow up to our March 2nd webinar which provided an overview of Oregon’s Digital Access pilot to engage Underserved Communities. “Part 2” provides an opportunity to delve into the nuts and bolts of the pilot implementation. Oregon staff walks the audience through a variety of forms, policies, and guides that they have developed for the pilot, which could be modified for use in other states and localities. (Recorded 03/30/2022)
  • Digital Access: Targeted Strategies for Reaching Underserved Populations: Access to computers and broadband is not a given for many of those in underserved communities; nor is the technical knowhow to use applications that are often foundational to entry into today’s job market. Oregon's Trade staff has recently begun a pilot for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) participants to provide computer hardware, internet access, and training to help ensure successful and sustainable reemployment. Hear about their ongoing challenges, successes, and lessons learned. (Recorded 03/02/2022)
  • Business Engagement for Successful Outcomes: In this webinar, we will look at how States are successfully engaging with businesses to best serve workers and get them reemployed. The strategies discussed will help support targeted business needs and subsequently support seamless transition from training into employment. This includes making training opportunities to match business needs, building connections with the business community, and getting business involved in the training process. (Recorded 11/19/2019)
  • Oregon Best Practices: This presentation will feature a variety of new strategies for increasing petition filing, innovating staff infrastructure, and working directly with employers in a manner that increases participation and program expenditures. Hear from the state that ranked #1 in petition filing and overall participation in FY 2016! (Recorded 10/18/2017)


The following are recorded webinars on petition filing and related topics.

  • Successor-In-Interest in the TAA Program Webcast: As a result of the recently issued TAA Regulations, states have a significantly expanded role in identifying Successor-in-Interest relationships in connection with verifying eligible workers covered under Trade Adjustment Assistance certifications for group eligibility. This webcast is designed to clarify the factors that states should use in looking to verify Successor-in-Interest relationships with existing TAA certifications and related actions. (Recorded as webcast 06/09/2021)
  • Quality Petition filing for the TAA Program: This webinar reinforces the policy provided in subpart B of the 2020 TAA Final rule. It will include tips on submitting quality information that will support the fastest possible petition determination as well as successor-in-interest and staff workers. (Recorded 11/09/2020)
  • ITC-Related Petitions for TAA Program: This webinar will familiarize participants with the International Trade Commission (ITC) related petition process. We will discuss how ITC decisions relate to Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), group eligibility requirements, and how ITC-related petitions differ from other petition types. The associated FAQ is here. (Recorded 12/18/2018)


The following are recorded webinars discussing notifying eligible workers and determining their eligibility.

  • TAA Outreach Letters - Overview, Trial Status, and Next Steps: In collaboration with several states, OTAA is in the midst of a trial that looks at the impact of using revamped company and worker outreach (notification) letters that promise greater responsiveness based on research. Learn more about these letter designs. (Recorded 03/18/2021)
  • New Hampshire and Massachusetts Best Practices: This presentation will feature strategies from two states that build collaboration through IT Systems to accelerate notification, eligibility and follow up of TAA Participants. Come learn strategies that explain why Massachusetts has the highest ERR in Region 1 and why New Hampshire has the highest take-up rate (percentage of group-eligible workers who enroll in TAA) in the country! (Recorded 11/14/2017)

Co-Enrollment and Program Integration

These webinars discuss co-enrollment and how to provide integrated services to participants.

  • Co-Enrollment: Beyond Promising Practices to Strategic Results: Tennessee's focused discussion on the state's progressive measures that resulted in the attainment of co-enrollment compliance and success. (Recorded 09/13/2023)
  • TAA and WIOA Dislocated Worker Co-Enrollment in Ohio: Hear from the state of Ohio regarding their strategy to engage TAA and WIOA Dislocated Worker partners through an iterative deployment of co-enrollment, beginning with a pilot of eight local areas and ending with statewide co-enrollment policy. (Recorded 01/11/2023)
  • State Promising Practice: Pennsylvania's Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program Partnerships: Pennsylvania discusses the partnerships that they’ve developed with state and local workforce development partners, as well as, external partnerships with TAA for Firms. The state shares how they’ve developed the partnerships and benefits of those partnerships for all the state and local stakeholders, as well as, TAA participants. (Recorded 04/26/2022)
  • TAA/DW Co-Enrollment: It's the Law and It's Doable - Part 2: This webinar is an opportunity to delve more deeply into some of the key issues addressed in the first webinar: A Texas Case Study. (Recorded 02/01/2022)
  • TAA/DW Co-Enrollment: It's the Law and It's Doable - A Texas Case Study: One state's approach to addressing the TAA/WIOA Dislocated Worker co-enrollment under the TAA Program. (Recorded 12/09/2021)
  • RESEA Program and TAA Program Connections: In this webinar, learn about the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program and how it can partner with Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Also hear from the state of Massachusetts on how their workforce system, particularly TAA, has integrated with RESEA. (Recorded 10/26/2021)
  • Integrated Services under the TAA Final Rule: This webinar will be a review of states' obligations under the governor-secretary agreement for the TAA program, as well as annual financial agreement, the staffing flexibilities now available for employment and case management services, the role of TAA as a partner in the one-stop system, and cost allocation practices. (Recorded 11/23/2020)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Title I Dislocated Worker Co-Enrollment: Why is co-enrollment of participants in the TAA and Dislocated Worker programs important? How does it benefit participants? Come to this webinar to learn about co-enrollment, its benefits and the myths that keep national co-enrollment rates low. This webinar will include a state panel portion to maximize peer-sharing. (Recorded 06/13/2018)

Case Management

The following are recorded webinars discussing providing case management to TAA participants.

  • Providing Reemployment Services to a Large-Scale Multi-Language Layoff: Hear from the state of Maine about what worked and what didn't during a recent large round of layoffs where the majority of workers primarily speak a language other than English. (Recorded 07/25/2023)
  • Employment and Case Management Services Fund Flexibilities: This webinar will review a range state best practices under the TAA program that leveraged case management flexibilities to serve mission critical objectives, followed by a panel discussion by presenters of the challenges that drove decisions and the path that led to the outcomes of their initiatives. (Recorded 12/15/2020)
  • Guiding and Coaching Trade Affected Workers: The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program has abundant resources to serve trade-affected workers. However, it can be challenging to get workers to enroll in and successfully complete training. In this webinar, we will look at staffing roles that have been adopted in Oregon and Montana to provide support to workers to maximize reemployment goals through training. (Recorded 11/12/2019)
  • Back from Tennessee: Debriefing Their National Trade Convening: In July 2019, the State of Tennessee developed, organized, and hosted a Trade-focused three-day Dislocated Worker Conference. Tennessee's ability to host benefited from the flexibility of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program's employment and case management services and paid for, in part, using TAA Training and Other Activities Program funds. (Recorded 10/30/2019)
  • Serving English Language Learners under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program: A discussion of challenges and promising practices in serving English language learners under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program. This interactive discussion will be facilitated by the Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance and will feature presentations from states. (Recorded 07/19/2019)
  • Applying "Lean" Strategies to Case Management: In this webinar for the TAA Program, states will present their experiences with "Lean" strategies for case management. These best practices focus on TAA case management but can be leveraged for other workforce programs. Presenters will include staff from Arizona who have operationalized the results of their "Lean" analysis and from Rhode Island who are in the process of implementing solutions. (Recorded 05/30/2019)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Case Management: What is case management? Why is case management important? This webinar will focus on the importance of case management in the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program and break down what case management means including why it's important. This will be presented in two parts including a federal panel and state best practices from across the country. (Recorded 11/15/2018)


The following recorded webinars discuss the provision of training services and related issues for TAA participants.

TRA and A/RTAA Benefits

The following recorded webinars discuss Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) and Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) benefits as well as the agent/liable state relationship.

Participant Reporting

The following are recorded webinars on TAA participant reporting.

  • Understanding TEN No. 19-22, Reporting training in DOL's PIRL: This webinar will walk through Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 19-22, Reporting Training in the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL), to address the important points of the notice and address questions. (Recorded 04/11/2023)
  • TAA PIRL Revisions 2021: This webinar discusses the implementation the revised PIRL collection approved in 2021 regarding TAA reporting. The revised collection will be implemented beginning 7/1/2022. (Recorded 09/07/2021)
  • TAA Reporting Overview Webcast: Review this webcast to learn about reports used in the TAA Program, their purposes, reporting timelines, and resource locations. (Recorded 03/03/2021)
  • Reporting TAA "Efforts to Improve Outcomes" in PIRL: This webinar will focus on how to write high-quality narratives for "Efforts to Improve Outcomes" in Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL). Presenters will discuss the types of information that users should or should not include. (Recorded 01/24/2019)
  • Today's TAADI Webcast: This webcast discusses the TAADI protocols and requirements. We review the purpose and goals, recent changes to measures, additional resources, and discuss the annual review process. This webcast also provides a walkthrough of how to use the TAADI Self-Check to both obtain unofficial results and how to identify records affecting TAADI results. (Updated 02/17/2021)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance PIRL Reporting: Data is the single most important channel for helping Congress and other stakeholders see the value of the TAA Program. Correct reporting of activity is vital to program continuity. This presentation will feature important guidance on PIRL reporting, which begins in FY 2018. The webinar will include explanations of key elements and calculations, where to locate important resources, and important timelines for implementation. Priority attendance for TAA Program and Reporting staff alike! (Recorded 11/21/2017)
  • Rapid Response Reporting for Trade Adjustment Assistance: Rapid Response is a key tool to minimizing the disruption that layoffs have on the workforce. States are required to provide Rapid Response services for trade-affected individuals, but often separation of Rapid Response teams from those who administer trade program data complicates the collection and reporting of this critical data element. The presentation will examine how Rapid Response shapes outcomes, how TAA Data Integrity (TAADI) aims to improve Rapid Response reporting, and provide a forum for states to discuss the costs and benefits of their particular implementation. (Recorded 09/30/2015)

Performance Reporting

The following are recorded webinars on TAA performance reporting.

  • TAA Measurable Skills Gains: This webinar will discuss current results and struggles with measurable skills gains (MSG) reporting in the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program and highlight state practices in getting these documented. (Recorded 05/01/2023)
  • TAA Performance Series: Measurable Skills Gains: This webinar will discuss the Measurable Skills Gains performance measure for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program as well as how this ties to other measures. (Recorded 03/24/2020)
  • TAA Performance Series: Credential Attainment: This webinar discusses the Credential Attainment performance measure for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program as well as how this relates to the Trade Adjustment Assistance Data Integrity (TAADI) measure. (Recorded 03/04/2020)
  • TAA Performance Series: Median Earnings: This webinar discusses the Median Earnings performance measure for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program as well as the TAA-specific wage replacement measure. (Recorded 02/19/2020)
  • TAA Performance Series: Employment Rate: This short webinar discusses the Employment Rate performance measures for the TAA Program. (Recorded 01/23/2020)

TAA Administrative Collection of States

The following are recorded webinars discussing the TAA Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS), Form ETA-9189, or results of the collection.

  • TAAACS Initial Insights: This webinar will discuss the TAAACS results from the 2021 collection. It will address state responses and provide analysis on findings from the results, such as staffing levels, program integration, outreach policies, barriers, and petition level data. Some analysis will look at how these variables relate to information in other collections such as PIRL. (Recorded 04/12/2022)
  • TAAACS: Filling out the 2021 Version: This webinar will discuss the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Administrative Collection of States (TAAACS). A new version is being implemented in 2021, and this webinar will discuss the goals of the collection, its organization, and answer common questions about filling it out. (Recorded 10/14/2021)
  • TAAACS Review of Initial Results: This webinar reviews the initial data collected through the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Administrative Collection of States including common staffing models, integration results, information technology functionality, and program prioritization. (Recorded 04/23/2020)
  • TAAACS Overview and Questions: This webinar discusses the new TAAACS, its purpose and use, the timeline for collection, and address questions on the content. (Recorded 01/30/2020)

Financial Reporting and Funding

The following are recorded webinars discussing TAA financial reporting and funding.

  • Allowable, Allocable, and Reasonable, oh my!: This webinar provides context on TAA programs in states get funded. It will also provide information on how funds can be expended as well as many real-world examples of compliant use of TAA Program funds to further expand understand of state operations. (Recorded 05/23/2024)
  • TAA Financial Reporting TEGL 18-20:This webinar will discuss the recently released TAA Financial Reporting TEGL 18-20 including ETA-9130 and Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) reporting alignment, accrual reporting, and expenditure subcomponents. The discussion will include how to report adjustments, retroactive payments, and co-enrollment expenditures as well as improper payments /overpayments. (Recorded 05/27/2021)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Financial Overview: This webinar will the cover the financial basics of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) grants. We discuss the types of grants, expenditure requirements, and common issues. We also discuss cost allocation principles and some non-traditional uses of case management funding. (Recorded 01/09/2020)
  • Seven Tips for Preparing Approvable TAA Program Reserve Funding Requests: This webinar explains what to do (and what to avoid) when preparing and submitting Requests for TAA Program Training and Other Activities Reserve Funds. (Recorded 12/11/2019)
  • Promising Practices that Support Accurate Fiscal Tracking and Reporting: Accurate fiscal tracking and reporting is important for telling the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program and other workforce programs' stories, effective program management, and being good fiscal stewards. Hear from Florida, Georgia, and the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board about their fiscal tracking systems and successes. The webinar also has discussion of accrual accounting which is the required reporting method for federal grants. (Recorded 06/18/2019)
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Fiscal and State Best Practices Webinar: Given the differences in the laws governing different Fiscal Year (FY) grants, Parts One and Two of this webinar provides a brief review of the rules that govern funds allocated for trade-related State administration, employment and case management, and other program funds. Part Three provides clarification on how TAA Program case management funds may be used to contribute to system improvements and to support infrastructure shared by other workforce programs provided through the American Job Centers; and Part Four provides fiscal tips for good strategies for spending. (Recorded 08/08/2013)