At the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), we're committed to advancing workforce development through our dynamic Demonstration Grants. These grants play a key role in creating innovative strategies that cater to diverse needs, strengthening our workforce programs. ETA's dedication to these grants highlights our commitment to fostering creative solutions and driving positive change in the evolving workforce landscape.

What are Demonstration Grants?
Demonstration Grants are a unique funding approach used by government agencies to test and validate new ideas, methods, or strategies in a controlled setting before implementing them more widely. While the specific goals can vary, the main focus is on experimenting with innovative approaches to improve outcomes in the workforce system.

Explore ETA's Demonstration Grants to see their transformative impact on the future of workforce development. Recent initiatives have included:

Improving Programs Through Evaluation

At the Employment and Training Administration, we embrace a culture of continuous learning, constantly seeking new knowledge and insights to improve our programs. One way we do this is by evaluating how well our programs are working. This helps us make smart decisions and improve what we do.

To better understand our evaluation processes and stay informed about upcoming webinars, we encourage you to join the Evaluation and Research Hub's Community of Practice. You can also explore the Department of Labor's Chief Evaluation Office's Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) webpage. CLEAR collects research on jobs and training programs to assist decision-makers and the public in improving these programs through evidence-based practices.