Performance and Reporting

State Workforce Agencies (SWA) must ensure that Employment Service (ES) staff at one-stop centers (also known as American Job Centers) offer migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) the full range of career and supportive services, benefits and protections, and job and training referral services as those that are provided to non-MSFWs. SWAs must ensure ES staff tailor ES services in a way that accounts for individual MSFW preferences, needs, skills, and the availability of job and training opportunities, so that MSFWs are reasonably able to participate in the ES. MSFWs must also receive services on a basis which is qualitatively equivalent and quantitatively proportionate to services provided to non-MSFWs.

To monitor compliance, SWAs submit quarterly performance data to ETA through the Labor Exchange Agricultural Reporting System (LEARS), using Form ETA-5148, and the Workforce Integrated Performance System (WIPS), using Form ETA-9173. This section provides a summary of services SWAs have provided to MSFWs, which is based on data SWAs submitted to ETA through these reports.

Annual Program Year (PY) Data

PY 2022

PY 2021

PY 2020

MSFW-related performance information is also included in the Workforce System Results (WSR).

State Workforce Agency Wagner-Peyser Reporting Resources

Significant MSFW States and Significant MSFW One-Stop Centers Designations