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News Release
ERISA Advisory Council Slates First Meeting for 2001
Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.
The Advisory Committee on Employee Welfare and Pension Plans, known more commonly as the ERISA Advisory Council, will hold its first meeting of the year on March 6. Set to assume leadership of the Advisory Council are Michael J. Stapley of Bountiful, Utah, chair, and Rebecca J. Miller of Rochester, Minnesota, vice chair.
The 1:30 p.m. session will take place in the Secretary of Labor's Conference Room in S-2508 at the U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. On the agenda are swearing-in ceremonies of five new members of the Advisory Council, as well as the group's selection of its study topics for 2001.
New members are Shlomo Benartzi, Anderson School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles, investment counseling; Ronnie Susan Thierman, William M. Mercer, San Francisco, actuarial field; Thomas M. McMahon, Pacific Maritime Association, San Francisco, employer organizations; Robert P. Patrician, Communication Workers of America, Washington, DC, employee organizations, and Norman S. Stein, law professor, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, general public.
Persons wishing to appear before the full Advisory Council or wishing to submit written statements on potential topics for the year, may contact Executive Secretary Sharon Morrissey in Room N-5656, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210. If written statements are to be provided, 20 copies must be sent to Ms. Morrissey before February 28.
Persons with disabilities wishing to attend the session and needing special accommodations also should contact Ms. Morrissey by February 28.
The ERISA Advisory Council members typically are experienced ERISA professionals representing various sectors of the employee benefits world. In 2000, the three working groups of the 2000 Council submitted reports which are being circulated within the Administration and the Congress addressing:
- Long term care
- Phased retirement
- Benefit continuity after organizational restructuring.
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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.