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News Release

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Employment Standards Administration

ESA Press Release: Union Bank, Nine Other Employers, Recognized By U.S. Labor Department For Their Equal Opportunity And Affirmative Action Efforts [09/12/2000]

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Union Bank of California (UBOC) was recognized today for its long history of valuing diversity both in its workforce and in its customer base. The bank received the Opportunity 2000 Award from Labor Secretary Alexis M. Herman during a ceremony today in Washington, D.C.

UBOC and nine other companies and organizations were recognized for their efforts in equal opportunity and affirmative action.

"Union Bank of California is a company of the 21st century," Secretary Herman said. "It is a company that goes far beyond complying with federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding the employment of women, minorities and individuals with disabilities. This company values its diversity and recognizes its strength and effectiveness as a company with the input of all members of its community."

Opportunity 2000 is the top award presented annually by the Department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to federal contractors and public interest groups with exemplary equal opportunity practices. The contract compliance office enforces equal employment and affirmative action requirements for all companies that do business with the federal government.

At Union Bank of California, the Board of Directors is one of the most diverse in the banking industry. Of its 17-member board, seven are minorities. In addition, a community advisory board representing minorities, women and individuals with disabilities provides input to the Board of Directors and the CEO on community issues.

"Union Bank of California identifies bright and accomplished women and minorities and prepares them for management positions," said OFCCP Deputy Assistant Secretary Shirley J. Wilcher. "More than four times as many women are in the talent pipeline today as in 1996, and the number of minorities has more than doubled. This is outstanding progress, and Union Bank deserves to be commended."

The Opportunity 2000, Exemplary Voluntary Efforts (EVE) and Exemplary Public Interest Contribution (EPIC) awards were initiated by the contract compliance office to recognize companies and organizations that go beyond legal requirements in hiring and promoting women, minorities and those with disabilities.

EVE recipients for 2000 are Alstom Power, Inc. of Midlothian, Virginia; Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Maryland; KCET-Community Television for Southern California, Los Angeles; REA Construction, North Carolina, and Sempra Energy, California.

EPIC award winners are Bidwell Training Center, Inc. of Pennsylvania; Central Arizona Shelter Services, Phoenix; Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, and Writers Guild of America, West, Inc., California.

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Employment Standards Administration
September 12, 2000
Media Contact: David Roberts
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