Registered Apprenticeship National Results Fiscal Year 2019

10/01/2018 to 9/30/2019

Image of Apprentices National Growth Chart

The Registered Apprenticeship data displayed on this page is derived from several different sources with differing abilities to provide disaggregated data. The 25 federally-administered states and 16 federally-recognized State Apprenticeship Agencies (SAAs) use the Employment and Training Administration's Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS) to provide individual apprentice and sponsor data. This subset of data is referred to as RAPIDS data and can be disaggregated to provide additional specificity. The federal subset of that data (25 states plus national programs) is known as the Federal Workload. The remaining federally recognized SAAs and the U.S. Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) provide limited aggregate data on a quarterly basis that is then combined with RAPIDS data to provide a national data set on high-level metrics (apprentices and programs) but cannot generally be broken out in greater detail beyond the data provided here.

Apprentices and Participation Trends

  • In FY 2019, more than 252,000 individuals nationwide entered the apprenticeship system.
  • Nationwide, there were over 633,000 apprentices obtaining the skills they need to succeed while earning the wages they need to build financial security.
  • 81,000 apprentices graduated from the apprenticeship system in FY 2019.

Apprenticeship Sponsors and Trends

  • There were nearly 25,000 registered apprenticeship programs active across the nation.
  • 3,133 new apprenticeship programs were established nationwide in FY 2019, representing a 128% growth from 2009 levels.

Apprenticeship Data Files

Please visit the most recent Data and Statistics page to download historical data.


National Apprenticeship Data

Image of Active Apprentices Chart

Image of New Apprentices Chart

Image of Completers

Image of Active Programs Chart

Image of New Programs Chart

National Registered Apprenticeship Results

Fiscal Year Active Apprentices New Apprentices Total Completers Active Programs New Programs
2008 442,386 132,782 51,386 24,285 1,525
2009 420,140 110,707 50,493 26,622 1,456
2010 387,720 109,989 51,212 25,961 1,807
2011 357,692 130,391 55,178 24,967 1,409
2012 362,123 147,487 59,783 21,279 1,750
2013 375,425 164,746 52,542 19,431 1,540
2014 410,375 170,544 44,417 19,260 1,623
2015 447,929 197,535 52,717 20,910 1,898
2016 505,371 206,020 49,354 21,339 1,701
2017 533,607 191,563 64,021 22,488 2,369
2018 585,026 238,549 71,789 23,441 3,229
2019 633,476 252,271 81,552 24,778 3,133

United Service Military Apprenticeship Program Data

The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) is a formal military training program that provides active duty Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps service members the opportunity to improve their job skills and to complete their civilian apprenticeship requirements while they are on active duty. The U.S. Department of Labor provides the nationally-recognized Certificate of Completion upon program completion.

United Services Military Apprenticeship Program Data by Fiscal Year

Item 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Active Apprentices 51,645 58,652 69,870 62,404 73,748 87,675 95,452 95,770 95,001 89,301 98,435 109,878
Active Male 44,536 50,133 58,960 51,459 60,671 70,690 76,345 76,173 75,009 69,868 75,580 84,106
Active Female 7,109 8,519 10,910 10,945 13,077 16,985 19,107 19,597 19,992 19,433 22,855 25,772
New Apprentices 20,200 23,650 30,323 36,831 43,155 51,001 54,430 55,445 54,756 48,715 59,379 62,309
Total Completers 2,820 3,439 4,918 5,185 6,700 8,194 9,834 11,511 11,104 12,063 12,125 13,707

State Apprenticeship Data

Active Apprentices

Image of Active Apprenticeship 2019 State Map

New Apprentices

Image of New Apprenticeship 2019 State Map


Image of Completers 2019 Map

Active Programs

Image of Active Programs 2019 State Map

New Programs

Image of New Programs 2019 State Map

Fiscal Year 2019 State Totals

State Active Apprentices New Apprentices Completers Active Programs New Programs
AK 2,080 869 290 317 38
AL 4,452 1,917 465 145 12
AR 6,462 2,569 418 131 15
AZ 4,997 2,774 456 226 74
CA 94,761 36,667 12,667 1,094 136
CO 6,482 3,040 884 194 15
CT 5,897 2,633 688 1,590 -
DC 9,996 1,806 454 302 375
DE 1,554 669 184 393 55
FL 12,991 4,381 1,769 245 33
GA 8,585 3,029 808 152 9
GU 495 226 32 120 5
HI 7,683 1,916 714 81 8
IA 7,825 3,424 1,751 799 93
ID 2,411 894 346 174 42
IL 17,183 5,590 2,254 465 23
IN 17,605 7,982 2,908 1,085 70
KS 2,183 774 91 296 81
KY 3,967 1,739 590 304 46
LA 3,662 1,173 510 82 3
MA 12,023 2,927 1,415 1,685 145
MD 8,887 1,907 724 201 19
ME 827 410 45 118 21
MI 21,075 6,335 2,089 1,096 89
MN 12,365 4,123 1,625 210 3
MO 15,414 10,788 3,883 486 65
MS 2,610 1,705 286 84 4
MT 2,088 839 246 803 93
NC 10,804 7,008 1,365 692 67
ND 1,110 428 175 100 5
NE 4,720 3,897 811 130 22
NH 2,930 1,296 425 330 35
NJ 8,171 2,087 1,087 983 162
NM 2,462 902 197 81 18
NV 5,963 2,660 563 94 -
NY 18,856 3,520 2,866 880 121
OH 20,869 7,934 2,363 960 19
OK 1,774 681 228 112 7
OR 10,436 4,597 1,822 299 12
PA 18,174 4,519 2,130 833 23
PR 12 8 - 7 3
RI 2,236 937 333 569 56
SC 22,186 7,642 2,690 968 60
SD 598 366 87 107 13
TN 5,713 1,978 698 301 18
TX 20,627 8,460 1,966 389 63
UT 3,998 1,598 609 198 13
VA 12,259 3,391 1,785 1,961 274
VT 2,015 795 304 358 391
WA 18,442 7,178 2,032 204 14
WI 11,682 3,067 1,327 1,029 125
WV 4,369 1,204 1,034 166 15
WY 455 223 60 78 5

Data Note: The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship uses a combination of individual records and aggregate state reports to calculate national totals as depicted on this webpage. The Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Management Data System (RAPIDS) captures individual record data from 25 states administered by the Office of Apprenticeship and 14 of the 28 states/territories administered by a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA). For SAA states that manage their data outside of RAPIDS, information is provided in the aggregate to the U.S. Department of Labor quarterly.

Federal Apprenticeship Data

The federal data below is a summary of the data managed by U.S. Department of Labor staff in the 25 states administered by the Office of Apprenticeship and federally administered programs in SAA states.

Image of Federal Apprenticeship Data 2019 State Map 


Federal Data by Fiscal Year

Item 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Active Apprentices 204,160 191,806 174,536 161,935 152,543 150,170 159,776 182,176 202,817 257,919 244,609 282,495
New Apprentices 83,017 64,690 53,233 57,809 62,167 67,195 69,487 89,210 91,777 106,117 112,365 120,102
Program Completers 37,466 29,054 29,393 29,957 29,284 26,141 22,380 23,578 24,965 27,749 33,741 38,963
Active Programs 12,146 11,915 11,404 10,223 10,166 9,539 8,828 8,606 8,610 9,117 9,227 9,946
New Programs 1,145 1,072 940 801 898 590 612 686 636 983 1,075 1,020


Federal Workload Data: Apprentices by Gender for Fiscal Year 2019*

Gender Active Apprentices New Apprentices Completers
Female 25,645 14,348 4,273
Male 256,850 105,754 34,690
Total 282,495 120,102 38,963


Federal Workload Data: Apprentices Race for Fiscal Year 2019*

Race Active Apprentices New Apprentices Completers
Not Provided 21,669 751 5,265
American Indian or Alaska Native 6,641 1,885 792
Asian 4,312 1,842 793
Black or African American 29,542 16,519 3,999
Do not wish to answer 51,334 28,924 5,208
Multiple-Race Selected 1,736 1,165 95
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2,357 899 266
White 164,904 68,117 22,545
Total 282,495 120,102 38,963


Federal Workload Data: Apprentices by Ethnicity for Fiscal Year 2019*

Ethnicity Active Apprentices New Apprentices Completers
Hispanic 66,568 27,989 7,176
Non-Hispanic 150,324 66,028 20,028
Not Provided 65,603 26,085 11,759
Total 282,495 120,102 38,963


Federal Workload Data: Top 30 Occupations for Fiscal Year 2019*

Occupation Title

Active Apprentices

Electrician 47,483
Carpenter 25,683
Construction Craft Laborer 16,669
Truck Driver (Heavy) 15,733
Plumber 15,697
Pipe Fitter 12,951
Sheet Metal Worker 8,433
Line Maintainer 7,523
Roofer 5,551
Structural Steel Worker 5,498
Millwright 5,075
Drywall Applicator Specialist 4,737
Operating Engineer 4,416
Elevator Constructor 3,941
Painter 3,123
Cement Mason 2,701
Line Erector 2,636
Nurse Assistant 2,378
Heating and Air Conditioning Installer 2,366
Boilermaker 2,233
Protective Service Specialist 2,034
Glazier 1,870
Telecommunications Technician 1,809
Correction Officer 1,730
Fitter 1,651
Sprinkler Fitter 4,334
Maintenance Technician (Municipal) 1,535
Pharmacy Support Staff 1,563
Restaurant Manager 1,311
Bricklayer 1,295


Federal Data: Apprenticeship Statistics by Industry for Fiscal Year 2019*

Industry Title Active Apprentices New Apprentices Completers Active Programs New Programs
Construction 191,426 72,367 21,342 4,480 355
Public Administration 19,300 10,219 6,399 434 29
Manufacturing 17,334 5,174 3,008 1,454 116
Transportation and Warehousing 16,162 12,165 2,155 117 12
Utilities 8,729 3,636 1,615 556 12
Health Care and Social Assistance 6,958 4,278 1,047 296 43
Educational Services 5,758 3,984 702 229 37
Retail Trade 3,172 1,488 787 283 9
Not Provided 3,133 831 561 364 1
Information 2,250 1,479 220 72 4
Accommodation and Food Services 1,831 1,214 212 46 9
Other Services (except Public Administration) 1,470 654 236 125 19
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 1,315 900 212 95 19
Wholesale Trade 1,117 473 86 64 9
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 932 295 130 17 1
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 735 492 114 116 20
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 520 265 79 20 2
Finance and Insurance 206 127 49 19 0
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 82 45 2 9 0
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 65 16 7 6 0
Total 282,495 120,102 38,963 8,802 697


Data Definitions

New Apprentices: Apprentices registered during the period (the start date, not the registration date is used).

New Programs: Programs registered during the period.

Active Apprentices: Includes registered, suspended, and reinstated apprentices.

Active Programs: Includes registered, suspended, and reinstated programs.

Active Apprentices/Programs: Active count at the end of a period (active at beginning of period plus new during period minus completed/cancelled during period).

Completers or Graduates: Apprentices that have completed their training during the period.

* Federal Workload data covers the 25 states administered by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship and national registered apprenticeship programs.