The following resources detail what we have learned to date through TAACCCT about effective strategies for serving adult learners at community colleges. For information on the TAACCCT National Evaluations, see the TAACCCT Evaluations page.

Learnings from the TAACCCT ProgramEvaluation Reports Strategy Resources Fact Sheets Open Educational Resources Online Resource Collections

Strategy Resources

  • Field Guide of TAACCCT Innovations Showcase: Explore videos, stories, and project resources by project directors that provide innovations in workforce development.
  • Accelerating Pathways to Careers for Adult Learners is a series of case studies highlighting accelerated program models and services designed for adult students at community colleges. The case studies are drawn from programs funded by the TAACCCT program and feature adult-friendly models for evidence-based strategies that help adult learners reenter school and find jobs.
  • The Acceleration Strategies Series covers the TAACCCT grantees’ use of Prior Learning Assessment to accelerate credential attainment for adult students with considerable work experience and the models used by TAACCCT grantees to support underprepared adult learners.
  • Powerhouse Partnerships: Community Colleges and Workforce Boards Working Together describes the activities and strategies of a wide variety of partnerships between community colleges and workforce boards, with key takeaways that can help other colleges and workforce organizations solidify their collaborations and further their mutual goals.
  • The TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit is designed to support the sustainability of the programs and innovations developed by grantees through the TAACCCT Program.
  • Apprenticeship Showcase: Explore a collection of resources supporting work-based learning and apprentices programs.
  • Effective Employer Engagement Strategies Showcase: Explore exemplary strategies by TAACCCT-funded projects to deepen employer engagement at all levels of program design and implementation.
  • The Innovations Leading to Career Success Webinar Series showcases strategies and resources of broad interest to community colleges and others engaged in career-focused education and training. Register now for upcoming webinars on career pathways, developmental education using competency-based education, affordable learning solutions, sustaining innovation, and apprenticeship.
  • Voices of TAACCCT College Presidents is a podcast series in which community college presidents discuss the impact that TAACCCT has had on their colleges. The series explores the leadership mindset and strategic approach that the presidents have taken to scale and sustain the impact of TAACCCT at their institutions.

Fact Sheets

The fact sheets found here illustrate some of the significant impacts that TAACCCT is having on community college and workforce systems across the country.

Open Educational Resources

College Connections

The College Connections Community is an online learning destination that aims to provide community colleges, employers, public workforce system partners, and others across the nation with the resources and tools needed to increase the ability of community colleges to address the challenges of today's workforce. 

Online Resource Collections