The Longshore Industry Notice is a document that is issued typically to Longshore's business partners and/or clients and provides guidance, instruction, and/or information relevant to the application of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA). See below for the most recent industry notice and a short history of industry notices. We will add more notices in the history portion as they become available. The notices are also provided in PDF format (simply click on the PDF version link to the right of the notice title to access the PDF version):

Industry Notice 204: 2025 Increase of Civil Monetary Penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015

NAWW Industry Notice 203 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2024: Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases 

Industry Notice 202: 2024 Final Assessment for the Special Fund

Industry Notice 201: 2024 Increase of Civil Monetary Penalties in Accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015

Industry Notice 200: 2024 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS)

NAWW Industry Notice No. 199 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2023; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases (PDF)

Industry No. 198: 2023 Final Assessment for the Special Fund

Industry No. 197: Updated Longshore Forms Effective March 8, 2023 (PDF)

Industry Notice No. 196: 2023 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS).

Industry Notice No. 195: 2023 increase of civil monetary penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015

NAWW Industry Notice No. 194 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2022; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases (PDF)

Industry Notice No. 193: Reopening District Offices and Restating Administrative Case Assignment Procedures (PDF).

Industry Notice No.192: 2022 Final Assessment for the Special Fund (PDF)

Industry Notice No-191: Claimant and Entity Imaging through the Employees’ Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP)(PDF)

Industry Notice No-190: Notice of Authorization for Representation through the Employees’ Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-189 (2022 Penalty Inflation Notice)(PDF)

Industry Notice No-188 (2022 Advance Assessments for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS)

Industry Notice No-187 (Defense Base Act (DBA) Waivers)(PDF)

Industry Notice No-186 (Employees’ Compensation and Management Portal (ECOMP))(PDF)

Industry Notice No-185 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2021; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases)(PDF)

Industry Notice No-184 (2021 Final Assessment for the Special Fund) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-183 2021 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS)

NAWW Industry Notice No-182 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2020; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-181 (2020 Final Assessment for the Special Fund) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-180 (Procedures for Requesting DLHWC Intervention in Claims using New DLHWC Forms effective May 4, 2020) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-179 (Electronic Signatures) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-177 (2020 increase of civil monetary penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-176 (2020 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS)) (PDF)

Industry Notice No-175 (Consolidating District Offices and Revising Administrative Case Assignment Procedures in the Longshore Program of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)) PDF

Industry Notice No-174 (Honolulu Office Closing) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-173 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2019; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases) PDF

Industry Notice No-172 (2019 Final Assessment for the Special Fund) PDF

Industry Notice No-171 (2019 increase of civil monetary penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-170 (2019 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS) PDF

Industry Notice No-169 (Defense Base Act Coverage for U.S. Government Contractors Working in Puerto Rico) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-168 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates Under the Longshore Act, Effective October 1, 2018; Adjustments of Permanent Total Disability and Death Cases) PDF

Industry Notice No-167 (2018 Final Assessment for the Special Fund - July 26, 2018) PDF

Industry Notice No-166 (Fax Submissions of Case Create Forms and Change of Mailing Address for Central Case Create Site) PDF

Industry Notice No-165 (Newly revised Form LS-208 (Notice of Payments) and the termination of Form LS-206 (Payment of Compensation Without Award)) PDF

Industry Notice No-164 (2018 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS) PDF

Industry Notice No-163 (2018 increase of civil monetary penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-162 (September 12th, 2017) PDF

Industry Notice No-161 (CY 2016 ASSESSMENT FOR THE SPECIAL FUND - July 24, 2017) PDF

Industry Notice No-160 (2017 increase of civil monetary penalties in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-159 (2017 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS)) PDF

Industry Notice No-158 (Penalty Inflation) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-157 (September 7th, 2016) PDF

Industry Notice No-156 (CY 2016 ASSESSMENT FOR THE SPECIAL FUND - July 15, 2016) PDF

Industry Notice No-155 (2016 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-154 (September 8th, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-153 (CY 2015 ASSESSMENT FOR THE SPECIAL FUND - July 6, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-152 (Waiver of Service - June 12, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-151 (Revisions to Forms LS-207 and LS-208 - May 26, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-150 (2015 Advance Assessment Notice and Instructions - January 16th, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-149 (Electronic Reporting of DBA Insurance Policies January 13th, 2015) PDF

Industry Notice No-148 (SEAPortal October 31st, 2014) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-147 (September 8th, 2014) PDF

Industry Notice No-146 (Baltimore Consolidation) PDF

Industry Notice No-145 (July 21th, 2014 - CY 2014 Assessment for the Special Fund) PDF



Longshore Industry Notice History (ordered by date issued)


NAWW Industry Notice No-143 (September 6th, 2013) PDF

Industry Notice No-142 (July 18th, 2013 - CY 2013 Assessment for the Special Fund) PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-141 (September 11th, 2012) PDF

Industry Notice No-140 (July 10th, 2012 - CY 2012 Assessment for the Special Fund) PDF

Industry Notice No-139 (June 25th, 2012 - Transfer of cases from Baltimore to Norfolk Longshore District Office) PDF

Industry Notice No-138 (January 3rd, 2012 - Electronic Issuance of Policies) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-137 (December 30, 2011 - Recreational Vessel Regulation) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-136 (October 11, 2011 - Revised LS-206 form)

NAWW Industry Notice No-135 (September 7, 2011) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-134 (2011 Assessment for the Special Fund)

NAWW Industry Notice No-133 (September 7, 2010) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-132 ( July 29, 2010 - CY 2010 ASSESSMENT FOR THE SPECIAL FUND) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-130 ( November 09, 2009 - Initiative to Improve Timeliness in Employer's First Report of Injury and Initial Payment of Compensation) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-129 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-128 (Communication and Points of Contact)

Industry Notice No-127 (2009 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-126 (May 11, 2009- Newly Revised Forms LS-206, LS-207 and LS-208) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-125 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-124 (2008 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-123 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-122 (September 20, 2007 - Transfer of Defense Base Act Cases from the New York Longshore District Office to Other Longshore District Offices ) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-121 (2007 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-120 (2006 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-119 (Announcing new regulations security deposits and reporting requirements for insurance carriers) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-118 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-117 (Appeal Procedures for Vocational Rehabilitation)

Industry Notice No-116 (2004 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-115 (Chicago Office Consolidation January 23, 2004) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-114 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-113 (Changes to Vocational Rehabilitation Services) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-112 (2003 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-111 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-110 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-109 (Excess Insurance Coverage under LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-108 (Self-Insurance Privilege)

Industry Notice No-107 (Audits verifying Form LS-513, Report of Payments) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-106 (Chicago Office Consolidation January 3, 2003) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-105 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-104 (2002 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-102 (Philadelphia Office Consolidation June 18, 2002) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-101 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-100 (Insurer Security Deposits; Request for Information February 15, 2002) PDF Version

Industry Notice No-99 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-98 (2001 Assessment for the Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-97 (2002 Advance Assessment for Special Fund)

Industry Notice No-96 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-95 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-94 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-93 (District of Columbia Special Fund Assessment)

Industry Notice No-92 (San Francisco Region Restructuring)

Industry Notice No-91 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-90 (Y2K Contingency Plan)

Industry Notice No-89 (Revision of Forms)

Industry Notice No-88 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-87 (Insurance Requirements under the Act)

Industry Notice No-86 (The Year 2000 Problem)

Industry Notice No-85 (Revision of Forms)

Industry Notice No-84 (Increase in the Maximum Civil Penalties that may be accessed under the LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-83 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-82 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-81 (San Francisco Region Restructuring)

Industry Notice No-80 (Realignment of District Office Boundaries)

Industry Notice No-79 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-78 (Revision of Forms LS-201, LS-202, LS-203 & LS-262)

Industry Notice No-77 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-76 (Customer Satisfaction Survey Results)

Industry Notice No-75 (Mandatory Use of SSN - 3-94)

Industry Notice No-74 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-73 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-72 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-71 (Application of LHWCA to to the Virgin Islands)

Industry Notice No-70 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-69 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-68 (Interpretation of "Drydocking" as Used In Section 3(d) of the Act)

Industry Notice No-67 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-66 (Transfer of DCCA to District of Columbia)

Industry Notice No-65 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-64 (Procedures for Relief Under Section 8(f), USC 908(f))

Industry Notice No-63 (LS202 in NLT Cases - 5-87)

Industry Notice No-62 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-61 (Report of Injury in No Lost Time Cases)

Industry Notice No-60 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-59 (Form LS-200, Report of Earnings)

Industry Notice No-58 (Procedures for Relief Under Section 8(f), USC 908(f))

Industry Notice No-57 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-56 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-55 (Reimbursement for Section 10(h)Payments)

Industry Notice No-54 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-53 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-52 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-51 (Realignment of District 10, 11, 12 & 14 Boundaries)

Industry Notice No-50 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-49 (Conversion to Direct payment for Section 10(h) Adjustment)

Industry Notice No-48 (Conversion to Direct payment for Section 10(h) Adjustment)

Industry Notice No-47 (Conversion to Direct payment for Section 10(h) Cases)

Industry Notice No-46 (Annual Report of Outstanding Liabilities)

Industry Notice No-45 (Revised Form LS-221, Application for Sum Award)

Industry Notice No-44 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-43 (Limitation of Liability Under Section 8(f))

Industry Notice No-42 (Penalty Provisions of sec 14(f) of the LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-41 (Revised Form LS-207, Controversion)

Industry Notice No-40 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-39 (10F increase not limited - 10-79)

Industry Notice No-38 (Date of Children's Benefits following Remarriage)

Industry Notice No-37 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-36 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-35 (Revised Definition of "Physician" under LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-34 (Revision of Form LS-202)

Industry Notice No-33 (Revised Regulations for LHWCA Administration)

Industry Notice No-32 (Final Rules Governing Hearing of Disputed Claims)

Industry Notice No-31 (Revision of Form LS-210)

Industry Notice No-30 (Revision of Form LS-201)

Industry Notice No-29 (Revision of Form LS-203)

Industry Notice No-28 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-27 (Proposed Procedural Rules Amending LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-26 (Guidlines for Loss of Hearing Determinations)

Industry Notice No-25 (New Reporting Procedure for Rehabilitation)

Industry Notice No-24 (Opening of Southern California Sub-Office)

Industry Notice No-23 (Privacy Act Notice Instructions under LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-22 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-21 (Recreational Boat Builders and Marinas Application)

Industry Notice No-20 (Penalties under LHWCA Sections 14(g) and 30(e))

Industry Notice No-19 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-18 (Medical Care and Supervision Procedures)

Industry Notice No-17 (Decisions of ALJ and Benefits Review Board)

Industry Notice No-16 (Utilization of Impartial Medical Examinations)

Industry Notice No-15 (1974 Assessment for the Special Fund Section 44)

Industry Notice No-14 (Address Labels for Insurance Companies, etc.)

Industry Notice No-13 (Meeting to discuss Special Fund Assessments)

Industry Notice No-12 (Maximum and Minimum Compensation Rates)

Industry Notice No-11 (Revised Regulations for Administering LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-10 (Regulations Governing Benefits Review Board)

Industry Notice No-9 (Adjustment of Compensation under Section 10(h)(1))

Industry Notice No-8 (Realignment of Territorial Boundaries)

Industry Notice No-7 (Regulations for Administrating LHWCA)

Industry Notice No-6 (Form LS-1)

Industry Notice No-5 (Selected Provisions of P. L. 92-576)

Industry Notice No-4 (National Average Weekly Wage General Information)

Industry Notice No-3 (Assessments for the Special Fund Under Amended Section 44)

Industry Notice No-2 (Medical Care Under the Provisions of Section 7)

Industry Notice No-1 (P. L. 92-576 (1972 LHWCA Amendments))