On June 23, 2011, the Secretary of Labor announced $39.7 million in grants to help individuals with significant barriers to employment – specifically, low-income non-custodial parents and ex-offenders – obtain the skills they need in the workplace through the Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration (ETJD). The programs will offer more than 3,500 people temporary, paid work experiences to improve their employability, earnings and opportunities for advancement, as well as promote their self-sufficiency and long-term success in the workforce.

See the complete ETJD news release.

The Labor Department's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Grant Funding Opportunities Announcement for the ETJD (see SGA-DFA-PY-10-11) is available here. The ETJD grants ended on June 30, 2015, after operating for four years. More information on each of the ETJD grantees is available below:

ETA Grant Funding Opportunities Announcement for the ETJD
Organization Name City State Total Funding Amount
Center for Community Alternatives Syracuse NY $5,720,222
Goodwill of North Georgia Inc. Atlanta GA $5,724,222
City and County of San Francisco San Francisco CA $5,724,203
Tarrant County Workforce Development Board Fort Worth TX $5,610,490
The Doe Fund Inc. New York NY $5,631,033
Workforce Inc. Indianapolis IN $5,565,608
Young Women's Christian Association
of Greater Milwaukee
Milwaukee WI $5,724,222

Total $39,700,000


Grantees Fact Sheets

Click on the links below to visit each organization's website.


Syracuse - Center for Community Alternatives New York - The Doe Fund, Inc. Atlanta - Goodwill of North Georgia, Inc. San Francisco - City and County of San Francisco Fort Worth - Tarrant County Workforce Development Board Indianapolis - Workforce Inc. YWCA of Greater Milwaukee (WI)

Current Status: Random Assignment Evaluation of the ETJD

Through the Random Assignment Evaluation of the ETJD, ETA hopes to determine the impact of comprehensive transitional jobs programs on low-income non-custodial parents and ex-offenders, with respect to their employment and earnings, criminal behavior, and also their family engagement. In addition, the evaluation will inform ETA, policy makers and service providers of ways that agencies and organizations working with the public workforce system can better connect employers with populations facing numerous barriers to long-term employment.

The Random Assignment Evaluation of the ETJD will include two reports:

  • An initial report with chapters devoted to each site, which will include 12-month impact data, will be submitted to ETA in winter 2015-2016.
  • The final report, with 30-month impact data, will be submitted to ETA in spring 2018.

For more information on the evaluation please contact pederson.eileen@dol.gov.

Related Initiatives

  1. The ETJD grants were part of the Obama Administration's Fatherhood Initiative. Also see the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse.
  2. When designing the ETJD grant competition, ETA considered past studies of transitional jobs program models and consulted with the U.S, Departments of Health and Human Services and Justice as well as stakeholders, such as National Transitional Jobs Network/Heartland Alliance, Reentry Resource Center (and other reentry resources by ETA's Division of Youth Services (including REO).