Entrepreneurship: Linking Economic and Workforce Development for Client Success

Want to learn how to marry workforce development and economic development in your state or One-Stop Center? This research showcase session examines current ETA entrepreneurship research focusing on best practices learned from the field and their application to ETA's new WIRED initiative. The questions to be addressed by this session include: (1) What is the current status of ETA's entrepreneurship initiatives? (2) What have we learned from the Project GATE Interim Report and the Lorain County Community College Entrepreneurship project? (3) How can what we have learned from Project GATE help the workforce investment system as it moves forward implementing demand driven systems of workforce development?

Advancing Economic Development Through Entrepreneurship: Implications for the WIRED Initiative

Lorain County Community College Accelerating Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Northeast Ohio

Growing America Through Entrepreneurship: Project GATE

Excellence in One-Stop Service Delivery

Interested in improving your One-Stop Career Center operations? Want to know what's working and what isn't in One-Stop Career Centers? Come to this research showcase session and see the new ETA projects designed to improve service delivery within One-Stop Career Centers. Research questions to be addressed by this session include: (1) What research is ETA conducting that is designed to improve One-Stop Career Center service delivery? (2) What best practices and research evidence can you take home today and implement in your One-Stop Career Center? (3) What innovative practices are being implemented in the field that deserve exploration by ETA?

Anatomy of a One-Stop: A Study of Process and Function in Three One-Stop Career Centers under The Workforce Investment Act

Project MEETS: Towards A Market-responsive Education & Employment Training System: Customized Labor Market Information Products for Local Workforce Development from Project

Workforce Development in Rural Areas: Changes in Access, Service Delivery and Partnerships

Focusing on Customer Choice: Research on Account Mechanisms

Confused by the alphabet soup of reemployment accounts? Come to this research showcase session and get the scoop on the various training account systems (Lifelong Learning Accounts, Individual Training Accounts, Personal Reemployment Accounts) that ETA is currently examining. The research questions to be addressed by this session include: (1) What current training account research is ETA conducting and what has ETA learned from this research? (2) What innovative practices are being executed at the state and local level? (3) How do our experiences with these different training account systems relate to the President's new Career Advancement Account (CAA) proposal?

Managing Customers' Training Choices: Findings from the ITA Experiment

Focusing on Customer Choice: Research on Account Mechanisms

Getting the Edge: New Intelligence on Worker Training

Worker training a mystery? Come to this research showcase session and get the intelligence you need to more effectively operate your training programs. Two recent ETA research papers will be discussed. The first is "The Employer as the Client: State Financed Customized Training" by Steve Duscha. The second is "Estimating Public and Private Expenditures of Occupational Training in the U.S." by Kelly Mikelson and Demetra Nightingale.

The Employer as the Client: State Financed Customized Training 2006

Estimating Public and Private Expenditures On Job Training in the U.S.

Innovative Methods to Improve Reemployment Performance

Are you facing challenges in rapidly reemploying Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants in your state? Come to this research showcase session and see what some innovative states are doing to more rapidly reemploy their UI claimants. This session examines current ETA research and best practices surrounding state efforts to more rapidly reemploy dislocated and displaced workers. Three important questions will be addressed by this session. They include: (1) What do we know about the current state of reemployment of UI claimants in the United States? (2) What research is being conducted by ETA to address the rapid reemployment of UI claimants? (3) What innovative practices are happening at the state and local level with respect to reemployment of UI claimants?

The Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Initiative

Systemic Disincentive Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Program: Effects on Workers and Firms

Evaluation of the Wisconsin Reemployment Connections Project: Strengthening Connections Between UI and One-Stop Delivery Systems

Reintegration of Ex-Offenders: New Paths to Achievement

Interested in strategies to responsibly integrate ex-offenders into your local labor force? This research showcase session explores the recent ETA research surrounding prisoner reentry paying particular attention to collaborative efforts to provide employment-centered programs to ex-offenders and also the responsible reintegration of at-risk youth in danger of gang and court involvement. The President's Prisoner Reentry Initiative builds on these efforts and also will be explored.

Reintegration of Ex-Offenders: New Paths to Achievement

Why Working Works: The CEO Model for Employing People with Criminal Records

Tapping the Reservoir: Integrating Recent Immigrants into the U.S. Economy

Is your local community or state looking to tap the new immigrant labor pool? Come to this research showcase session and see innovative One-Stop Career Center service delivery strategies for recent immigrants. Bring this important untapped labor pool to bear for the benefit of your community. This session addresses the following questions: (1) Which of ETA's innovative initiatives are ETA conducting that shed light on successful service delivery strategies for recent immigrants to the U.S.? (2) What should the appropriate role be of the One-Stop Career Center in serving immigrants and migrant and seasonal farm workers? (3) What state and local practices have been successful in serving these populations?

Agricultural Business and Workforce System Integration Forums

Evaluation of the Tulare Agribusiness Collaborative Demonstration Project

National Agricultural Workers Survey FINDINGS: 1989-2004