Join the LINCS Community Career Pathways Moderator Mike Cruse on January 29 - 30 for an interview with the executive director of the Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition and two co-investigators for a major longitudinal Career Pathways study, Career Pathways Programming for Lower-Skilled Adults and Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis of Adult Education Providers in High-Need Cities . The two co-investigators, Dr. Esther Prins and Dr. Carol Clymer, and one adult education local program director, Dr. Becky Raymond, from Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition, will discuss meeting the needs of career pathways learners, as well as delve into the related research and practices around career pathways identified in the study, in three major U.S. cities - Houston, Miami, and Chicago.
Many adult education providers seek to develop career pathway programs that build low-skilled adult learners' core skills (e.g., math, reading) in preparation for specific careers or fields (e.g., health care). This research shares findings from adult education programs in Chicago, Miami, and Houston that describe how providers in each city integrate career pathway components into their services. This information will help programs understand and improve practices, as well as create the foundation for subsequent collaboration and research. Together, participants will unpack the results of this longitudinal study and explore how the study was conceived and executed. By understanding this research, career pathways program managers and instructors will be able to reflect on their own programs to better serve adult learners in urban environments.
The Career Pathways Toolkit and Career Pathways Checklist from the LINCS Resource collection will be referenced for participants looking for support in implementing or further developing the research into their programs.
After the interview, members of the Career Pathways and Program Management groups can pose questions and take part in a discussion with the investigators.
Follow along with the discussion in the Career Pathways CoP on LINCS on January 29-30. You are encouraged to join the group and ask your own questions!
Participants requiring special accommodations, can call 301-828-1526 or email 10 days in advance and we will do our best to assist you.
Career and Technical Education: ECS Examines Enactment of State Legislation in 2017 and 2018
The Education Commission of the States has recently released a new "policy snapshot" highlighting enacted legislation in 2017 and 2018 pertaining to career and technical education.
Career and Technical Education: OCTAE Announces Opening of Application for Customized Technical Assistance; Submissions Due by January 18
The Division of Academic and Technical Education with the Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education has recently invited States to submit technical assistance requirements under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
Click here for a copy of the letter; State responses are due by January 18.