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  • UIPL No. 16-24 (Issue Date: July 22, 2024)

    Additional Planning Guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Unemployment Insurance (UI) State Quality Service Plan (SQSP)


    To initiate the FY 2025 SQSP process and define additional requirements relevant to the FY.

    Program Year:2024
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 15-24 (Issue Date: July 17, 2024)

    Permanent Transition of Data Validation (DV) and Tax Performance System  (TPS) Applications from the Unemployment Insurance Database Management System (UIDBMS) to the Unemployment Insurance Reporting System (UIRS)


    To provide State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) with advance notice of the upcoming permanent transition of the DV and TPS applications from UIDBMS to UIRS; instructions to submit DV and TPS data to UIRS; and the decommissioning of the DV and TPS applications in UIDBMS effective August 15, 2024.

    Program Year:2024
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 14-24 (Issue Date: July 2, 2024)

    Announcing revisions to the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Forms 214 and 215) and the New Certificate of Uniformed Service, Reserve Component Addendum (DD Form 214-1)


    To inform states of changes made by the Department of Defense (DOD) to the DD Form 214 and 215 (DD-214 and DD-215) series and to provide guidance necessary to properly administer the Unemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemembers (UCX) program.

    Program Year:2024
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 13-24 (Issue Date: June 24, 2024)

    Guidelines for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 State Agency Unemployment Insurance (UI) Resource Allocations, Supplemental Budget Requests (SBRs), and Above-Base Funding


    To provide information to states about FY 2024 UI State Administration base resource allocations, general guidelines for resource planning, above-base funding, and SBRs.

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 12-24 (Issue Date: June 21, 2024)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: July 1 – September 30, 2024


    To transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared from July 1 – September 30, 2024 (fourth quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024).

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL 34-09, Change 1 (Issue Date: May 31, 2024)

    Regulatory Obligations and Associated Promising Practices for Payment of Unemployment Compensation (UC) by State-administered Debit Cards (including the Department of Labor’s Interpretation when Money Leaves a State’s Unemployment Fund when Paying UC through these Cards)


    To remind states of regulatory obligations and associated promising practices for payment of unemployment compensation and to provide questions and answers on state-administered debit cards.

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 11-24 (Issue Date: May 3, 2024)

    Procedures for the Completion and Publication of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) Data for Payment Integrity Information Act (PIIA) Reporting Year 2024


    To provide State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) guidelines and key dates for the completion of the 2024 UI BAM paid and denied claims sample cases and the publication of 2024 BAM data.

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 11-23, Change 1 (Issue Date: April 29, 2024)

    Announcing an Extension of Period of Time that Funding will be Available to Cover Transaction Costs and Announcing the Establishment of a Deadline for States to Enter into Data Sharing Agreements (DSAs) for the National Identity Verification Offering (NIDVO) Established in Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 11-23


    To advise states that funding is expected to be available to cover transaction costs for a period of at least the two years after the date the state deploys NIDVO or two years after the date this UIPL is issued, whichever is later. In addition, this UIPL advises states that they must enter into a DSA with the U.S. Department of Labor (Department) by June 28, 2024 to participate in NIDVO with transaction costs covered by the Department.

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 08-24, Change 1 (Issue Date: March 22, 2024)

    Corrected Attachment I to Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 08-24


    This Change 1 corrects the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 state formula allocations in Attachment I for the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) program.

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024
  • UIPL No. 10-24 (Issue Date: March 15, 2024)

    Minimum Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Weekly Benefit Amount: 
    April 1 – June 30, 2024 


    To transmit the subject computation for State Workforce Agency usage in computing minimum weekly DUA amounts for all major disasters declared from April 1 – June 30, 2024 (third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024).

    Program Year:2023
    Fiscal Year:2024