ILAB in Honduras


Honduras Submission under CAFTA-DR

In 2015, the U.S. and Honduras signed an historic agreement on labor rights that underscores a commitment to a fair playing field for workers in the global economy. 

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Title Release Year

2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor


Comparative Case Analysis of the Impacts of Trade-Related Labor Provisions on Select U.S. Trade Preference Recipient Countries


Labor Rights Report - Central America and the Dominican Republic


Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Central America and the Dominican Republic


Progress in Implementing Capacity-Building Provisions under the Labor Chapter of the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (First Biennial)


Progress in Implementing Capacity-Building Provisions under the Labor Chapter of the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (Third Biennial)


Progress in Implementing Chapter 16 (Labor) and Capacity-Building under the Dominican Republic – Central America – United States Free Trade Agreement – Fourth Report


Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2012-01 (Honduras)


U.S. Employment Impact Review - CAFTA-DR Free Trade Agreement


Work-Related Violence Research Project: Overview and Survey Module and Focus Group Findings (Central America)

The objective of this Final End of Project Report is to summarize the development and field testing of a new module on survey questions and focus group protocols on the topic of workrelated violence (WRV), for use in Central America. This document is submitted in fulfillment of the final requirement ("Submittal 3") of the Purchase Order DOL-OPS-15-P-00239, which is cofunded by USDOL ILAB and CEO.