Country Level Engagement and Assistance to Reduce Child Labor II (CLEAR II)

Project Duration
September 2014
July 2019
Funding and Year

The Problem

Myriad factors contribute to children’s involvement in exploitative child labor, which includes the worst forms of child labor as well as underage work. Such factors include poverty; barriers to education; limited access to social supports and infrastructure (e.g., healthcare, roads, water, sanitation); insufficient legal and policy frameworks; cultural and traditional practices; tenuous labor markets; weak law enforcement; and imperfect information about the importance of education and dangers associated with child labor. This project aims to provide targeted assistance to countries that have expressed an interest in receiving support to reduce child labor, including its worst forms as defined by ILO Convention No. 182, and to act upon information and specific suggested actions contained in USDOL’s most recent Worst Forms of Child Labor (TDA) report. 

Our Strategy

DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Increase capacity of host governments in target countries to reduce child labor, including its worst forms. This will be done through the following intermediate objectives:

  1. Improvements in legislation addressing child labor issues, including by bringing local and national laws into compliance with international standards;
  2. Improvements in monitoring and enforcement of laws and policies related to the worst forms of child labor;
  3. Effective implementation of national plans of action on child labor, including its worst forms; and
  4. Enhanced implementation of national and local policies and programs aimed at a reduction and prevention of the worst forms of child labor and improvements in polices and social programs to increase access to basic education, vocational training, social protection services, employment creation and poverty reduction initiatives for populations particularly vulnerable to the worst forms of child labor

Summary of Activities:

Laws and Regulations

  • Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments to improve legislation addressing child labor issues, including by bringing local or national laws into compliance with international standards.

Coordination and Enforcement

  • Support, enhance and/or expedite actions by host governments to improve monitoring and enforcement of laws and polices related to the worst forms of child labor, including through increased knowledge of existing gaps in the labor inspectorate, training of labor inspectors, and support for community-based child labor monitoring systems. 

National Action Plans on Child Labor

  • Support, enhance, and/or expedite actions by host governments to adopt and implement national plans of action on child labor, including its worst forms. Support to build the capacity of key stakeholders to implement, monitor, and evaluate the national action plan.  

Policies and Social Programs 

  • Support, enhance, and/or expedite actions by host governments in the implementation of national and local policies and programs aimed at the reduction and prevention of the worst forms of child labor, and improvements in polices and social programs to increase access to basic education, vocational training, social protection services, employment creation and/or poverty reduction initiatives for populations particularly vulnerable to the worst forms of child labor.
Winrock International
Implementing Partners:
Verité and Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB)
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor