The Better Trade Tool integrates existing reporting developed by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) with U.S. import trade data, including Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes. Users can search trade data by specific countries, goods, types of labor exploitation, and years.
The ILAB Knowledge Portal is a searchable online library of resources promotes knowledge sharing, data use, and learning related to ILAB’s technical assistance programming. The portal includes project profiles, evaluation reports, evaluation report learnings, and technical assistance resources.
ILAB funded eighteen randomized controlled trials to study the effectiveness of various government and non-government programs and interventions in reducing child labor, forced labor or human trafficking. The evaluations studied a variety of interventions in countries including Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia.
The Better Trade Tool integrates existing reporting developed by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) with U.S. import trade data, including Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes. This visualization tool allows users to explore an interactive map of the top 10 countries based on 2020 US imports of goods included in ILAB lists.