Upcoming Events
Start Date | Events/Locations | Keywords |
September 26, 2024 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM CT | Connecting in the Crescent City on Community Outreach Moderator: Liz Gagen, Director, Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Join NAWSA as the speakers share recent community outreach activity including mobile units and leveraging partners in the community to strengthen access and outreach for activities such as employment and training opportunities and unemployment insurance. | Employment and Training, Unemployment Insurance |
November 21, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET | Advancing Innovation, Evidence, and Equity in Job Training Programs Moderator: Erika Liliedahl, OMB Historic U.S. investments through the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act have made unprecedented funding available across government agencies to support employment and training programs. In fact, many federal agencies that typically do not fund workforce development were able to launch these kinds of programs. This expands the number of sectors, communities, and training providers across the nation that secured federal support. These investments also provide new opportunities to learn about strategies that lead to positive impacts in preparing students and workers for new jobs or advancing their skills. Standing up new programs in local communities, even when leveraging evidence-based strategies, still requires ingenuity and innovation to train workers for the jobs of today and jobs of the future. This is of particular importance when serving learners and workers coming from minoritized and historically under-resourced communities. As these new federal investments broaden pathways of opportunity and access to job training, researchers and practitioners must make sure that how they are measuring outcomes and evaluating the results of these programs takes into account the needs of all job seekers and the needs of employers. Join us for a robust discussion on recent lessons from varied perspectives, including funders, technical assistance providers, researchers, and government. | APPAM, Employment and Training |
November 21, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET | Context Matters: Exploring Impact Heterogeneity in Employment and Training Programs - Impacts of Sector-Focused Training Programs in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons from Workadvance and Techhire Presenting Author: Kelsey Schaberg, MDRC This paper summarizes how the employment and earnings outcomes and effects of the sector-focused training programs in two studies – the WorkAdvance demonstration and the Evaluation of the TechHire and Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) Grant Programs – were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers with lower wages were hit especially hard during the pandemic, making it critical to understand how these types of programs may have helped them. It is possible that the training and job preparation provided by the programs buffered individuals against the worst economic effects of the pandemic. On the other hand, the instability of the economic environment may have made it more difficult to translate skills obtained into employment. | APPAM, Employment and Training |
November 22, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET | Strengthening Reemployment Services through Evidence – Impact Findings from the REA Impact Evaluation and State RESEA Impact Evaluations Panel Chair: Christina Yancey, American Institutes for Research This panel will discuss findings from the first wave of states’ impact evaluations as well as long-term findings from a study of RESEA’s predecesor program, the Remployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) program. Speakers will discuss important considerations in designing their evaluations, including how to tailor evaluations for specific states. Speakers will discuss interim findings from several RESEA impact evaluations, including new evidence on long-term impacts on employment, earnings and UI benefit receipt from states evaluations as well as the related long-term evaluation of the REA program. Finally, the panel will discuss how findings can be used to inform future program development, build states’ cultures of evidence, and help the federal government build evidence on what works for unemployment insurance claimants. | APPAM, Employment and Training, Reemployment |
November 22, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET | REA Impact Study Briefs: Six-Year Findings Update Presenting Author: Correne Saunders, Abt Global Reemployment programs for UI claimants aim to lower Unemployment Insurance (UI) payments over time through a faster and more lasting return to work. Empirical evidence to date on employment and earnings effects of reemployment programs is limited and mixed. Abt Associates, under contract to USDOL/Chief Evaluation Office, conducted an evaluation of a reemployment and support program—the temporary REA/Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment Program, which has been succeeded by a permanent and more highly funded version)—in four states in 2015 and 2016. That evaluation showed favorable impacts on employment drawing on the experience of more than a quarter of a million randomly assigned UI claimants in the short-term. But what to expect from long-term impacts is ambiguous. The program’s mix of assistance and enforcement could get people into better jobs sooner, which may lead to better long-run outcomes. Alternatively, concern has been raised about whether enforcement aspects could push people into jobs more quickly in a way that leads to worse job matches and poorer long-run career outcomes. Given that the program is light touch, it may also be that short-run impacts simply fade out over time. This presentation follows up on those claimants, confirming what the program’s impacts have been on employment and earnings up to six years later. | APPAM, Reemployment, Unemployment Insurance |
November 23, 2024 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM ET | Taking Stock of HUD Self-Sufficiency Research: What Have We Learned over the Past 30 Years and Where Do We Go Next? Moderator: James A Riccio, MDRC HUD has invested in various "self-sufficiency" programs over the past 30 years. When these initiatives were launched, little causal evidence existed to guide their design, predict their effectiveness, or inform how they should be implemented. That is no longer the case, thanks to substantial investments by HUD and others to apply rigorous research methods to evaluate them carefully. With several long-term, large-scale studies completed, now is a good time to take stock. Overall, the findings are mixed: Some are positive and encouraging, but much evidence is disappointing. What are the lessons and implications? Should HUD stop investing in some programs? Should it keep them going, but revise them in ways that might improve their effectiveness, and test them again? Should it try bolder approaches, even if they cost more? Should other government agencies play a bigger role? What are the implications for HUD's and other agencies' research agendas? Recognizing that the findings have broad relevance, this discussion may inform the shared goal of HUD, DOL, PHAs, and other agencies of improving self-sufficiency outcomes for people with low incomes. This roundtable will explore these and other questions with distinguished experts. | APPAM, Housing, Community Development, Urban Policy |
November 23, 2024 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET | Equity in Grantmaking: A Review of Barriers and Strategies for Funders Considering Improvement Opportunities Moderator: Sonya Streeter, Westat The roundtable discussion will highlight strategies used by federal agencies and philanthropies to enhance equity in the grantmaking process. Increasing equity in grantmaking can help diversify the organizations and communities that receive billions of dollars of grant funding each year. By adding these new perspectives and voices, funders may further strengthen the equity of the grant-funded programs themselves. The discussion will address common barriers to grantmaking, promising action steps to increase equity, and measurement strategies to help funders track their progress. The selected panelists reflect the contextual factors of multiple policy sectors—including labor, health, and the environment—when describing their initiatives and experiences. | APPAM, Equity |
November 23, 2024 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM ET | Using Navigators to Increase Access and Decrease Administrative Burden: A Cross-System and Government Perspective Moderator: Alix M Gould-Werth, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor Recently, and in part spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers have shown a growing interest in decreasing administrative burden and increasing equity in and access to critical government programs and services, especially among underserved communities (see OIRA’s Tackling the Time Tax report; Executive Order 13985). Navigation has emerged as one approach that holds promise to help reduce burden and reach equity and access goals. Federal, state, and local agencies have invested in navigator pilot programs across sectors to test this approach and program evaluations are ongoing. This roundtable will discuss the emergence of navigation programs across three sectors (workforce, housing, and child support) and levels of government. It will engage the audience in a discussion of how policymakers and practitioners are defining navigation and how they may consider deploying navigators across systems to decrease burden and increase access and equity. | APPAM, Equity, Public Policy |
November 23, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ET | Employment Barriers and Training Opportunities for Foreign-Born Workers in the United States Panel Chair: Tara E. Martin, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office This panel discusses employment barriers and training opportunities for foreign-born workers in the United States. Key topics include overall prevalence of foreign-born workers, their credentials, employment patterns, barriers to obtaining skill-appropriate employment, and the factors and strategies that might help ease their transition into employment that uses their existing skills and knowledge. APPAM, Employment and Training | APPAM, Employment and Training |
Past Events
Check out all past events hosted by the Chief Evaluation Office in the expandable table below. Please note recordings are available for select events.
Start Date | Events/Locations | Keywords |
August 13, 2024 1:15 - 2:30 PM ET | Evidence-Informed Business Engagement 2024 Employer Services Summit Employment and Training Administration, Region 3 Presenter: Megan Lizik, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor Ms. Lizik will offer an overview of recent evidence and data to support more evidence-driven business engagement for Business Services Representatives. CEO studies that will be highlighted include the America’s Promise Job Driven Training Grant Program Evaluation, the Career Trajectories and Occupational Transitions (CTOT) Study, and the CTOT Dashboard, a new source of labor market information that can be used, together with other data sources, to inform programs and business services in ways that are responsive to the real-world experience of workers. | CTOT, Data, Methods, Tools, Evidence to Action |
August 12, 2024 4:30 - 5:00 PM ET | Empowering Workforce Development with Evidence-Based Tools: Leveraging CLEAR's Resources for Success Speaker: Evan Murphy, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor The National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) Business Services Academy is hosting a session by the U.S. Department of Labor's Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR). This event will showcase CLEAR's extensive research database and the new Evidence-to-Action (E2A) Tool Kit. Discover how these resources can help you easily find and use research evidence in your work as well as support strategic decision-making. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your workforce initiatives and deliver impactful business services. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, Tools, Evidence to Action |
June 29, 2024 8:30 - 9:45 AM ET | CLEAR and E2A: Resources for Labor Research that Informs Public Policy (Skill-Building) Moderator: Suchitra Akmanchi, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor Panelists: Megan E. Lizik, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor; Carolyn Corea, American Institutes for Research; and Andrew Clarkwest, Abt Global This session will educate attendees about two of the Department of Labor's key initiatives to disseminate high-impact research and help researchers to more effectively disseminate their own findings, the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) and Evidence to Action (E2A). CLEAR and E2A both help researchers to expand the dissemination of their research findings and enable policymakers to identify evidence-based solutions to policy problems. Register for the conference in New York, NY: https://www.leraweb.org/triad-2024-nyc | CLEAR, Data, Methods, Tools, Evidence to Action |
May 31, 2024 11:45 – 1:00 PM ET | Next Steps for Applying Behavioral Insights and Reducing Administrative Burden in Work Support Programs Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 registration required. There is no cost to register. The plenary session explored how behavioral insights can support program improvement, lessons learned across nearly 15 years of behavioral science research with work support programs, and promising areas for further research. In this moderated discussion, researchers, government officials, and front-line practitioners discussed the past, present, and possible futures for this work, drawing on tests of behaviorally informed changes in TANF, SNAP Employment and Training, and workforce development programs. This session is useful to practitioners with an interest in potential applications of behavioral science in their organizations, to researchers interested in the next generation of research on this topic, and government officials considering whether and how behavioral insights might apply to their program and policy areas. | Behavioral Interventions, Employment and Training |
May 31, 2024 8:45 – 10:00 AM ET | Labor Market Evidence Syntheses for Populations That Face Barriers to Employment Panelists: Chris McLaren U.S Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP); Christina Kelly, ICF; Shelley Osborn, ICF Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 registration required. There is no cost to register. This session covered topics on understanding and applying evidence in disability employment policy areas and evidence on equitable labor market recovery strategies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. | Employment and Training, Disability and Employment |
May 30, 2024 10:15 – 11:30 AM ET | Improving Youth Access to Economic Opportunity: Leveraging Learning Partnerships for Program Innovation and Scale Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 registration required. There is no cost to register. This session presented information on topics such as increasing youth use of workforce services through behavioral nudges: Lessons from Ohio. | Behavioral Interventions, Employment and Training, Youth Workers |
May 29, 2024 4:15 – 5:30 PM ET | Evaluating Sectoral Training Programs with an Eye Towards Employer Engagement Moderator: Suchi Akmanchi, an Economist at the U.S Department of Labor (DOL) Presenters: Ariella Spitzer, Mathematica; Jane Herr, Abt; Deena Schwartz, Abt Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 registration required. There is no cost to register. The session included findings from the America’s Promise Job-Driven Grant Program Evaluation, the H-1B Ready to Work program evaluation, and the Career Pathways Descriptive & Analytical Study. | Employment and Training |
May 29, 2024 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET | May POWER HOUR with Maria R. Brady The National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) hosted a webinar: Part 2 of the POWER HOUR focused on the E2A or Evidence to Action initiative, which is about translating research evidence into actionable insights and developing E2A products such as evidence “cheat sheets” to help inform program design and delivery. We’ll take the opportunity to highlight the new E2A Toolkit, designed for multiple audiences including workforce development practitioners, who may find the tips on communicating (e.g., “writing for impact”) and presenting information (e.g., infographics) to be useful. Hear Maria R. Brady, Senior Research and Evaluation Analyst (Detail), US Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office as she provides details and answers questions on these two resources available to workforce professionals. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, Tools, Evidence to Action |
May 29, 2024 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM ET | Connecting Individuals with Justice Involvement to the Workforce: Findings from Federal Evaluations Moderator: Evan Murphy, an Evaluation Specialist at the U.S Department of Labor (DOL) which sponsors two of the studies being discussed. Presenters: Hannah Cortina, RTI; Armando Yanez, Mathematica; and Gina Lewis, Mathematica Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024 registration required. There is no cost to register. This conference session shared findings from three federally-funded evaluations of reentry-focused employment programs on lessons learned from program administrators, reentry experts, individuals with lived experience in the justice system, and the field. Topics covered by the speakers include: promising practices for reentry employment programs based on a review of recent literature, discussions with reentry-focused experts, and individuals with lived experience in the justice system; an employment-focused reentry model funded by DOL’s Pathway Home grant program that links corrections-based services delivered pre-release to post-release services; and the implementation of programs providing Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to adults with justice involvement. | Employment and Training, Reentry |
April 4, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET | Workforce Data as an Equity Lever: Current and Emerging Resources Equity is a key priority for workforce agencies everywhere, but where to start? One answer is data. This roundtable conversation heard from state and local workforce practitioners about their experience using data to advance equity in workforce development. Moderator: Megan Lizik, Senior Evaluation Specialist, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office; Kim Vitelli, Administrator, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Workforce Investment | Employment and Training, Equity |
Start Date | Events/Locations | Keywords |
December 14, 2023 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ET | Exploring Evidence and Practice in Providing Equitable Job Training Moderators: Megan Lizik, Evidence to Action Project Officer, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor, Robin Fernkas, Deputy Administrator, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration, Kim Vitelli, Administrator, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor Presenters: Amanda Ahlstrand, Managing Director, Workforce Policy and Programs, American Institutes for Research, Mike Ramsey, Executive Director of Workforce Development, City of San Antonio, Lisa Bly-Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Chicago Jobs Council, Sacha Stadhard, Director of Policy and Program Administration, MassHire Department of Career Services Join for a conversation on strategies for advancing equity in job-training programs. This session will bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss approaches to improving equity in job training for underrepresented and underserved communities. During this event, speakers will discuss the importance of equity in job training and review evidence-based strategies that improve job training programs for underrepresented and underserved groups. Moreover, the speakers will discuss their experience and perspective on moving the needle on equity in job training and share lessons learned. This event builds upon guidance issued by DOL in Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 21-22 on increasing equitable service access and outcomes for job seekers in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. The Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office and the Employment and Training Administration’s Office of Workforce Investment are jointly hosting this session. | Equity, Employment and Training |
November 16, 2023 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM ET | Making apprenticeships sustainable: How to recruit and retain great apprentices Moderators: Megan Lizik, DOL CEO, Megan Baird, ETA Office of Apprenticeship, Samia Amin, American Institutes for Research Presenters: Toni Giddens, State Apprenticeship Director, Nevada Department of Business and Industry, Lark Jackson, Associate Director, National Center for Women's Equity in Apprenticeship and Employment, Chicago Women in Trades, Leah Rambo, Deputy Director of the Women’s Bureau (invited), Siobhan Mills De La Rosa, Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research Evidence shows that apprenticeships yield a good return on investment and have many direct and indirect benefits. However, employers and sponsors may need support recruiting diverse apprentices and retaining them through program completion to get the most out of their investments in apprenticeships. The Department of Labor (DOL), Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with DOL’s Office of Apprenticeship and the American Institutes for Research, is convening this session to explore the evidence around supports and strategies that can help make apprenticeships successful in the long-term. You will hear from a panel of leaders supporting apprenticeship across the U.S. and learn about the (1) long-term benefits of apprenticeships to employers and sponsors; (2) barriers to recruiting and retaining apprentices, and (3) evidence-informed strategies to support apprentice recruitment, retention, and completion. | Apprenticeship, Equity, Employment and Training |
November 15, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET | DOL CEO 2024 Summer Fellowship Information Session The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) hosts a summer fellowship program for current and recent Ph.D. candidates to gain skills evaluating federal labor policies, protections and programs. CEO Summer Fellows will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience, get exposure to the Department of Labor’s agencies, and complete and present a research project on a topic relevant to their dissertation. Fellows work with the Evaluation & Research or Data Analytics teams within the Chief Evaluation Office, learning from evaluation experts and supporting research activities. Interested in learning more? Attend an information session to ask your questions directly to CEO staff and CEO summer fellowship alumni! | Academic Engagement, federal evaluation, data, methods, and tools |
November 11, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ET | Problems and Possibilities for Advancing Workforce Diversity and Inclusion through Apprenticeship Host: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Panel Chair: TBD, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office (DOL/CEO) Discussant: Shayne Spaulding, Urban Institute APPAM Fall Research Conference registration required. This panel will seek to learn about the problems and possibilities for advancing workforce diversity and inclusion through apprenticeship. The panel includes three presentations. The first reports findings from a descriptive study of the DOL’s Women in Apprenticeships and Nontraditional Occupations grants, including challenges and promising practices related to recruiting and retention, the importance of supportive services, and employer engagement. The second reports on Black registered apprentices in the U.S., describes the structural barriers that Black apprentices face, and recommends policy solutions for addressing the issues. The third describes results from a Bayesian meta-analysis of the effectiveness of different work-based learning initiatives, including apprenticeship, for women, racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and people with prior justice system involvement. | Apprenticeship, Equity |
November 11, 2023 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET | Host: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Moderator: Evan Murphy, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office (DOL/CEO) Speakers: Lama Hassoun Ayoub, Mathematica, Cassandra Cean Owens, Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce Development (PROWD) Technical Working Group Expert, Jillian Stein, Mathematica APPAM Fall Research Conference registration required. Panelists in this roundtable discussion will describe their experiences engaging with people with lived experience to inform two DOL reentry grant program evaluations. Strategies discussed will include listening sessions with stakeholders such as reentry practitioners, advocates, and people directly impacted by the criminal legal system, expert panels to advise evaluation design and implementation, and using participatory research methods to advance a more culturally responsive evaluation. Lastly, the discussion will cover best practices and lessons learned when engaging communities in research. | Reentry |
November 11, 2023 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET | Host: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Presenting Author: Samia Amin, American Institutes for Research (AIR) APPAM Fall Research Conference registration required. Join to learn about how AIR supported the U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office (DOL/CEO) to develop an actionable evidence capacity-building tool, compliant with requirements for the Evidence Act. AIR and DOL/CEO developed this strengths-based assessment framework with the intention of creating culture change around evidence use and production with the understanding that this initial iteration of the capacity assessment was a foundational exercise that served as an opportunity to start a forward-looking dialogue around evidence use and production. A major focus of the framework is to surface actionable findings that provide ways to strengthen evidence capacity but also help shift the culture around evidence use. | Data, Methods, and Tools |
November 10, 2023 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM ET | Increasing Opportunities for Youth through Workforce Initiatives Host: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Panel Chair: TBD, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office (DOL/CEO) Discussant: Samina Sattar, Mathematica APPAM Fall Research Conference registration required. This panel will seek to learn about youth workforce initiatives and how they can increase employment opportunities for young people. The panel includes three presentations. The first describes findings from listening sessions about the barriers and facilitators to employment for youth on the autism spectrum. The second describes findings from an implementation evaluation of DOL’s Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grants, documents the models implemented by grantees and the strengths and challenges associated with each model, and describes the partnerships and the roles of different partners in supporting registered youth apprentices. The third documents approaches used by four DOL-funded organizations to expand youth apprenticeships, which strategies were successful and scalable, and the role of employers, intermediary organizations, and apprenticeship mandates in expanding youth apprenticeship. | Employment and Training, Disability and Employment |
November 10, 2023 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET | Sectoral Workforce Programs: Who Do They Serve and Who Do They Work for? Host: Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Panel Chair: TBD, U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office (DOL/CEO) Discussant: Brittany Corde, National Fund for Workforce Solutions APPAM Fall Research Conference registration required. Given the considerable amount of segregation by race, ethnicity and gender in the labor market, it’s critical to understand whether and how preparing workers for in-demand occupations can close existing gaps or reinforce in labor market outcomes. The panel will discuss four papers that provide emerging evidence around sectoral workforce programs, particularly focused on who they serve and how well they work for groups who have historically faced challenges and systemic barriers in the labor market. The first highlights lessons from a meta-analysis of 46 career pathways programs. The second presents findings on who is and who is not being served by 33 sectoral workforce programs and whether program characteristics and offerings differ by who and where the programs are being offered. The third presents findings from the impact evaluation of the 23 America’s Promise sectoral training programs. The fourth discusses how the initiative can address well documented issues of equitable access to training and promote a more inclusive learning environment. | Employment and Training, Equity |
October 23, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET | DOL CEO 2024 Summer Fellowship Information Session The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) hosts a summer fellowship program for current and recent Ph.D. candidates to gain skills evaluating federal labor policies, protections and programs. CEO Summer Fellows will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience, get exposure to the Department of Labor’s agencies, and complete and present a research project on a topic relevant to their dissertation. Fellows work with the Evaluation & Research or Data Analytics teams within the Chief Evaluation Office, learning from evaluation experts and supporting research activities. Interested in learning more? Attend an information session to ask your questions directly to CEO staff and CEO summer fellowship alumni! | Academic Engagement, federal evaluation, data, methods, and tools |
October 13, 2023 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET | Findings from the America's Promise Grant Outcomes and Impact Studies Moderators: Gregory Scheib, Workforce Analyst Program Lead, America's Promise Grant Program Division of Strategic Investments, Megan Lizik, Project Officer, U.S. Department of Labor Chief Evaluation Office Presenters: Ariella Spitzer, Co-Principal Investigator, Mathematica, Jillian Berk, Co-Principal Investigator, Mathematica, Brittany English, Co-Principal Investigator, Mathematica, Julie Parks, Dean and Executive Director, Workforce Training & Tassell M-Tec, Grand Rapids Community College The America’s Promise grants provided funding to develop and expand regional sectoral partnerships among employers, economic development agencies, workforce investment systems, and education and training providers to build a pipeline of skilled American workers in high-demand industries experiencing domestic labor shortages. Grantees, through the support of their established partnerships, offered education and job training to unemployed, underemployed, and incumbent workers that addressed the immediate needs of the regional labor market. This webinar will present findings from the America’s Promise Job-Driven Grant implementation and impact evaluations, highlighting the positive effects of the program on participant employment and earnings. We will also discuss program implementation features and how they likely contributed to the program’s success. | Employment and Training |
August 8 through August 10, 2023 | RESEA Evidence-Building Week Join us for RESEA Evidence-Building Week to highlight and celebrate the efforts and accomplishments of states in evaluating their RESEA Programs! Abt Associates and its partners are co-sponsoring a series of virtual panel sessions with DOL’s ETA and Chief Evaluation Office (CEO). The series features presentations and moderated discussions among states, DOL’s Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI), Office of Policy Development and Research (OPDR), CEO, and DOL’s contractors with the RESEA Evaluation Technical Assistance (EvalTA) Team. Sessions include: Session 1: Look How Far We’ve Come! A Celebration of States’ RESEA Evaluation Efforts Tuesday, August 8, 1:00 PM– 2:00 PM ET This session will celebrate the progress of RESEA evaluation efforts and will describe the status of states’ evaluations nationally. In addition, state panelists will discuss their experiences implementing different evaluation types and lessons learned about planning and conducting RESEA evaluations. Session 2: Always Learning Something New: How Building a Culture of Learning and Evaluation Leads to Program Improvement August 8, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET The session discusses the value of learning about RESEA programs through evaluation and how ongoing evidence-building contributes to continuous program improvement. State panelists will discuss what building a learning culture means to them. Session 3: Emerging Evidence from RESEA Evaluations August 9, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET This session shares the state of the evidence on RESEA and includes a discussion among state panelists on what they are learning from their RESEA evaluations and how they have used or plan to use evaluation findings. Session 4: What’s Next for RESEA and State Evaluations? August 10, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET This session focuses on the future of RESEA evaluation efforts. It includes an overview of the Clearinghouse for Labor Research and Evaluation (CLEAR) and a moderated discussion with DOL and the Evaluation TA team on the evidence base and future DOL-led RESEA evaluation efforts. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools, Employment and Training |
July 25 through July 31, 2023 | The U.S. Department of Labor Veteran’s Employment and Training Service and Chief Evaluation Office jointly hosted Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Desegregation of the Armed Forces, a three-part roundtable series focused on Black veteran employment barriers, services, and outcomes. We heard from individuals with lived experiences and subject matter experts as they discussed the current state of our knowledge of how to best support Black veterans’ employment outcomes and career success. Find more information including the literature review, session slides, programs, and links to the session recordings. | Equity, Employment and Training, Veterans |
May 03, 2023 2:00 PM -3:00 PM ET | Reporting RESEA Evaluation Findings Moderators: Tony Brown, Workforce Development Specialist, Office of Unemployment Insurance, U.S. Department of Labor, Evan Murphy, Evaluation Specialist, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor Presenters: Christopher Weiss, Principal Associate, Abt Associates, Victoria Wheat, Associate, Abt Associates This webinar provides information to help states report Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) evaluation findings so that they can be used effectively by a variety of audiences. This webinar helps states report evaluation findings in ways that make findings more reviewable by the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Clearinghouse for Labor Research and Evaluation (CLEAR), more readily amenable to meta-analysis, and more useful for other states and DOL. Reporting RESEA evaluations findings effectively is important for generating more accurate evidence for continuous program improvement. The RESEA program is a federally-funded, state-managed effort which aims to improve employment outcomes for unemployment insurance recipients, strengthen UI program integrity, reduce improper payments, and promote alignment between UI and the workforce development system. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools, Employment and Training |
April 18, 2023 1:00 PM-3:00 PM ET | CEO Industry Day Are you interested in working with the Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) to conduct important research that informs DOL programs and policies? CEO is preparing to compete a new Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) contract, and is looking for organizations with expertise in social science research methods, labor-related issues and evaluation support services. CEO invites you to participate in an opportunity to learn more about CEO and ask questions of both CEO and the DOL Office of the Senior Procurement Executive (OSPE). This event is free of charge to all participants, but registration is required to attend. Read more about the CEO Industry Day event and find more information about CEO’s research needs for contractors. | Social Science Research Methods, Labor-related Issues, Evaluation Support Services |
April 05, 2023 2:00 PM-3:00 PM ET | Informed Use of Evidence for RESEA Evaluations Presenters: Victoria Wheat, Associate, Abt Associates Adam Travis, Associate, Abt Associates Moderators: Megan Lizik, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Eric Davenport, Workforce Development Specialist (RESEA), U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Unemployment Insurance This webinar provided states with insights to help them be more savvy consumers of RESEA-related evidence for their own use. The webinar included a brief summary of sources of evidence, relevant findings from recent studies, and generalizability considerations. | Unemployment Insurance, Employment and Training |
March 27, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET | Host: National Association of Workforce Board Georgetown West, The Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009 How might we use behavioral nudges and technology to help young adults participate more fully in workforce programs? This session presents lessons learned from a learning partnership between workforce boards in Ohio, the Department of Labor Chief Evaluation Office, and the American Institutes for Research to implement and test a series of new text-messages drawing on behavioral science. Presenters shared workforce board perspectives on goals for the partnership, study team insights on the effectiveness of the nudges, lessons on structuring effective research partnerships, and where we go from here in using nudges to improve program outcomes. Presenters also helped participants brainstorm applications of behavioral nudges to their own work and learn about resources that can help them get started. | Behavioral Insights, Employment and Training |
February 06, 2023 3:30 PM -5:00 PM ET | U.S. Department of Labor Research Roundtable: Opioid Use in the Mining & Excavation Industries DOL CEO hosted a roundtable to discuss opioid use in the mining & excavation industries. The purpose of the roundtable was to advance federal policies and programs to prevent opioid-related harms experienced by mine workers. The roundtable speakers presented the state of the evidence, the experience in the construction sector, and the context for substance use and the workplace risk factors and interventions. The discussion also explored steps employers, employees, industry associations, and other entities can take to prevent and support recovery from Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). The speakers addressed the following in their talks:
| Substance Use Disorder and Work |
January 10, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET | 2023 CEO Summer Fellowship Information Session Are you a current or recent Ph.D. student who is interested in labor-related research? Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office to learn more about the CEO 2023 Summer Fellowship Program. January 10, 2023: The session is open to all, but registration is required; please sign up here. At this event, you can hear directly from CEO staff and ask questions of past fellows. Attend to learn more about the Chief Evaluation Office, the Summer Fellowship Program experience and application process. | Academic Engagement, federal evaluation, data, methods, and tools |
Start Date | Events/Locations | Keywords |
December 15, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET | 2023 CEO Summer Fellowship Information Session Are you a current or recent Ph.D. student who is interested in labor-related research? Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office to learn more about the CEO 2023 Summer Fellowship Program. December 15, 2022: The session is open to all, but registration is required; please sign up here. At this event, you can hear directly from CEO staff and ask questions of past fellows. Attend to learn more about the Chief Evaluation Office, the Summer Fellowship Program experience and application process. | Academic Engagement, federal evaluation, data, methods, and tools |
December 13, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET | Using CLEAR to find strategies that address equity Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office for a session to learn how to navigate across the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) to find evidence to help address equity issues within worker protection, compliance, and workforce programs. CLEAR is the Department of Labor’s central source for labor-related research. CLEAR’s mission is to make labor research more accessible for workforce practitioners, program administrators, policymakers, researchers, and the public, to support decision-making. Learn more about CLEAR, search CLEAR’s database of over 1,200 study summaries of labor-related strategies, or check out any of CLEAR’s topic area evidence reviews. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools, Worker Protection, Labor Standards, and Workplace-Related Benefits |
December 14, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET | OSTP, OMB, and The Policy Lab at Brown University will host: Partnership Models to Strengthen Evidence-Informed Decision Making in the Federal Government This event will highlight three different models of partnership: data sharing agreements, challenge grants, and embedded researchers in Federal agencies, while also sharing new, real-time opportunities for researchers to collaborate with Federal agencies. | Data, Methods, and Tools |
November 19, 2022 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM EST | Presenting Author: Jillian Berk, Mathematica This paper reports on findings from the implementation of demonstration grants to state workforce agencies to test innovative approaches to address the economic and workforce-related impacts of the opioid epidemic. States and local areas pursued two different approaches to delivering employment services to individuals directly impacted by the opioid crisis. The author will review the implications of these different service approaches for the characteristics of participants served, service receipt, the relationship between the workforce system and the behavioral health providers, and the sustainability of services. | Substance Use Disorder and Work |
November 19, 2022 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EST | Presenter: Douglas Walton, Abt Associates, This paper explores the experiences and outcomes of women and underrepresented minorities who participated in registered apprenticeships under AAI. The presenters will explore apprentices’ occupation and motivation for becoming an apprentice; their experiences during the apprenticeship, including skill development, service receipt, and credential attainment; and post-program outcomes, including program completion, retention with the employer that sponsored the apprenticeship, and post-program earnings. Particular focus will be placed on how these experiences and outcomes differ for women and underrepresented minorities compared to white male apprentices. | Apprenticeship |
November 19, 2022 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EST | Presenter: Deena Schwartz, Abt Associates The study compiled data on job histories from two long panel surveys, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth:1997 and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to create a sample of over 30,000 career trajectories tracking wage growth and other outcomes for 10 years after individuals enter a given mid-level occupation (between 1997 and 2018). Occupational fixed effects analyses are used to examine race/ethnic and gender disparities in career advancement among entrants to the same occupation. To further understand disparities in career advancement pathways, the study examined differences in the occupational transitions that individuals make, using data from the Current Population Survey and Survey of Income and Program Participation. | Employment and Training |
November 19, 2022 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EST | Roundtable - Building a Data Literate Workforce: What? Why? How? (Methods and Tools of Analysis) Moderator: Kelsey Gray, Insight Policy Research These leading thinkers will discuss building a data literate workforce to better support social programs. The roundtable will explore questions such as: What is data literacy and why does it matter? How do you measure the data literacy of your organization? What tools and resources are available for strengthening staff data skills? Panelists will bring perspectives from the public, private, and social sector on how data literacy is helping their organizations better leverage data to improve programs and policies. | Data, Methods, and Tools |
November 17, 2022 8:30 AM EST | Results for America's 2022 Invest in What Works Federal Standard of Excellence Charlie Palmer's, 101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Panelist: Lauren Damme, Deputy Director, Chief Evaluation Office The 2022 Federal and State Standards of Excellence highlights how federal efforts to define and prioritize evidence of effectiveness in federal grant programs have also led to increased investments in what works at the state level. DOL's Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) is being recognized for developing and releasing evidence-building plans and assessments, such as the FY22-26 Strategic Plan and Evidence Building Plan. Performance improvements include updates to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) that allow state and local governments to build their own performance infrastructure by using federal funds for data collection, performance management, research, and evaluation activities. This guidance encourages state and local governments to link funding to performance and evaluation data through performance-based grants and contracts. | Research on Performance Management |
November 16, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET | How to use CLEAR for decision-making Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office for a session to learn more about the different ways the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) summarizes information and to hear from a panel of workforce leaders on how they use CLEAR. CLEAR is the Department of Labor’s central source for labor-related research. CLEAR’s mission is to make labor research more accessible for workforce practitioners, program administrators, policymakers, researchers, and the public, to support decision-making. Learn more about CLEAR, search CLEAR’s database of over 1,200 study summaries of labor-related strategies, or check out any of CLEAR’s topic area evidence reviews. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools |
November 16, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET | How to use CLEAR for decision-making Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office for a session to learn more about the different ways the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) summarizes information and to hear from a panel of workforce leaders on how they use CLEAR. CLEAR is the Department of Labor’s central source for labor-related research. CLEAR’s mission is to make labor research more accessible for workforce practitioners, program administrators, policymakers, researchers, and the public, to support decision-making. Learn more about CLEAR, search CLEAR’s database of over 1,200 study summaries of labor-related strategies, or check out any of CLEAR’s topic area evidence reviews. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools |
October 25, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET | CLEAR 101: An introduction to DOL’s Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office for an introductory session to learn fundamentals about the Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) and how to navigate CLEAR’s website and information. CLEAR is the Department of Labor’s central source for labor-related research. CLEAR’s mission is to make labor research more accessible for workforce practitioners, program administrators, policymakers, researchers, and the public, to support decision-making. Learn more about CLEAR, search CLEAR’s database of over 1,200 study summaries of labor-related strategies, or check out any of CLEAR’s topic area evidence reviews. | CLEAR, Data, Methods, and Tools |
October 21, 2022 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET | DOL Roundtable: Assessing Workforce Skill and Competency Demands Over Time DOL CEO hosted a roundtable to discuss the potential impacts of factors such as the increase in remote work, the role of gig work, and the future adoption of automation and artificial intelligence on workforce skill and training needs in the future. The potential impacts of these factors are important to the nationwide workforce system and to the Department of Labor, as well as other agencies. Obtaining timely intelligence on these labor market impacts could help inform individuals, education and training providers, and the workforce system by identifying which workers might need reskilling for different pathways—flagging which tasks, skills, and competencies might become obsolete and what new skills workers will need to acquire for various career paths. | Employment and Training |
October 13, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET | DOL’s Career Pathways Evidence Coffee Break: Video Screening and Q&A with Researchers Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration, for a webinar highlighting key findings from the recently released Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. We will screen a series of four short videos from our Evidence Coffee Break series, where researchers from Abt Associates share actionable information for practitioners thinking about designing or improving career pathways programs, and hold a live question and answer session with the study team. To learn more, check out all the reports, briefs, public use datasets, and dashboard from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. | Employment and Training |
October 5, 2022 | Evidence Coffee Break Series, Video 4/4: Evidence-based insights for career pathways programs Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration, for a series of short videos highlighting key findings from the recently released Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. Evidence-based insights for career pathways and other employment and training programs considers actionable implications that can be drawn from across the studies in the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical project, focusing specifically on implications related to program effectiveness and influential program characteristics, career advancement, and equity for women and people of color. To learn more, check out all the reports, briefs, public use datasets, and dashboard from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. | Employment and Training |
September 28, 2022 | Evidence Coffee Break Series 3/4: Career advancement from mid-level occupations for women and people of color Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration, for a series of short videos highlighting key findings from the recently released Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. Career advancement from mid-level occupations for women and people of color reviews findings from the Career Trajectories and Occupational Transitions study explorations of career advancement for women and people of color working in mid-level occupations, which found significant differences in wage growth over time for these workers and considered implications for practice. To learn more, check out all the reports, briefs, public use datasets, and dashboard from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. | Employment and Training |
September 21, 2022 | Evidence Coffee Break Series 2/4: Launchpad occupations and why they matter for career pathways programs Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration, for a series of short videos highlighting key findings from the recently released Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. Launchpad occupations and why they matter for career pathways programs reviews the results of the Career Trajectories and Occupational Transitions (CTOT) study, which examined career advancement for workers in mid-level occupations, including which occupations lead to higher wage growth (launchpad occupations) for these workers, what characteristics distinguish launchpads from other occupations, and how career trajectories differ for workers of different backgrounds and experiences. To learn more, check out all the reports, briefs, public use datasets, and dashboard from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. | Employment and Training |
September 14, 2022 | Evidence Coffee Break Series 1/4: How well has the career pathways approach worked? Join DOL’s Chief Evaluation Office, in partnership with the Employment and Training Administration, for a series of short videos highlighting key findings from the recently released Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. How well has the career pathways approach worked? reviews the results of a meta-analysis of career pathways evaluations that examined 1) whether career pathways programs have increased participants’ educational progress and helped them to find employment and earn higher wages and 2) what traits characterize more effective career pathways programs. To learn more, check out all the reports, briefs, public use datasets, and dashboard from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project. | Employment and Training |
August 10, 2022 1:00 PM-2:30 PM ET | Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) Peer Learning During this webinar, panelists from three states that are among the furthest along in launching their RESEA evaluations shared their experiences to date. Panelists provided lessons learned from their experiences launching an RESEA evaluation. | Unemployment Insurance, Employment and Training |
June 29 – July 3, 2022 | Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 97th Annual Conference WEAI's Annual Conference is held in the summer each year and attracts over 1,000 attendees from around the world. The program includes over 300 concurrent sessions from all areas of economics. Dr. Joe Amick, a Mathematical Statistician in the Chief Evaluation Office, will present “A Bayesian Approach to Cash Benchmarking” with co-authors from the United States Agency for International Development. Session Title: Innovative Approaches to Research in International Development | Data, Methods, and Tools, International Labor Issues |
June 22 – 23, 2022 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET | 2022 Virtual Research Symposium: Assessing Capacity for Using Data to Build Actionable Evidence Host: Data Foundation The Data Foundation’s 2022 Virtual Research Symposium, in partnership with George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School for Public Policy and Public Administration, provides the opportunity for researchers, data analysts, evaluators, program managers, and other experts from across the data and evidence community to share knowledge and innovative practices. Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Officer, will be a panelist with other federal agencies to discuss “Approaches to Assessing Agency Capacity for Evidence Building”. | Data, Methods, and Tools |
June 17, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST | Tools You Can Use: DOL's New Career Trajectories and Occupational Transitions (CTOT) Dashboard The dashboard uses public longitudinal datasets to describe how workers do in the ten years after starting in a job, as well as data from resumes and worker profiles to support analysis of career transitions. For more information, visit the CTOT dashboard, and check out the reports, briefs, and public use datasets on the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project landing page | Employment and Training |
June 3, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST | Employment Services for People with Substance Use Disorders: Findings from Recent Implementation Studies Host: Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) RECS 2022 will provide a valuable opportunity to hear the latest findings from evaluations of human services programs and policies, discuss ways to incorporate findings into the design and implementation of programs, and identify future evaluation needs. Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Officer, will be a panelist for this breakout session on evidence from implementation studies on employment services for people with substance use disorders. | Substance Use Disorder, Employment and Training |
May 25, 2022 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST | Evaluation & Research at the Department of Labor: Introduction to the Chief Evaluation Office Held on May 25, 2022, this public event provided an introduction to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) as well as an opportunity to learn about upcoming research activities funded by DOL, including how individuals and organizations can engage with CEO and provide input into future research priorities. Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Officer, introduced CEO’s mission and activities and CEO staff provided an overview of DOL’s new strategic planning documents—the FY2022-2023 Evaluation Plan and FY2022-2026 Evidence-Building Plan. | Evidence Act, Federal Evaluation |
May 20, 2022 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST | ACDEB Meeting Host: Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Offer, is a current member of the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building (ACDEB). Join ACDEB on 5/20 to learn more about how to promote the use of Federal data for evidence building. | Evidence Act |
May 12, 2022 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM EST | Performance Improvement Officer/Chief Financial Officer Summit (PIO/CFO Summit) Host: Association of Government Accountants Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001 Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Officer, will be a featured panelist during T101: Results for America. Results for America’s annual “Invest in What Works Standards of Excellence” assesses how federal agencies and state governments are building the infrastructure necessary to use evidence and data in their budget, policy, and management decisions. Dr. Yancey will provide best practices for using evidence and data to drive budget, policy, and management decision-making. | Research on Performance Management |
April 13, 2022 10:15 – 11:30 AM EST | The Forum: Transforming Potential Into Workforce Power Applying Evidence Resources, Tools, and Evaluations to Local Practices (DOL Technical Assistance Sessions) The Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009 Host: The National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) This DOL Technical Assistance session will feature a discussion on Applying Evidence, Resources, Tools, and Evaluations to Local Practices. CEO’s Deputy Director, Lauren Damme, will describe CEO online tools that can help practitioners stay on top of the latest evidence. | Employment and Training |
April 13, 2022 8:30 – 9:45 AM EST | The Forum: Transforming Potential Into Workforce Power Transitioning to and Enhancing Virtual Service Delivery (DOL Technical Assistance Sessions) The Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009 Host: The National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) This DOL Technical Assistance session will feature a discussion on how Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) programs changed during COVID-19. CEO’s Deputy Director, Lauren Damme, will share findings from CEO’s RESEA implementation study, as well as describe the state of the evidence using the DOL Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR). | Employment and Training |
April 7, 2022 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST | White House Virtual Summit on Evidence for Action Host(s): Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM), The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Dr. Christina Yancey, Chief Evaluation Officer, will be speaking on a panel during the inaugural White House Virtual Summit on Evidence for Action. Dr. Yancey will lead a discussion and breakout sessions on CEO’s role in creating DOL’s Learning Agendas and best, evidence-based practices. The Summit officially kicks off a “Year of Evidence for Action,” dedicated to building and strengthening partnerships between United States government and the external research community to advance the creation and use of evidence. | Learning Agendas, Federal evaluation |
Thursday, March 10, 2022 1 pm EST | Historically Marginalized Populations in the Community College System Historically Marginalized Populations in the Community College System is the third in a series of three roundtables that will explore disparities in outcomes and equity gaps among specific historically marginalized populations in community colleges. This event is being hosted by Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) and Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Office of Workforce Investment (OWI). | Community College |
Friday, February 25, 2022 Last Friday of Every Month
| Discussing the Evidence Agenda with the Data Foundation's President Dr. Nick Hart, OMB's Evidence Team Lead Diana Epstein, and DOL's Christina Yancey The National Academy of Public Administration invites you to the Executive Panel on Organization and Management. Learn where the government is in its journey to a learning culture; one that evaluates its progress and uses data and evidence to improve its performance and operations. | Data, Methods, and Tools |
Thursday, February 24, 2022 1 pm EST | Evidence-Based Strategies for Addressing Inequities in Community Colleges Evidence-Based Strategies for Addressing Inequities in Community Colleges is the second in a series of three roundtables that will highlight evidence based strategies for reducing equity gaps in community colleges, with a particular focus on improving employment outcomes for affected groups. This event is being hosted by the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) and Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Office of Workforce Investment (OWI). | Community College |
Thursday, February 10, 2022 1 pm EST | Defining and Accessing Equity in Community Colleges Defining and Accessing Equity in Community Colleges is the first in a series of three roundtables that will examine the definitions of equity, explore the root causes of disparities in outcomes amongst community college students, and discuss how community colleges can effectively identify and monitor equity gaps. This event is being hosted by the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) and Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Office of Workforce Investment (OWI).
| Community College |
Start Date | Events/Locations | Keywords |
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 Monday, May 17, 2021 | Building the Evidence Base: Substance Use Disorder and Employment Roundtables Sessions 1 & 2 DOL CEO hosted the first two sessions of a series of roundtables on substance use disorder (SUD) and employment. Subject matter experts (SMEs) and practitioners contributed to a facilitated discussion of promising practices in the field, notable collaborative models, and potential avenues for research to advance knowledge and strategies that support individuals and communities affected by SUD. | Substance Use Disorder and Work |