U.S. Department of Labor

Employment Standards Administration
Office of Labor-Management Standards
New Haven Resident Investigative Office
150 Court Street
Room 209
New Haven, CT 06510
(203)773-2130 Fax: (203)773-2333

November 17, 2009

Mr. William Crasilli, Treasurer
Communications Workers AFL-CIO
Local 81143
P.O. Box 115
Stevenson, CT 06491-0115

LM File Number: 511-255
Case Number: |||||||| |||

Dear Mr. Crasilli:

This office has recently completed an audit of CWA LU 81143 under the Compliance Audit Program (CAP) to determine your organization’s compliance with the provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). The following problems were disclosed during the CAP. The matters listed below are not an exhaustive list of all possible problem areas since the audit conducted was limited in scope.
Reporting Violation

The audit disclosed a violation of LMRDA Section 201(b), which requires labor organizations to file annual financial reports accurately disclosing their financial conditions and operations. The terminal LM-3 filed by Local 81143 for fiscal year ending 09/30/2008 was deficient in the following area:

Item 25(B) Cash at the End of Reporting Period

Local 81143 reported cash at the end of the reporting period of $67,337. Through contact with the Communications Workers Association International, OLMS determined that, when the local terminated, a bank check in the amount of $67,332.90 was turned over to the CWA, along with all financial records of the local, which were sufficient to support other entries made on the terminal Form LM-3.

Since the records reviewed in Dayton, Ohio, were sufficient to verify your statement that the money was turned over to the CWA, and since the local union has been terminated, no additional action on your part is required. I am not requiring that Local 81143 file an amended LM report for 09/30/2008 to correct the deficient items.

I want to extend my personal appreciation to CWA LU 81143 for the cooperation and courtesy extended during this compliance audit. If we can provide any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call.



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