Federal Water Pollution Control Act (WPC)


WPC-2 In the Matter of Patrick Paul Wilson 

  • Decision (Sec'y May 6, 1977) HTML 

WPC-3 In the Matter of Carl W. Rady 

  • Decision (Sec'y Aug. 26, 1977) HTML 


WPC-101 In the Matter of Marsha Delaura 

  • Order (Sec'y Nov. 26, 1979) HTML 


1980-WPC-1 Wedderspoon v. City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa 

  • Recommended Decision (ALJ July 11, 1980) (Rudolf Sobernheim) HTML 
  • Decision (Sec'y July 28, 1980) HTML 


1981-WPC-1 Pulliam v. Worthington Service Corp. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ May 15, 1981) (Thomas Schneider) HTML 

1981-WPC-2 Langley v. Sulfate, Inc. 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 4, 1981) (Glenn Robert Lawrence)
  • Amended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 28, 1981) HTML 


1983-WPC-1 Littrel v. Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority 

  • Decision & Consent Order (ALJ Mar. 24, 1983) (Roy P. Smith) HTML 

1983-WPC-2 Fischer v. Town of Steilacoom 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ May 2, 1983) (Edward C. Burch) HTML 
  • Approval of Settlement (Sec'y Dec. 1, 1983) HTML 


1984-WPC-1 Conley v. McClellan Air Force Base 

  • Decision & Order Denying Benefits (ALJ Sept. 12, 1984) (Edward C. Burch) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Sept. 7, 1993) HTML 

1984-WPC-2 Kent v. Barton Protective Services 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 14, 1985) (Reno E. Bonfanti) HTML 
  • Remand Decision & Order (Sec'y Apr. 6, 1987) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Feb. 12, 1988) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Sept. 28, 1990) HTML 
  • Errata Order (Sec'y Oct. 2, 1990) HTML 
  • Kent v. United States Dept. of Labor, 

    946 F.2d 904 (11th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 

    112 S. Ct. 898 (1992), reh'g denied, 

    112 S. Ct. 1284 (1992)


1985-WPC-1 Schalk v. City of Bloomington 

  • Decision & Consent Order (ALJ Dec. 17, 1984) (Daniel J. Roketenetz) HTML 
  • Approval of Settlement (Sec'y Jan. 31, 1985) HTML 

1985-WPC-2 Guttman v. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Denying Claim (ALJ Apr. 17, 1985) (John C. Holmes) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Mar. 13, 1992) HTML 
  • Order Denying Stay (Sec'y June 4, 1992) HTML 
  • Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners v. United States Dept. of Labor, 992 F.2d 474 (3rd Cir. 1993), cert. denied , 114 S. Ct. 439, 126 L. Ed. 2d 373 (1993)

1985-WPC-3 Rexroat v. City of New Albany, Indiana 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 8, 1985) (Richard D. Mills) HTML 
  • Amended Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 15, 1985) HTML 
  • Final Order (Sec'y Apr. 17, 1986) HTML 
  • Order of Remand (Sec'y June 2, 1986) HTML 
  • Order Denying Stay (Sec'y Oct. 8, 1986) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order Awarding Compensatory Damages, Costs & Attorney Fees (ALJ Apr. 20, 1987) HTML 
  • Order Approving Settlement (Sec'y June 28, 1989) HTML 


1986-WPC-1 McAllen v. United States Environmental Protection Agency 

  • Order to Show Cause (ALJ Sept. 5, 1986)(Reno E. Bonfanti) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 28, 1986) HTML 
  • Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Case (Sec'y May 5, 1987) HTML 


1987-WPC-1 Brummitt v. City of Enid 

  • [Consolidated with 87-WPC-2, 3, & 4]
  • Order Denying Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Dec. 16, 1986)(G. Marvin Bober) HTML 
  • Order Granting Motion to Withdraw Complaint & Dismiss Action (ALJ Dec. 22, 1986) HTML 

1987-WPC-2 Gammon v. City of Enid 

  • [Consolidated with 87-WPC-1]
  • For orders, see 87-WPC-1

1987-WPC-3 Lucas v. City of Enid 

  • [Consolidated with 87-WPC-1]
  • For orders, see 87-WPC-1

1987-WPC-4 Gaidrich v. City of Enid 

    • [Consolidated with 87-WPC-1]
    • For orders, see 87-WPC-1


1988-WPC-1 Arthrell v. Pittsburgh Spring, Inc. 

  • Order Denying Defendant's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Feb. 8, 1988) (Daniel L. Leland) HTML 
  • Order Denying Defendant's Second Motion for Summary Decision (Apr. 7, 1988) HTML 
  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Aug. 5, 1988) HTML 

1988-WPC-2 Ivory v. Evans Cooperage, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 30, 1988) (Kenneth A.Jennings) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Feb. 22, 1991) HTML 

1988-WPC-3 Lynch v. City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 9, 1988) (Thomas Schneider) HTML 
  • Order Dismissing Case (Sec'y Feb. 14, 1989) HTML 

1988-WPC-4 Jenkins v. City of Portland 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 31, 1989) (Robert J. Brissenden) HTML 
  • Decision & Order of Remand (Sec'y May 22, 1991) HTML 
  • Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Aug. 2, 1991) (Edward C. Burch) HTML 
  • Order for Clarification (Sec'y Oct. 1, 1991) HTML 
  • Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Case (Sec'y Nov. 20, 1991) HTML 


1989-WPC-1 Abu-Hjeli v. Potomac Electric Power Co. 

  • Order Denying Motion for Protective Order (ALJ Date illegible) (Robert G. Mahony) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 12, 1991) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Sept. 24, 1993) HTML 


1990-WPC-1 McMahan v. California Water Quality Control Bd. 

  • Recommended Decision (ALJ Feb. 5, 1991) (Melvin Warshaw) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y July 16, 1993) HTML 


1991-WPC-1 Seda v. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 

  • [Consolidated with 91-WPC-2 & 3]
  • Order (ALJ June 26, 1991) (granting motion to partially quash subpoenas) (Jeffrey Tureck) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 24, 1992) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Sept. 13, 1994) HTML 

1991-WPC-2 Walters v. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 

  • [Consolidated with 91-WPC-l]
  • For orders, see 91-WPC-1

1991-WPC-3 Wathier v. Wheat Ridge Sanitation District 

  • [Consolidated with 91-WPC-1]
  • For orders, see 91-WPC-1


1992-WPC-1 Bartlett v. International Paper Co. 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Aug. 1, 1992) (David Di Nardi) HTML 

1992-WPC-2 McClure v. Interstate Facilities, Inc. 

  • Recommended Summary Decision (ALJ Apr. 17, 1992) (J. Michael O'Neill) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y June 19, 1995) HTML 

1992-WPC-3 Gill v. Dept. of the Air Force 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 5, 1992) (Samuel J. Smith) HTML 
  • Final Order of Dismissal (Sec'y June 8, 1992) HTML 

1992-WPC-4 Driver v. Westinghouse Savannah River Co. 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 11, 1992) (Clement J. Kichuk) HTML 
  • Correction to Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 19, 1992) HTML 
  • Final Order of Dismissal (Sec'y May 29, 1992) HTML 

1992-WPC-5 Marchese v. City of Easton 

  • Recommended Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ May 17, 1995) (Robert D. Kaplan) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement (Sec'y June 19, 1995) HTML 
  • See also in regard to Marchese' 42 USC § 1983 case, Marchese v. Goldsmith , 1994 US Dist LEXIS 7940 (E.D. Pa. June 13, 1994), aff'd without op. , 1995 US App LEXIS 2646 (3d Cir. Jan. 27, 1995).

1992-WPC-6 Tracanna v. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 

  • [consolidated with 92-TSC-7, 10, 92-WPC-7, 8 and 93-WPC- 10]
  • see 92-TSC-7 for orders

1992-WPC-7 Hayson v. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 

  • [consolidated with 92-TSC-7, 10, 92-WPC-6, 8 and 93-WPC- 10]
  • see 92-TSC-7 for orders

1992-WPC-8 Schooley v. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 

  • [consolidated with 92-TSC-7, 10, 92-WPC-6, 7 and 93-WPC- 10]
  • see 92-TSC-7 for orders


1993-WPC-1 Davis v. Valley View Ferry Authority 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 26, 1993) (Daniel J. Roketenetz) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y June 28, 1993) HTML 

1993-WPC-2 Bender v. Professional Service Industries, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Claim (ALJ Mar. 3, 1993) (Julius A. Johnson)
  • Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y June 28, 1993) HTML 

1993-WPC-3 Iverson v. Town of Keystone, S.D. 

  • Recommended Order Accepting Settlement Terms (ALJ Mar. 22, 1993) (Charles P. Rippey)
  • Order to Submit Certification (Sec'y Apr. 7, 1993) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y June 28, 1993) HTML 

1993-WPC-4 Buzard v. Seafood Producers Cold Storage, Inc. 

  • Recommended Order (ALJ Aug. 5, 1993) (Thomas Schneider)
  • Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y Sept. 29, 1993) HTML 

1993-WPC-5 Mitchell v. United States Army 

  • Order to Show Cause (ALJ July 8, 1993) (Gerald M. Tierney)
  • Decision & Order Dismissing Claim (ALJ Aug. 17, 1993)
  • Final Order of Dismissal (Sec'y Oct. 1, 1993) HTML 

1993-WPC-6 Stultz v. Buckley Oil Co. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Aug. 23, 1993) (Joel R. Williams)
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y June 28, 1995) HTML 

1993-WPC-7 Jackson v. Ketchikan Pulp Co. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 10, 1994) (Paul A. Mapes) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Mar. 4, 1996) HTML 


  • [consolidated with 93-WPC-7]
  • For orders see 93-WPC-7

1993-WPC-9 Biddle v. Department of the Army 

  • Order to Show Cause (ALJ July 2, 1993) (Richard E. Huddleston)
  • Decision & Order Remanding Complaint for Investigation (ALJ July 20, 1993)

1993-WPC-10 Green v. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 

  • [consolidated with 92-TSC-7, 10 and 92-WPC-6, 7, 8]
  • see 92-TSC-7 for orders

1993-WPC-11 Carson v. Tyler Pipe Co. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ June 17, 1994) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Mar. 24, 1995) HTML 

1993-WPC-12 Clarke v. Applied Energy Services 

  • Final Order (ALJ Aug. 17, 1993) (Charles P. Rippey)

1993-WPC-13 Macias v. Southwest Recycling 

  • * (ALJ Sept. 16, 1993) (Burch)

1993-WPC-14 Gallian v. City of Sullivan, Indiana 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 3, 1993) (Bernard J. Gilday, Jr.) HTML 

1993-WPC-15 Biddle v. United States Department of the Army 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 6, 1994) (Mollie W. Neal) HTML 
  • Final Order of Dismissal (Sec'y Mar. 24, 1995) HTML 


1994-WPC-1 Marthin v. Tad Technical Servs. Corp. 

  • Order Denying Defendant's Motion to Dismiss It as a Party (ALJ Feb. 11, 1994) (Theodor P. von Brand)
  • Recommended Decision & Order Disapproving Settlement (ALJ May 2, 1994) HTML 
  • [consolidated with 94-WPC-2 and 3]
  • Final Order Disapproving Settlement & Remanding Cases (Sec'y June 8, 1994) HTML 
  • Order Denying Interlocutory Appeal (Sec'y Aug. 22, 1994) HTML 
  • Recommended Order Approving Consent Agreement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Oct. 12, 1994) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y Nov. 28, 1994) HTML 

1994-WPC-2 Marthin v. Tad Technical Servs. Corp. 

  • [consolidated with 94-WPC-1 and 3]
  • see 94-WPC-1 for orders

1994-WPC-3 Marthin v. Tad Technical Servs. Corp. 

  • [consolidated with 94-WPC-1 and 2]
  • see 94-WPC-1 for orders

1994-WPC-4 James v. Ketchikan Pulp Co. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ May 23, 1995) (Daniel J. Roketenetz) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (Sec'y Mar. 15, 1996) HTML 
  • Order Denying Request for Reconsideration & Rehearing (ARB June 28, 1996) HTML 
  • Supplemental Order Recommending Approval of Settlement Agreement (ALJ Dec. 13, 1996) HTML 
  • Order (ARB Mar. 11, 1997) HTML 
  • Order Granting Extension of Time (ARB Mar. 31, 1997) HTML 
  • Order Staying Consideration (ARB Apr. 14, 1997) HTML 
  • Final Order of Dismissal (ARB July 23, 1997) HTML 

1994-WPC-5 Hockett v. United States Dept. of Interior 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Dec. 13, 1994) (Donald B. Jarvis) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (Sec'y Feb. 1, 1995) HTML 

1994-WPC-6 Parker v. City of Merrill 

  • Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 7, 1995) (Edward C. Burch) HTML 
  • Decision & Order (Sec'y May 1, 1995) HTML 


1995-WPC-1 Masek v. The Cadle Company 

  • Recommended Decision & Order on Liability Only (ALJ Mar. 11, 1996)(Michael P. Lesniak) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order on Damages (ALJ Mar. 7, 1997)(Michael P. Lesniak) HTML 
  • Decision & Order (ARB Apr. 28, 2000) HTML 

1995-WPC-2 Odom v. Anchor Lithkemko/International Paper 

  • Order of Remand to District Director (ALJ Apr. 28, 1995) (Ralph A. Romano) HTML 

1995-WPC-3 Immanuel v. Wyoming Concrete Industries, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 24, 1995)(Nicodemo De Gregorio) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order of Dismissal (ARB May 28, 1997) HTML 
  • Certification to 4th Cir. No. 97-1987 (ARB Sept. 3, 1997)
  • Immanuel v. U.S. Dept. of Labor , 139 F.3d 889 (4th Cir. 1998)(Table) (unpublished per curiam decision available at 1998 WL 129932) HTML 
  • Remand Order (ARB Apr. 20, 1998) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice (ALJ June 23, 1999) (Linda S. Chapman) HTML 

1995-WPC-4 McDonald v. Sam's Club 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ July 6, 1995) (Daniel J. Roketentz) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement (Sec'y Aug. 7, 1995) HTML 

1995-WPC-5 Scott v. Boiler Cleaning & Specialty Corp. 

  • Recommended Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Sept. 14, 1995) (Daniel A. Sarno, Jr.) HTML 
  • Final Order Approving Settlement (Sec'y Sept. 28, 1995) HTML 

1995-WPC-6 Lawrence v. City of Andalusia Waste Water Treatment Facility 

  • Recommended Decision & Order - Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Dec. 13, 1995)(Quentin P. McColgin) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB Sept. 23, 1996) HTML 

1995-WPC-7 Lopez v. Little Blue Valley Sewer District 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 5, 1995)(Tierney) HTML 


1996-WPC-1 Odom v. Anchor Lithkemko 

  • Order on Discovery (ALJ Dec. 14, 1995)(Ralph Romano) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Aug. 29, 1996) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB Oct. 10, 1997) HTML 

1996-WPC-2 Espinosa v. Allied Signal, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement (ALJ Mar. 6, 1998)(Fletcher E. Campbell, Jr.) HTML 
  • Order Disapproving Settlement & Remanding Case (ARB Aug. 18, 1998) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order on Remand (ALJ Oct. 14, 1999) (Fletcher E. Campbell, Jr.) HTML 

1996-WPC-3 Dorsey v. Greenbrier County Public Service District #2 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Dismissing the Appeal of the Complainant (ALJ July 25, 1997)(Richard K. Malamphy) HTML 
  • Order (ARB Aug. 8, 1997) HTML 
  • Final Order of Dismissal (ARB Sept. 29, 1997) HTML 

1996-WPC-4 Kagel v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

  • Order Denying Motion to Strike; Order Denying Motion for Summary Decision; Order Granting Motion to Compel Discovery; Order Denying Motion for a Stay of Discovery (ALJ Aug. 19, 1998)(Donald B. Jarvis) HTML 
  • Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Dec. 30, 1998) HTML 
  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Feb. 18, 2000) HTML 


1997-WPC-1 Tracanna v. Arctic Slope Inspection Service 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ July 3, 1997)(Henry B. Lasky) HTML 
  • Order to Show Cause (ARB July 25, 1997) HTML 
  • Decision & Remand Order (ARB Nov. 6, 1997) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Sept. 18, 1998)(Henry B. Lasky) HTML 
  • * Supplemental Order Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Costs (ALJ Dec. 2, 1998)
  • Supplemental Order Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Costs on Reconsideration (ALJ Jan. 19, 1999) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB July 31, 2001) HTML 

1997-WPC-2 Pfingston v. Leak Alert Service Company, Inc. 

  • [Consolidated with 97-WPC-5]
  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ June 11, 1998)(Alfred Lindeman) HTML 
  • Erratum (ALJ June 15, 1998) HTML 

1997-WPC-3 Mindevalli v. Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Board 

  • Recommended Order Dismssing Complaint With Prejudice (ALJ Dec. 10, 1997)(Daniel L. Stewart) HTML 
  • Order to Show Cause (ARB Dec. 29, 1997) HTML 
  • Order of Dismissal (ARB Jan. 21, 1998) HTML 

1997-WPC-4 Ayers v. City of Stockton (Dept. of Mun. Utilities) 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Apr. 6, 1999) (Alfred Lindeman) HTML 
  • [consolidated with 98-WPC-1, 2, 3 and 4]

1997-WPC-5 Pfingston v. Leak Alert Service Company, Inc. 

  • [Consolidated with 1997-WPC-2]


1998-WPC-1, 2, 3, and 4 Ayers v. City of Stockton (Dept. of Mun. Utilities) 

  • [consolidated with 1997-WPC-4]
  • see 97-WPC-4 for orders

1998-WPC-5 Thakur v. State of New Mexico Environmental Dept. Construction Programs Bureau 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 21, 1999) HTML 

1998-WPC-6 Drake v. New Mexico Environment Dept. Construction Programs Bureau 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal & Cancellation of Hearing (ALJ Jan. 7, 1999)(Ainsworth H. Brown) HTML 

1998-WPC-7 Trgovcich v. State Water Resources Control Board 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 26, 2000)(Donald B. Jarvis) HTML 

1998-WPC-8 Antoniac v. United States Coast Guard Academy 

  • Order Denying Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Feb. 19, 1999) (David W. Di Nardi) HTML 
  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ July 1, 1999) (David W. Di Nardi) HTML 
  • [consolidated with 1999-WPC-5]


1999-WPC-1 Flynn v. OK Industries, Inc. 

  • Recommended Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Jan. 13, 1999)(Richard D. Mills) HTML 

1999-WPC-2 McCauley v. Pride Aviation, Inc. 

  • Order Approving Withdrawal of Respondent's Request for Formal Hearing (ALJ Jan. 25, 2000)(Lee J. Romero, Jr.) HTML 

1999-WPC-3 Ilgenfritz v. U.S. Coast Guard Academy 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Mar. 30, 1999) (Richard T. Stansell-Gamm) HTML 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB Aug. 28, 2001) HTML 

1999-WPC-4 Hamid v. Los Angeles Unified School District 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Mar. 26, 1999) (Donald B. Jarvis) HTML 

1999-WPC-5 Antoniac v. United States Coast Guard Academy 

  • [consolidated with 1998-WPC-8]
  • see 1998-WPC-8 for orders

1999-WPC-6 Mackey v. United States Marine Corp. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Granting in Part ↦ Denying in Part Respondent's Motions to Dismiss & Order Cancelling Formal Hearing (ALJ July 13, 1999) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.) HTML 


2000-WPC-1 Hines v. Village of Gnadenhutten 

  • Recommended Decision and Order Approving Settlement (ALJ June 28, 2000) (Michael P. Lesniak) HTML 

2000-WPC-2 Pye v. Atlantic Coast Mechanical, Inc. 

  • Decision & Order Approving Settlement & Granting the Withdrawal of Both Claimant's Motion to Enforce Settlement Agreement & Respondent's Cross Motion (ALJ July 19, 2000) (Richard K. Malamphy) HTML 

2000-WPC-3 Overton v. Shell Oil Co. 

  • Recommended Order Granting Motion to Withdraw (ALJ Oct. 10, 2000) (Clement J. Kennington) HTML 

2000-WPC-4 Bostan v. City of Corona, 

  • Recommended Decision and Order (ALJ Jan. 25, 2001) (Larry W. Price) HTML 
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB Mar. 31, 2003) HTML 

2000-WPC-5 Moder v. Village of Jackson, Wisconsin 

  • Recommended Decision and Order (ALJ Aug. 10, 2001) (David W. Di Nardi) HTML 
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB June 30, 2003) HTML 
  • Order Awarding Attorney's Fees & Costs (ARB Oct. 30, 2003) HTML | PDF 

2000-WPC-6 Brewer v. Atlantic Coast Mechanical 

  • Recommended Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ Oct. 5, 2000) (Daniel A. Sarno, Jr.) HTML 


2001-WPC-1 Steiner v. The City of Canton 

  • Recommended Order Dismissing Claim with Prejudice (ALJ Jan. 7, 2002) (Robert J. Lesnick) HTML 

2001-WPC-2 Hightower Martin Gas Sales, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Nov. 7, 2001) (Lee J. Romero, Jr.) HTML 

2001-WPC-3 Lake v. Martin Gas Sales, Inc. 

  • Decision & Order Granting Respondent Johnny Duke's Request for Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 18, 2001)(C. Richard Avery) HTML 
  • Decision & Order Denying Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment (ALJ Oct. 4, 2001) HTML 
  • Order Recommending Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 16, 2002) HTML 

2001-WPC-4 Allen v. Kerr-McGee Corp. 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 17, 2001) (Daniel F. Solomon) HTML 


2002-WPC-1 Geraci v. Texas Natural Resources Conversation Commission 

  • Consent Order of Dismissal (ALJ July 9, 2002) (C. Richard Avery) HTML 

2002-WPC-2 LeBron v. City of Raleigh, North Carolina 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 13, 2004) (Richard K. Malamphy) PDF 

2002-WPC-3 Trueblood v. Von Roll America, Inc. 

  • [consolidated with 2002-WPC-4, 5, 6 and 2003-WPC-1]
  • Recommended Decision & Order Granting Relief (ALJ Mar. 26, 2003) (Richard A. Morgan) HTML 
  • Order of Remand & Denying Respondents' Motions to Strike and to Vacate (ARB Apr. 30, 2003) HTML 
  • Order Granting Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice & Approving Settlement Agreement (ARB Sept. 25, 2003) HTML 

2002-WPC-4 Trueblood v. Heritage Environmental Services 

  • [consolidated with 2002-WPC-3, 5, 6 and 2003-WPC-1]
  • see 2002-WPC-3 for orders

2002-WPC-5 Trueblood v. Von Roll America, Inc. 

  • [consolidated with 2002-WPC-3, 4, 6 and 2003-WPC-1]
  • see 2002-WPC-3 for orders

2002-WPC-6 Trueblood v. Von Roll America, Inc. 

  • [consolidated with 2002-WPC-3, 4, 5, and 2003-WPC-1]
  • see 2002-WPC-3 for orders


2003-WPC-1 Trueblood v. Von Roll America, Inc. 

  • [consolidated with 2002-WPC-3, 4, 5, and 6]
  • see 2002-WPC-3 for orders

2003-WPC-2 Roe v. California Dept. of Corrections 

  • Order Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice Based on Stipulation of Parties (ALJ June 10, 2003) (Gerald M. Etchingham) HTML 

2003-WPC-3 Jacobs v. City of Salem 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement, Order Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Feb. 5, 2004) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.) HTML 

2003-WPC-4 Vamvoras v. Kakivik Asset Management 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (Denying Complaint) (ALJ Dec. 4, 2003) (Larry W. Price) HTML 

2003-WPC-5 Wood v. Aquasource 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ June 3, 2003) (Edward Terhune Miller) HTML 

2003-WPC-6 Anderson v. All Flex, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Sustaining Claim (ALJ Mar. 3, 2004) (Edward Terhune Miller) HTML 

2003-WPC-7 Trueblood v. Von Roll America, Inc. 

  • Order Approving Settlement Agreement & Dismissing Case with Prejudice as Settled (ALJ Sept. 17, 2003) (Edward Terhune Miller) HTML 

2003-WPC-8 Modina v. American Linen Corp. 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 24, 2003) (Russell D. Pulver) HTML 

2003-WPC-9 Bostwick v. Springer & Associates, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Oct. 16, 2003) (Russell D. Pulver) HTML 

2003-WPC-10 Henderson v. Michael Foods Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Approving Settlement Agreement (ALJ Feb. 10, 2004) (Richard A. Morgan) HTML 

2003-WPC-11 Bertacchi v. City of Columbus - Division of Sewerage & Drainage 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Aug. 26, 2005) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.) PDF 
  • Final Decision and Order Dismissing Complaint and Appeal (ARB Apr. 13, 2006) PDF 


2004-WPC-1 Snider v. City of Salem 

  • Order Denying Motion for Summary Judgment (ALJ Sept. 8, 2004) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.) PDF 
  • Recommended Order Approving Settlement Agreement, & Mutual Release, & Convenants Not to Sue (ALJ Feb. 10, 2005) PDF 

2004-WPC-2 Spriggs v. Total Environment Solutions 

  • Recommended Order Approving Withdrawal of Complainant's Request for Formal Hearing & Dismiss the Instant Complaint (ALJ Mar. 16, 2004) (Clement J. Kennington) HTML 

2004-WPC-3 Delagarza v. U.S. Dept. of the Army 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Oct. 5, 2004) (Alexander Karst) PDF 

2004-WPC-4 Hager v. Noveon Hilton-Davis, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Aug. 19, 2005) (Robert L. Hillyard) PDF 
  • Final Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint and Appeal (ARB Dec. 31, 2007) PDF | HTM 


2005-WPC-1 Hambrick v. Eaton Corp. 

  • Order Approving Settlement of the TSCA Complaint & Order of Dismissal of WPCA and SWDA Complaints (ALJ Apr. 20, 2005) (Daniel L. Leland) PDF 

2005-WPC-2 Coupar v. Unicor (Federal Prison Industries) 

  • Recommended Decision & Order Dismissing Case & Vacating Trial (ALJ May 17, 2005) (Gerald M. Etchingham) PDF 
  • Final Decision & Order Dismissing Appeal (ARB Mar. 13, 2008) PDF | HTM 
  • Errata (ARB Apr. 22, 2008) PDF | HTML 
  • Order Granting Reconsideration and Re-Establishing Final Briefing Schedule (ARB Apr. 22, 2008) PDF | HTML 
  • Notice of Case Closing (ARB July 24, 2013) PDF | HTML 

2005-WPC-3 Barry v. Specialty Materials, Inc. 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Sept. 27, 2005) (Colleen A. Geraghty) PDF 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB Nov. 30, 2007) PDF | HTML 

2005-WPC-4 Roseberry v. City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire 

  • Recommended Decision & Order (ALJ Jan. 6, 2006) (Jeffrey Tureck) PDF 
  • Final Decision & Order Dismissing Petition for Review (ARB Mar. 31, 2006) PDF 


2006-WPC-1 Kanj v. Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians 

  • Order of Remand (ARB Apr. 27, 2007) PDF | HTML 
  • Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Jan. 29, 2009) (Russell D. Pulver) PDF 
  • Decision and Order of Remand (ARB Dec. 1, 2010) PDF | HTM 
  • Decision & Order Dismissing Complaint on Remand (ALJ Sept. 9, 2011) PDF 
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB Aug. 29, 2012) PDF | HTM
  • Kanj v. Administrative Review Board, USDOL , No. 12-74170 (9th Cir. Oct. 2, 2013) (remand for consideration of settlement) PDF 
  • Final Decision and Order Approving Settlement and Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice (ARB Dec. 19, 2013) PDF | HTM 

2006-WPC-2 Abdur-Rahman v. DeKalb County 

  • Decision & Order Denying Relief (ALJ Sept. 10, 2007) (Richard A. Morgan) PDF 
  • [consolidated with 2006-WPC-3]
  • Related case: Abdur-Rahman v. Walker , No. 1:07-cv-00048 (N.D.Ga. Mar. 31, 2008) (plaintiffs precluded from brining private claim under Section 1983 for violations of the whisteblower provisions of the Clean Water Act) PDF | HTML 
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB May 18, 2010) PDF | HTM
  • Order Denying Reconsideration (ARB Feb. 16, 2011) PDF | HTM 
  • Decision and Order on Damages on Remand (ALJ Jan. 17, 2012) PDF 
  • Decision and Order on Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Feb. 17, 2012) PDF 
  • Decision and Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration (ALJ Mar. 19, 2012) PDF 
  • Order Dismissing Appeals (ARB Mar. 21, 2012) PDF | HTM 
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB Oct. 9, 2014) PDF 
  • Final Decision and Order Affirming Award of Attorney's Fees and Costs (ARB Mar. 30, 2015) PDF 
  • DeKalb County v. USDOL , No. 14-15435 (11th Cir. Feb. 8, 2016) PDF 
  • DeKalb County v. USDOL , No. 14-15435 (11th Cir. Mar. 1, 2018) PDF (transfer of attorney fee issue to ARB)
  • Abdur-Rahman v. USDOL , No. 15-12407 and 15-15376 (11th Cir. July 26, 2018) (per curiam) (referral of case to mediation) PDF 

2006-WPC-3 Petty v. DeKalb County 

  • [consolidated with 2006-WPC-2]
  • see 2006-WPC-2 for orders

2006-WPC-4 Pearson v. Dattco, Inc. 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 16, 2006) (Daniel F. Sutton) PDF 

2006-WPC-5 Planchak v. Pratt & Whitney 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal & Cancellation of Hearing (ALJ May 22, 2006) (C. Richard Avery) PDF 


2007-WPC-1 Clyne v. Triple P. Septic 

  • Recommended Order of Dismissal (ALJ Sept. 12, 2007) (Thomas F. Phalen, Jr.) PDF 

2007-WPC-2 Jay v. Alcon Laboratories, Inc. 

  • Decision & Order Dismissing Claim (ALJ May 1, 2008) (Donald W. Mosser) PDF 
  • Final Decision & Order (ARB Apr. 10, 2009) PDF | HTM

2007-WPC-3 Veach v. Meramec Valley Owner's Association 

  • Decision & Order - Denying Complaints (ALJ Apr. 29, 2008) (Joseph E. Kane) PDF 
  • [consolidated with 2007-WPC-4]

2007-WPC-4 Veach v. Meramec Valley Owner's Association 

  • [consolidated with 2007-WPC-3]
  • see 2007-WPC-3 for orders


No WPC cases docketed in FY2008


2009-WPC-1 Cantrell v. M-Tek, Inc. 

  • Order Approving Unopposed Motion to Approve Settlement & Dismissing Proceeding With Prejudice (ALJ Aug. 4, 2009) (Larry S. Merck) PDF 

2009-WPC-2 Morrow v. Alternative Feeds LLC 

  • Order Granting Unopposed Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Mar. 25, 2009) (Thomas M. Burke) PDF 

2009-WPC-3 Falgout v. BNSF Railway Co. 

  • Recommended Order Dismissing Case Based on Failure to File a Timely Complaint (ALJ Oct. 13, 2009) (Adele H. Odegard) PDF 


2010-WPC-1 McDermott v. Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ June 30, 2010) (Berlin) PDF 


No WPC cases docketed in FY2011


2012-WPC-1 Bennar v. Southwestern Oklahoma Development Authority 

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Apr. 24, 2012) (Lakes) PDF 

2012-WPC-2 Nave v. City of Elizabethton 

  • Decision and Order Complainant's Request to Withdraw the Complaint (ALJ July 26, 2012) (Krantz) PDF 


No WPC cases docketed in FY2013


2014-WPC-1 Davidson v. Zionsville Wastewater Treatment Plan 

  • Order Dismissing Claim With Prejudice (ALJ May 13, 2014) (Craft) PDF 

2014-WPC-2 Takanishi v. City and County of Honolulu 

  • Decision and Order Approving Withdrawal of Objections to OSHA Determinatin and Dismissing Case (ALJ Apr. 8, 2014) (Berlin) PDF 


2015-WPC-1 Wamsher v. Specialty Leather Productions, Inc. 

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Case (ALJ Apr. 19, 2016) (Colwell) PDF 

2015-WPC-2 Richards v. Trading Places International 

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Case (ALJ June 24, 2016) (Geraghty) PDF 

2015-WPC-3 Johnson v. Trumbull County Engineering Dept. 

  • Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Action (ALJ Oct. 28, 2016) (Appetta) PDF 


2016-WPC-1 Samrung v. Genon Energy Services, LLC 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 12, 2017) (Colwell) PDF 

2016-WPC-2 Garza v. Saulsbury Industries 

  • Decision and Order (ALJ Mar. 7, 2018) (Daly) PDF 
  • Decision and Order (ARB June 29, 2020) (per curiam) PDF

2016-WPC-3 Powell v. Southern Light, LLC 

  • Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ Mar. 2, 2016) (Kennington) PDF 

2016-WPC-4 Lopes v. KOA Madiera Beach 

  • Order of Dismissal for Failure to Show Cause Why Claim Should Not Be Dismissed (ALJ July 7, 2017) (Solomon) PDF 


2017-WPC-1 Kuhaulua v. County of Kaua'i Solid Waste Division 

  • Decision and Order Granting Summary Decision (ALJ July 28, 2017) (Berlin) PDF
  • Decision and Order (ARB Mar. 17, 2020) (per curiam) PDF

2017-WPC-2 Clifford v. Conoco Phillips 

  • Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision (ALJ July 24, 2017) (Kennington) PDF
  • Final Decision and Order (ARB Sept. 6, 2019) PDF (USDOL/OALJ Reporter) | PDF (slip op.)

2017-WPC-3 Straszheim v. Gerdau Ameristeel U.S., Inc. 

  • Order Dismissing Claim With Prejudice (ALJ Jan. 26, 2018) (Davis) PDF 

2017-WPC-4 Kansky v. Independence Biodiesel, LLC 

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ May 18, 2017) (Geraghty) PDF 

2017-WPC-5 Runyon v. Locus Solution LLC 

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement, Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice and Cancelling Hearing (ALJ Aug. 28, 2017) (Bell) PDF 

2017-WPC-6 Mayhew v. Town of Smyrna, Tennessee 

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement, Dismissing Complaint With Prejudice, and Cancelling Hearing (ALJ Dec. 1, 2017) (Bland) PDF 


2018-WPC-1 Wetzel v. M & B Environmental, Inc. 

  • Decision and Order Granting Relief (ALJ Mar. 28, 2019) (Morris) PDF 
  • Decision and Order (ARB Nov. 18, 2020) PDF 

2018-WPC-2 Couch v. Graphic Packaging 

  • Decision and Order Approving Complainant's Withdrawal of Objections and of Dismissal (ALJ Apr. 10, 2019) (Golden) PDF 


2019-WPC-1 Kelly v. Alabama Public Service Commission 

  • Decision and Order of Dismissal (ALJ Oct. 30, 2018) (Price) PDF 


2020-WPC-1 Lara v. Cardinal Point Captains

  • Order Approving Settlement and Dismissing Case (ALJ Jan. 14, 2021) (Berlin) PDF

2020-WPC-3 Carpenter v. Redwood Farms Meat Processors

  • Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Summary Decision and Dismissing Complaint (ALJ Mar. 8, 2021) (McGrath) PDF

2020-WPC-6 Gorashi v. Hain Celestial Group, Inc.

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ Jan. 22, 2021) (Larsen) PDF


2021-WPC-2 Jackson v. Butte County Public Works

  • Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Action (ALJ Apr. 13, 2022) (Henley) PDF


2022-WPC-1 La Grande v. Owens Corning

  • Order Approving Withdrawal of Objections (ALJ Dec. 6, 2021) (Henley) PDF
  • Order Denying Complainant's Request to Vacate Order Approving Withdrawal of Objections) (ALJ Feb. 9, 2022) (Henley) PDF
  • Order Dismissing Complaint (ARB Apr. 12, 2022) PDF


2023-WPC-1 Dean v. South Carolina Department of Transportation

  • Order Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ Nov. 6, 2023) (Rosen) PDF
  • Decision and Order (ARB Sept. 28, 2023). PDF
  • Order Granting Respondent's Motion to Dismiss (ALJ Feb. 27, 2023) (Rosen) PDF

2023-WPC-2 Calvin v. Galveston Yacht Basin, LLC

  • Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Sealing of Settlement, and Dismissal with Prejudice (ALJ Dec. 19, 2023) (Howard) PDF

2023-WPC-3 Maria England, Vicente Flores, Derrick Garcia, And Nihad Barakovic v. ASARCO, LLC

  • Decision and Order Approving Settlement Agreements and Dismissing Complaint with Prejudice (ALJ May 31, 2024) (Rosenow) PDF

2023-WPC-4 Thomas v. DuPont and On-Board Servs.

  • Order Dismissing Claim (ALJ Sept. 22, 2023) (Bland) PDF


2024-WPC-1 Dean v. South Carolina Department of Transportation

  • Order of Dismissal (ALJ May. 3, 2024) (Larsen) PDF


[Note: Adams v. Coastal Production Operator, Inc., 1989-ERA-3 (Sec'y Aug. 5, 1992) is actually a "WPC" case.]