Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2017 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

Note: Due to changes in the trade preferential status of Bahrain in 2018, ILAB conducted no further reports on the worst forms of child labor in Bahrain covering years after 2017.

In 2017, Bahrain made a moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate child labor. The Labor Market Regulatory Authority developed a handbook on the National Referral System for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and opened a shelter for victims. It also conducted training on human trafficking issues for all police officers. Although research is limited, there is evidence that children in Bahrain engage in child labor in domestic work and selling items on the street. The government has not conducted research to determine the nature and extent of child labor in the country. The law does not sufficiently prohibit commercial sexual exploitation of children.

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