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Assistant Secretary for OCTAE to Present "An Opportunity to Re-Thinking Career and Technical Education through Perkins V" in September 12 Webinar

Release Date


Scott Stump, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, will share the Department of Education’s vision for strengthening Career and Technical Education in the nation:

An Opportunity to Re-Think CTE through Perkins V / September 12 (3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST)

Webinar Connection Information
Meeting number: 813 610 214
Meeting password: OCTAE
If not connecting to audio online, please dial:
Phone Number: 1-888-769-8930
Participant Access Code: 431 7120

Release Date


WIOA Partners: HUD Announces Moving to Work Research Advisory Committee to Meet on Conference Call on October 10; Open to Public

HUD has announced that the Moving to Work (MTW) Research Advisory Committee (Committee) will meet via a conference call on Wednesday, October 10, 2018. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

The teleconference meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The agenda (1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.):

I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Summary of 2016-2018 Meetings

  1. Revisit Guiding Principles
  2. Confirm Committee Recommendations