Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC)

In response to feedback from our stakeholders, we have implemented enhancements to the C.O.A.L. Mine portal to make it more efficient for our users. The maximum upload capacity has been increased from 10MB to 50MB, and from 100 pages to 1,000 pages. Exceptions to this increase are the 929 Questionnaire and the HCFA-1500 submissions, which are still limited to 5 pages.

You can access the C.O.A.L. Mine portal directly at: https://eclaimant.dol-esa.gov/portal/?program_name=BL

Any general questions concerning this announcement or problems uploading documents may be directed to the District Office handling the claim. You may also visit the DCMWC website or the C.O.A.L. Mine portal website to find a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers related to this electronic document submission application.