Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

The Site Exposure Matrices (SEM) website has been updated! This update makes the website current through May 13th, 2023. New information is now available for 14 DOE sites. Significant additions were also made to several of the sites including Canoga Avenue Facility; Chupadera Mesa; Climax Uranium Mill in Grand Junction, CO; Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory (CANEL); Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant; S-50 Oak Ridge Thermal Diffusion Plant; Sacandaga Facility; Savannah River Site; and Uranium Mill and Disposal Cell in Lakeview, OR.

DOL received nine (9) Internet Accessible SEM Website (IAS) public submittals related to seven (7) toxic substances and two (2) disease inputs since the last update on November 14th, 2022. Four (4) of the submittals related to toxic substances resulted in SEM profile revisions. The disease input submittals did not result in a SEM profile revision.

Information provided by the DOL District Offices is also being used to update SEM. Additions resulting from DOL District Office input were made to the SEM profiles of the following four (4) DOE sites: Ames Laboratory; Nevada Test Site; Pantex Plant; and Y-12.

Since the SEM first became available to the public in March 2010, there have been 25 revisions of the SEM website. Prior to the release of each new version, the US Department of Energy (DOE) reviews the new and revised information to ensure that no classification issues exist.