< Schedule 1


Report details of all direct and indirect loans (whether or not evidenced by promissory notes or secured by mortgages) owed to the labor organization at any time during the reporting period by individuals, business enterprises, benefit plans, and other entities including labor organizations. An example of an indirect loan is a disbursement by the labor organization to an educational institution for the tuition expense of an officer, employee, or member that must be repaid to the labor organization by that individual. Be sure to report all loans that were made and repaid in full during the reporting period. Do not include investments in corporate bonds or mortgages purchased on a block basis through a bank or similar institution that must be reported in Schedule 5 (Investments Other Than U.S. Treasury Securities).

NOTE: Advances, including salary advances, are considered loans and must be reported in Schedule 2 (Loans Receivable). However, advances to officers and employees of the labor organization for travel expenses necessary for conducting official business are not considered loans if the following conditions are met:

  • The amount of an advance for a specific trip does not exceed the amount of expenses reasonably expected to be incurred for official travel in the near future, and the amount of the advance is fully repaid or fully accounted for by vouchers or paid receipts within 30 days after the completion or cancellation of the travel.
  • The amount of a standing advance to an officer or employee who must frequently travel on official business does not unreasonably exceed the average monthly travel expenses for which the individual is separately reimbursed after submission of vouchers or paid receipts, and the individual does not exceed 60 days without engaging in official travel.

See the instructions for Schedules 7 (Other Assets), 11 (All Officers and Disbursements to Officers) and 12 (Disbursements to Employees) for reporting travel advances that meet these criteria.

If additional lines are needed, click the “Add More Loans Receivable” button at the top of the schedule. The software will add lines to the schedule in increments of ten.

Column (A): Enter the following information:

  • The name of each officer, employee, or member whose total loan indebtedness to the labor organization, including any subsidiary organization, at any time during the reporting period exceeded $250, and the name of each business enterprise which had any loan indebtedness, regardless of amount, at any time during the reporting period;
  • The purpose of each loan;
  • The security given for each loan; and
  • The terms of repayment for each loan.

For each officer or employee listed, indicate after each name either "O" (officer) or "E" (employee).

Column (B): Enter the loan amounts outstanding at the start of the reporting period from each listed individual and business enterprise. Enter the total of loans made to officers, employees, or members whose total individual loan indebtedness to the labor organization at any time during the reporting period did not exceed $250, and all loans, regardless of amount, made to other individuals and entities on the “Total of loans not listed above” line.

 Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total for Column (B) on the “Total of all lines above” line in Schedule 2 and in Item 24 (Loans Receivable), Column (A) of Statement A.

Column (C): Enter the amount of loans made during the reporting period to each listed individual and business enterprise. Enter the total of all other loans made during the reporting period on the “Total of loans not listed above” line.
Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total for Column (C) on the “Total of all lines above” line in Schedule 2 and in Item 61 (Loans Made) of Statement B.

Columns (D)(1) and (D)(2): Enter the amount of loan repayments during the reporting period from each listed individual and business enterprise. Report in these columns only the portion of the payments applied toward principal; interest received must be reported in Item 40 (Interest). Use Column (D)(1) to report repayments received in cash. Use Column (D)(2) to report repayments made in a manner other than cash, such as repayments made by officers or employees by means of deductions from their salaries. Enter the amount of loan repayments from all other loans on the “Total of loans not listed above” line.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total for Columns (D)(1) and (D)(2) on the “Total of all lines above” line in Schedule 2 and the total from Column (D)(1) in Item 45 (Repayments of Loans Made) of Statement B. Explain in Item 69 (Additional Information) any non-cash amounts reported in Column (D)(2).

Column (E): Enter the loan amounts outstanding at the end of the reporting period for each listed individual and business enterprise.  Enter the total amount outstanding at the end of the reporting period for all other loans on the “Total of loans not listed above” line.

Click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the schedule and the software will enter the total for Column (E) on the “Total of all lines above” line in Schedule 2 and in Item 24 (Loans Receivable), Column (B) of Statement A. If any loans receivable were liquidated, reduced or written off during the reporting period, the reason and the amount must be reported in Item 69 (Additional Information).

NOTE: Section 503(a) of the LMRDA (29 U.S.C. 503) prohibits labor organizations from making direct or indirect loans to any officer or employee of the labor organization which results in a total indebtedness on the part of such officer or employee to the labor organization in excess of $2,000 at any time.


Last Updated: 6-14-12