U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Atlanta District Office
P. O. Box 600217
Jacksonville, FL 32260

(904) 230-0510 Tel & Fax


August 6, 2008


Mr. Raymond C. Hudnall, Treasurer
Transportation Union IND, Local 903
12866 Lanier Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32226

LM File Number 025-617
Case Number: ||||||||||||||||||||||||

Dear Mr. Hudnall:

This office has recently completed an audit of United Transportation Union, Local 903, under the Compliance Audit Program (CAP) to determine your organization’s compliance with the provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). As discussed during the exit interview with you on July 8, 2008, no violations of the LMRDA were disclosed in areas of financial activity included in the CAP. This does not exhaust all possible problem areas, however, since the audit conducted was limited in scope and did not include all areas of your union’s operation.

I did inform you that the meeting minutes and vouchers were being properly recorded and processed. All financial reports, previous meeting minutes, and authorizations for travel were recorded. Vouchers were reviewed and approved by at least two officers.

I made a few suggestions to improve your fiduciary obligations. For example, maintaining computer backups outside of your home and discussing the secretary treasurer’s salary at the executive board and membership meetings since no documentation was found related to the “past practice” of a specific salary for this position.

I want to extend my personal appreciation to you for the cooperation and courtesy extended during this compliance audit. I strongly recommend that you make sure this letter and the compliance assistance materials provided to you are passed on to future officers. If we can provide any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call.



cc: President Leonard Harris