Number: 15-04

December 2, 2004

OLMS Extends Comment Period on Request for Information Concerning Labor Department Criteria for Determining Type of Labor Organization

The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) has extended by thirty days the comment period on its November 3, 2004 request for information to assist OLMS in evaluating its methods for determining when a labor organization constitutes a local, intermediate, or national or international labor organization.

To view the proposal, please visit the OLMS Web site. The Web site also contains a list of specific topics on which the Department is seeking written submissions. Comments must be received on or before December 3, 2004. Comments can be submitted by any of the following methods. In each instance, identify the comments by including the designation: RIN 1215-AB50.


FAX: (202) 693-1340. To assure access to the fax equipment, only comments of five or fewer pages will be accepted via fax transmittal, unless arrangements are made prior to faxing, by calling (202) 693-0123 and scheduling a time for fax receipt.


Mailed comments should be sent to:

Lary Yud, Deputy Director
Office of Labor-Management Standards
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room N-5605, Washington, DC 20210

Because the Department continues to experience delays in U.S. mail delivery due to the ongoing concerns involving toxic contamination, commenters should take this into consideration when preparing to meet the deadline for submitting comments.

Comments will be available for public inspection during normal business hours at the above address.

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Last Updated: 12-02-04