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Portfolio Study Deliverable
The report synthesizes findings from third-party evaluator (TPE)-conducted implementation evaluations and subsequent interim reports, supplemented by submitted quarterly narrative reports (QNRs) from March 2023. The synthesis aims to provide an overarching description of the first round of SCC (SCC1) grantees’ progress in implementing their workforce development and career pathways programming and highlight promising practices, implementation barriers, and lessons learned across the grantees.
Secondary data analysis
The report provides a snapshot of how Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) grantees adapted or expanded strategies to serve older workers in response to challenges faced during the pandemic. Strategies include (1) adopting new recruitment outreach, intake, and engagement activities; (2) promoting digital access and technology loaner programs; (3) providing training remotely; (4) adopting new host agency and employer strategies; and (5) implementing staffing strategies to support SCSEP participants’ needs.
Implementation Evaluation
Employment and Training
Adult workers, Dislocated Workers, Older Workers, Temporary Workers, Underemployed Workers, Unemployed, Veterans, Women, Workers with Disabilities
The purpose of the Older Workers Implementation and Descriptive Study is to build evidence about the implementation of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) and other U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) workforce programs serving older workers to inform the continuous improvement of SCSEP. To inform evaluation activities, the report reviews the literature and identifies the state of the evidence on workforce programs, including those that serve older workers and populations with similar employment barriers.
Implementation Evaluation
Employment and Training
Adult workers, Dislocated Workers, Older Workers, Temporary Workers, Underemployed Workers, Unemployed, Veterans, Women, Workers with Disabilities
In 2022, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division to fund contractor Westat to conduct the National Worker Survey project. This survey is intended to gather data to understand the prevalence and nature of violations of workers’ rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), with a focus on wages, pay, and hours worked, as well as other topics.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Contracted Workers, Dislocated Workers, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees, Healthcare Workers, Incarcerated or Formerly Incarcerated, Migrant and Seasonal Workers, Older Workers, Temporary Workers, Veterans, Women, Workers in Contingent and Alternative Arrangements, Workers with Disabilities
In 2021, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employment Training Administration (ETA) and funded the Urban Institute and its partner Capital Research Corporation to conduct the Older Workers Study.
Implementation Evaluation
Employment and Training
Adult workers, Dislocated Workers, Older Workers, Temporary Workers, Underemployed Workers, Unemployed, Veterans, Women, Workers with Disabilities
In 2016, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) and funded Summit Consulting and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College to conduct An Analysis of Retirement Models to Improve Portability and Coverage. The literature, policy, and proposal review aims to summarize what is known about the current employer-based voluntary retirement system in the United States and explore a wide set of available options.
Literature Review
The report examines the employer-based voluntary retirement system and explores a variety of potential changes through a three-part analysis:
Literature Review
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, administered by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), seeks to assist U.S. workers who have lost or may lose their jobs as a result of foreign trade. The program provides adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs.
Workers who are 55 years old and over are projected to remain the fastest growing segment of working adults in the U.S. through 2022. Health, longevity, education, and attitude are some of the reasons for their continued labor force attachment. In recent years, older workers have also either delayed retirement or re-entered the workforce due to financial losses in the Great Recession. Older workers face different challenges and responsibilities than their younger counterparts.
Secondary data analysis
Older Workers
Labor force participation and the characteristics of older American workers (aged 55 and over) have changed a great deal since the mid-1930s, reflecting changes in the broader labor force. No longer are men the sole supporters of their families, working in jobs that require physical labor and expecting to fully retire by age 65. During and after World War II, women surged into the labor force. Health and life expectancy have increased, especially for more educated workers.
As the Baby Boomer generation moves toward retirement age, a chief concern facing U.S. policymakers is how to accommodate this demographic shift. For the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and other agencies, the workforce dynamics of older workers is of particular concern.
Retirement patterns have changed substantially in the United States in the last 30 years. During the period from 1900 to 1980, there was a continuous decline in the labor force participation of older individuals. However, this trend has reversed since the 1980s. Americans are now retiring later and expect to continue doing so. Recent research suggests a number of significant changes that have increased the labor force participation of older workers. These include the following:
In 2014, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research and ideas42 to explore the potential of using insights from behavioral science to improve the performance and outcomes of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) programs under the Advancing Behavioral Interventions in Labor Programs portfolio of studies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Behavioral Interventions
The report describes a study where researchers examine the impact of job displacement on wealth holdings of older workers. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, they measure the impact of job loss on the total wealth and its subcomponents. They find that a typical worker experiences a persistent reduction in his/her wealth balances at a rate of 8 percent six or more years post job loss. Wealth shocks of this magnitude during the years leading up to retirement may jeopardize wealth adequacy during retirement.
Secondary data analysis
Older Workers