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Portfolio Study Deliverable
In 2022, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division to fund contractor Westat to conduct the National Worker Survey project. This survey is intended to gather data to understand the prevalence and nature of violations of workers’ rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), with a focus on wages, pay, and hours worked, as well as other topics.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Contracted Workers, Dislocated Workers, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees, Healthcare Workers, Incarcerated or Formerly Incarcerated, Migrant and Seasonal Workers, Older Workers, Temporary Workers, Veterans, Women, Workers in Contingent and Alternative Arrangements, Workers with Disabilities
Paper that directly addresses the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) topic areas of “Improving Equal Employment Opportunities for Targeted Populations” and “Innovative Approaches to Evaluating the Impact of Department of Labor Worker Protection Programs and Policies Using Existing Administrative or Other Data” through each of its three main objectives. Multiple meetings with Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff helped to shape and refine the components of this study to best address the current needs of OFCCP, employers, and individuals with disabilities.
Impact Evaluation
In 2017, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) to fund contractor Mathematica to conduct the Wage and Hour Division’s Compliance Strategies Evaluation. The impact design and outcomes evaluation aim to build evidence on how to assess effective compliance strategies and compliance assistance within WHD, including exploring ways WHD may use external data for ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Chief Evaluation Office (CEO), in partnership with the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to synthesize existing literature and data related to WHD compliance strategies.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees
The report supplements the Wage and Hour Division’s (WHD) Compliance Strategies Evaluation by exploring whether and how data that are housed outside of WHD could be integrated with WHD’s administrative data. The researchers explored how external data can be integrated with WHD’s case management system, the Wage and Hour Investigative Support and Reporting Database (WHISARD), and the limitations of doing so.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees
The report examines information from a literature and database review that identified knowledge gaps, discussions with Wage and Hour Division (WHD) about compliance strategies, and discussions with a panel of experts about compliance strategies. The researchers then developed a framework for WHD and other agencies to consider when designing processes for monitoring and evaluating strategies and outcomes.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees
The report provides intervention and evaluation designs for two behavioral intervention (BI) trials that, if implemented, would test whether webinar registrations increase when behavioral strategies are applied to emails targeting a given industry. To design the study, researchers followed a six-step process developed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for designing and conducting BI studies that has resulted in trials that produce meaningful evidence.
Adult workers, Children and Youth, Farmworkers, Federal Contractors, Federal Employees
The report of a study first to examine the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Federal Agency Targeting (FEDTARG) inspection program. Under the FEDTARG program, OSHA targets Federal worksites that have high lost time case (LTC) counts. The goal of the program is to reduce hazards, injuries and illnesses, and the costs associated with injuries and illnesses in Federal worksites.
Secondary data analysis
Data, Methods, and Tools
The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) works with other Department of Labor (DOL) agencies to conduct Administrative Data Research and Analysis (ADRA) studies. The various studies aim to examine administrative data sets from agencies within DOL and other federal agencies to provide timely responses to changing strategic agency priorities. Completed studies are listed below. New and ongoing studies will occur regularly.
Secondary data analysis
Data, Methods, and Tools
The report describes a study that uses administrative data from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) on reviews of federal contractors that closed between fiscal years 2003 and 2012 to examine trends in, and factors associated with, violations and re-violations of equal employment opportunity laws and the effectiveness of remedies and press releases to deter re-violations.
Secondary data analysis
Federal Contractors
The brief presents high-level findings from the Using Administrative Data to Address Federal Contractor Violations of Equal Employment Opportunity Laws Final Report.
Secondary data analysis
Federal Contractors
In 2013, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and funded Mathematica Policy Research to create Using Administrative Data to Address Federal Contractor Violations of Equal Employment Opportunity Laws under the Administrative Data Research and Analysis portfolio of studies.