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Portfolio Study Deliverable

Release Date: January 15, 2022
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In 2022, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division to fund contractor Westat to conduct the National Worker Survey project. This survey is intended to gather data to understand the prevalence and nature of violations of workers’ rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), with a focus on wages, pay, and hours worked, as well as other topics.

Release Date: October 15, 2020
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In 2017, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) to fund contractor Mathematica to conduct the Wage and Hour Division’s Compliance Strategies Evaluation. The impact design and outcomes evaluation aim to build evidence on how to assess effective compliance strategies and compliance assistance within WHD, including exploring ways WHD may use external data for ongoing monitoring and evaluation.

Release Date: October 01, 2020
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The report provides intervention and evaluation designs for two behavioral intervention (BI) trials that, if implemented, would test whether webinar registrations increase when behavioral strategies are applied to emails targeting a given industry. To design the study, researchers followed a six-step process developed by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for designing and conducting BI studies that has resulted in trials that produce meaningful evidence.

Release Date: October 01, 2020
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The report examines information from a literature and database review that identified knowledge gaps, discussions with Wage and Hour Division (WHD) about compliance strategies, and discussions with a panel of experts about compliance strategies. The researchers then developed a framework for WHD and other agencies to consider when designing processes for monitoring and evaluating strategies and outcomes.

Release Date: October 01, 2020
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The report supplements the Wage and Hour Division’s (WHD) Compliance Strategies Evaluation by exploring whether and how data that are housed outside of WHD could be integrated with WHD’s administrative data. The researchers explored how external data can be integrated with WHD’s case management system, the Wage and Hour Investigative Support and Reporting Database (WHISARD), and the limitations of doing so.

Release Date: October 01, 2020
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The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Chief Evaluation Office (CEO), in partnership with the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to synthesize existing literature and data related to WHD compliance strategies.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
Deliverable deliverable icon

The report of the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys, presenting findings, including comparisons between worksites covered and not covered by FMLA, between employees eligible and ineligible for FMLA, and over time.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The executive summary of the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys that summarizes the conduct of the 2018 surveys and major findings.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The supplemental results from the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys that provide key definitions and detailed survey results, including both more detailed information underlying exhibits presented in the technical report and additional exhibits not displayed in the technical report.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The report for the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys that details the methods used to conduct the surveys.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The methodology report appendices to the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys that include employee survey materials, employer survey materials, revision matrices, nonresponse follow-up employee survey materials, and employer survey response option experiment (detailed findings).

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The brief uses data from the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Employee Survey to summarize findings on employee eligibility rates, reasons for ineligibility, differences in eligibility by employee characteristics, and knowledge of their own eligibility.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The brief uses data from the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Employee Survey to summarize findings on employee leave-taking rates and characteristics of leaves taken. The survey asked about family and medical leave, both for qualifying FMLA reasons and for care of non-immediate family members with serious health conditions (which does not typically qualify). Other medical reasons that are not serious health conditions, such as a sick day for a cold, are not included.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The brief uses data from the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Employee Survey and Worksite Survey to summarize findings on employee access to paid leave benefits, pay received while on leave for a family or medical reason, pay and unmet need for leave. It also describes variation in findings between states that do and do not offer paid family and medical leave.

Release Date: August 01, 2020
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The paper compares leave experiences of low-wage and non-low wage workers using data from the 2018 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Employee Survey. It finds that in some ways experiences are similar—both groups take needed leave at similar rates for similar reasons. In other ways experiences are very different and worse for low-wage workers—they less commonly have access to paid leave or are eligible for FMLA protections and more commonly face adverse financial and job consequences from taking leave.

Release Date: November 01, 2016
Deliverable deliverable icon

The report describes the methods used by Abt Associates in conducting the Worker Classification Knowledge Survey for the Department of Labor. The Worker Classification Knowledge Survey is a dual-frame telephone survey that measures American workers’ knowledge about their current job classification and their knowledge about the rights and benefits associated with their job status. Abt conducted this study in support of the U.S.

Release Date: November 01, 2016
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There is ongoing policy debate about employee classification; that is, who the law says should be classified as an employee and who should be classified as self-employed. But do workers themselves understand their current status? To explore whether workers understand their current status, a recent Abt Associates survey asked 8,503 workers for their (1) work status (employee or self-employed) and (2) what earnings documentation for tax purposes they received from their main job (W-2 or 1099-MISC). Earnings documentation alone is not definitive as to classification.

Release Date: November 01, 2016
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Workers who meet the legal definition of employees receive statutory protections such as minimum wage, overtime pay, and Unemployment Insurance coverage. Workers defined as self-employed forgo these protections as well as other employer-provided benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. In order for workers to make informed choices between employment and self-employment, they need to understand how those rights and benefits vary with classification (i.e., employee vs. self-employed).

Release Date: November 01, 2016
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The document provides information related to the public use files (PUFs) of the Worker Classification Knowledge Survey. (Beyond what is contained in the technical report (Daley et al. 2016); no information from the semi-structured interviews is being released.) The survey instruments are included as Appendix A of the Methodology Report, and are also included in this document as Appendix B. The balance of this document proceeds as follows. Section 2 discusses steps to prevent disclosure. Section 3 provides sample code for analyzing the data using SAS.

Release Date: November 01, 2016
Deliverable deliverable icon

Under contract from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Abt Associates conducted a survey of 8,503 workers on issues related to employee classification; i.e., whether those who by law are employees are being treated as self-employed (and vice versa). In addition, the study conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with employers and employer representatives. The report describes the survey which suggests that workers have an imperfect understanding of the implications of employment status.

Release Date: November 01, 2016
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In 2016, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) and funded contractor Abt Associates to conduct the Worker Classification Knowledge Survey. The survey aims to better document workers’ understanding of issues related to job classification, associated rights and benefits, and employer insights on worker classification.

Release Date: September 15, 2012
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The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees working for covered employers to take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons.

Release Date: September 01, 2012
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The technical report of the 2012 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) surveys, presenting findings, including comparisons between worksites covered and not covered by FMLA, between employees eligible and ineligible for FMLA, and over time.

Research Method
Study Population
Adult workers
Release Date: September 01, 2012
Deliverable deliverable icon

The executive summary of the Family and Medical Leave in 2012: Technical Report that summarizes the conduct of the 2012 surveys and major findings.

Research Method
Study Population
Adult workers
Release Date: September 01, 2012
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Appendix to the Family and Medical Leave in 2012: Technical Report: 1. Introduction, 2. FMLA Coverage and Eligibility, 3. Worksites’ FMLA and other Leave Policies, 4. Employees’ Leave Taking Practices, 5. Conditions of Leave Before, During and After Taking Leave, 6. Employee’s Unmet Need for Leave, 7. Sub-population Analyses, 8. Employer Responses and Perceptions, and 9. Conclusion.

Research Method
Study Population
Adult workers