This submission was filed on February 17, 2005, by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and 22 labor unions from Mexico, Canada and the United States. The submission deals with a labor law reform proposal presented to the Mexican Chamber of Deputies on December 12, 2002. The submission alleges that the labor law reform proposal would substantially weaken existing labor protections, thereby codifying systemic violations of the right of free association, the right to organize and bargain collectively, the right to strike, and core labor rights protected by the Mexican Constitution, International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions ratified by Mexico, and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC). After consideration of the submission, ILAB determined that a review would not further the objectives of the NAALC and, on February 21, 2006, declined to accept it for review.
U.S. NAO Submission 2005-01 (Labor Law Reform)
NAALC Office
U.S. NAO Submission 2005-01 (Labor Law Reform)
NAALC Summary
NAALC Submitter
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