She Thrives: Reducing Child Labor in Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector using a Gender-Focused Approach
The She Thrives project seeks to build agency of vulnerable women and girls in the Ethiopian agricultural sector, change community social norms and traditions that uphold child labor and gender inequality, and transform laws, policies and institutions to be more gender equitable and support efforts to reduce child labor in Ethiopia.
The Problem
In Ethiopia, agriculture is the leading sector for employment, and coffee is the country’s top agricultural export commodity. Oromia and SNNPR are Ethiopia’s largest coffee producing regions, accounting for almost 95% of the country’s coffee production. Four million Ethiopian households are engaged in small-scale coffee cultivation, with women and girls undertaking 70% of the labor. In addition to harvesting, washing and sorting coffee cherries, women and girls engage in hazardous tasks, such as handling pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.
In Oromia and SNNPR, women not involved in coffee farming often cultivate spices and khat, which include similar risks to workers. Due to high labor costs and the physical nature of this work, women engaged in producing these three goods are frequently assisted by children in their household or those of their neighbors as informal workers. Women and girls working in the production of coffee, spices, and khat often lack the ability to improve their lives by pursuing an education or fair-paying jobs, to better their households, or to make contributions to their communities.
Our Strategy
The She Thrives project aims to reduce child labor in informal agriculture in Ethiopia, using a gender-focused approach by implementing activities that will:
- Strengthen the capacity of the Government of Ethiopia to address child labor in the agricultural sector through collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth, and the Ministry of Agriculture;
- Build the capacity of private sector partners to understand and prevent child labor and other labor violations within the coffee value chain through collaboration with the Ethiopian Women in Coffee Association;
- Improve the ability of communities to reduce child labor; and
- Increase the economic stability of households vulnerable to child labor, with a focus on women and girls.
The project will provide direct services to 10,300 people, including vulnerable women and men, and girls and boys engaged in or vulnerable to child labor in 10 districts ("woredas") within the geographic regions of SNNPR (Gedeo) and Oromia (Ilubabor-Yayu). Members of vulnerable households will be provided education and livelihood services; have access to employment services; and have increased access to social protections.
She Thrives Results as of April 2024
- She Thrives is enhancing financial stability in rural communities and reducing reliance on child labor by helping households diversify income sources and increase savings. The project provides training on money management, establishing village savings and loans groups, and advanced business entrepreneurship to women and adolescent girls. For agricultural investors, it offers skills training on improved practices to increase production, market access, and commodities diversification. In its initial phase, the project has trained over 1,300 women small-scale farmers.
- The project registered 450 adolescents into government affiliated Technical Vocational and Education Training Centers (TVET). Of those registered, 357 adolescent girls graduated from an array of technical professions such as Agro-Processing, Woodwork, Food Preparation, Animal Production, Hairdressing, and Plant Science, Natural Resource and Crop protection. Many of these girls will now begin formal jobs, start their own businesses, or work with Master Craftsperson’s to expand their skills further. As a result, many will now be able to contribute to their household income enabling a younger sibling to return to school or not engage in child labor or allow a caretaker to reduce long working hours to make ends meet.
- She Thrives has provided leadership and life skills training for a total of 4,047 adolescent girls aged 15-17 with little education or employment skills in the South and Oromia regions. This comprehensive training fostered independence and resilience, builds essential life skills, including decision-making, goal setting, self-confidence, and communication skills. Girls are anticipated to apply these acquired skills in future endeavors, contributing to their personal growth and overall well-being.
- She Thrives enrolled over 1,000 children into the Accelerated Education Program (AEP) enabling children ages 10-14 to return to school. Many of these children had large gaps in education and were engaging in child labor instead of going to school. Linking children to bridge educational programs such as AEP reduces the risk of drop out and failure to catch up. To date, the Project has successfully integrated 843 (613 female, 230 male) AEP graduates into the mainstream schooling curriculum. Imperative to the AEP success is supporting students with school feeding programs. Many children have little access to food especially during school hours, and families have little funds to spare to support school attendance. Without the help of the project and the AEP, many of these children would remain engaged in child labor with limited schooling. Many leaving school at 6 years old, some never attending.
- The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs convened 50 state and non-state actors to create the first national coordination platform for child labor. This followed their commitment to She Thrives to develop a national multi-stakeholder platform to better address child labor issues.
- She Thrives established child labor committees in 48-project implementation kebeles in collaboration with Labor and Social Affairs Office (LSAO), Women and Children Affairs Office (WCAO), Education Office, Enterprise Office, Agriculture Office, and Justice sector. These committees will advocate for a child-labor-free community at their kebele and act as a bridge between the government, community, and the project.
- Grantee:
- Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
- Implementing Partners:
- Balaya Children’s and Family Charitable Organization (Balaya), Women Children Integrated Development Association (IWCIDA)
- Contact Information:
- / (202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
- Tags:
- Child Labor
- Agriculture
- Capacity Building
- Coffee
- Education
- Ethiopia
- FY20 Projects
- Khat
- Livelihood Services
- Spices
- Women’s Empowerment
- Youth