Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Togo made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government adopted a law against sexual violence in schools and allocated 25 percent of its total budget to build hundreds of schools and recruit 4,500 teachers. Togo continued to provide free lunches and healthcare to all students. The Ministry of Social Action, Promotion of Women, and Literacy and the National Steering Committee to Combat Child Labor also conducted human trafficking awareness campaigns across the country that reached over 53,000 individuals. Further, the government established the National Commission Against Trafficking in Persons to coordinate multiple stakeholders to address human trafficking, and in March 2023, the National Commission adopted its first action plan to address trafficking in persons. Although the government made meaningful efforts in all relevant areas during the reporting period, it did not publish or provide complete labor law enforcement information. In addition, the government has not devoted sufficient resources, such as fuel and transportation, to allow the labor inspectorate to conduct inspections in all sectors and fully enforce the law. Lastly, hazardous work regulations are insufficient because they allow children as young as age 15 to perform some types of hazardous tasks, including carrying heavy loads.

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