Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

South Sudan

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South Sudan
2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

No Advancement – Efforts Made But Complicit in Forced Child Labor

In 2023, South Sudan is receiving an assessment of no advancement. Despite initiatives to address child labor, South Sudan is assessed as having made no advancement because it demonstrated complicity in the use of forced child labor. The country's military continued to recruit children, sometimes forcibly, to fight opposition groups, and for use in supporting roles. Otherwise, the government signed the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, put in place a new strategic plan for education, and participated in an International Labor Organization-hosted workshop in Addis Ababa on building national capacity on child labor data collection and analysis. However, the government did not hold perpetrators of child labor accountable and has yet to ratify the Palermo Protocol on Trafficking in Persons. In addition, police continued to arrest and imprison children engaged in commercial sexual exploitation, rather than treating them as victims.

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