Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Georgia made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Labor Inspectorate conducted 5,847 primary and subsequent worksite inspections, compared to 845 worksite inspections in 2022. The government also increased financial support by over 20 percent for social programs that identify and provide assistance to homeless children in Georgia. In addition, the government adopted a new public procurement law that includes provisions on addressing human trafficking, including child trafficking, and the Prosecutor General and the Labor Inspectorate increased outreach to private entities and held information sessions on preventing human trafficking and child labor. However, Georgia's minimum age for work law does not meet international standards because it does not apply to children working in the informal sector. In addition, the Criminal Code does not explicitly prohibit the use of children in illicit activities. Furthermore, lack of effective coordination between the entities involved in addressing human trafficking hinders efforts to adequately assist child victims.

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