Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

Central African Republic

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Central African Republic
2022 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement – Efforts Made but Continued Practice that Delayed Advancement

In 2022, the Central African Republic made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government passed and ratified a Trafficking in Persons Law, which creates a prosecutorial framework specifically for trafficking offenses, and establishes broad protections and services for trafficking victims, regardless of their immigration status. In addition, the government issued a circular to help prevent the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict. The government also established a National Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Children, which includes a specific focus on preventing children from being recruited and used in conflict. However, despite new initiatives to address child labor, the Central African Republic is assessed as having made only minimal advancement because it continued to implement practices that delay advancement to eliminate child labor. Government security forces used children in support roles at isolated checkpoints during the reporting period in violation of national law. The government also coordinated with an armed group that recruited and used children in armed conflict, and some children accused of aiding armed groups were detained, although the government eventually released them in December. Children in the Central African Republic are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use in armed conflict, and forced labor in diamond mining. Children also engage in child labor in agriculture and domestic work. The government did not publish complete data on its civil and criminal child labor law enforcement efforts in 2022, and enforcement agencies are understaffed and underfunded. Lastly, the Central African Republic lacks both a coordinating body and policies that address all relevant forms of child labor.

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