Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde
2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Cabo Verde made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. Enforcement officials participated in multiple trainings throughout the reporting period to increase their understanding of child pornography crimes, strengthen survivor referral mechanisms, incorporate current best practices and proactive investigative techniques, and build their capacity to detect, identify, and refer cases of the worst forms of child labor more effectively. Cabo Verde approved its second National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons, which contains measures to build the capacity of its National Human Trafficking Observatory, establish a data collection and analysis system, and raise awareness to increase the identification and protection of victims. In addition, it established an emergency center on the island of Sal, which operates 24/7 and provides shelter, social reintegration, and psychological care to child victims of abuse and commercial sexual exploitation. However, Cabo Verde's laws prohibiting forced labor are not sufficient because while they criminalize slavery, they do not specifically criminalize practices similar to slavery or debt bondage and forced or compulsory labor. In addition, there is limited information sharing on investigations between law enforcement agencies, which hampers enforcement efforts. Finally, social programs to assist children involved in agriculture and domestic work are not sufficient to address the scope of the problem.

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