
Participatory approaches were effective throughout the development of the electronic case management system. At its inception, the project, conducted a series of activities, with the participation of Departmental Delegates and Labor Inspectors, which have facilitated the preparation of the grounds for the eventual development of the electronic case management system (for example the mapping of the inspection procedures in the Delegation of Escuintla). During 2021/22 the project team, the company contracted to develop the electronic case management system, and the Ministry of Labor task force (composed of the Vice-Minister; a Vice-Minister’s advisor; the General Labor Inspector; Departmental Delegates; and Labor Inspectors) collaborated in both the design and development of the electronic case management system. Such participatory approaches allowed for a better alignment of the electronic case management system with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor, as well as with the labor inspection procedures and workflows. Moreover, this participatory approach generated ownership among the Ministry of Labor leadership, departmental delegates and labor inspectors.
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Learning Type

Promising Practice
