Canadian NAO Submission CAN 98-1 (Itapsa)

NAALC Office
Canadian NAO Submission CAN 98-1 (Itapsa)
NAALC Summary

This submission was filed with the Canadian NAO on April 6, 1998. The submission raises concerns about the enforcement of labor legislation covering occupational safety and health and freedom of association of workers at the Itapsa export processing plant in Ciudad de los Reyes, in the State of Mexico. The submission was filed by the Canadian Office of the United Steelworkers of America, in concert with eleven other unions and 31 concerned organizations from the three NAFTA countries. The issues raised in the submission are substantially the same raised in U.S. NAO Submission 9703. The Canadian NAO accepted this submission for review on June 4, 1998, and held two public meetings to obtain information on September 14, 1998 and November 5. 1998. On December 11, 1998 the Canadian NAO issued the first part of their report addressing specifically the freedom of association issues raised in the submission. The second report addressing occupational safety and health issues was released on March 12, 1999. Canada formally requested ministerial consultations with Mexico on both issues on March 31, 1999.

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