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Key Points

  • Workers in a company’s supply chain are the most critical stakeholder to engage. They are best positioned to report on violations of their workplace rights and to identify effective remedies.
  • As representatives of workers, trade unions and democratic worker organizations provide support and voice for workers to identify and raise concerns and collectively advocate for their rights and interests. Even when workers do not have a union in a workplace, democratic independent unions may exist in the sector or geographic area and can serve as important interlocutors in due diligence processes. 
  • Engaging all stakeholders (including company employees, facility managers, and trade unions and/or worker representative organizations, suppliers, community organizations civil society organizations (CSOs), NGOs and INGOs, workers and vulnerable groups, shareholders and investors) can help large corporations and SMEs understand the consequences of certain decisions and actions on specific stakeholders, the varied and changing expectations of stakeholders, and the key issues that surface in supply chains.  Identifying other organizations workers trust is of critical importance where no active, democratic trade union exists or when groups of workers are legally barred from joining or participating in unions. 
  • Stakeholder engagement promotes buy-in, because those who participate in the development of a system are more invested in its success. 
  • Companies can take a proactive approach to engaging with government entities to enhance social compliance practices and build genuine worker-driven social compliance systems.
  • Engaging stakeholders internally is as important as engaging external stakeholders. Accountability for senior managers at all levels of an organization is critical to establishing lasting systems to manage human rights risks.

Key Topics

Examples in Action

Further Resources

  1. ILO, IOE. Child Labour Guidance Tool for Business 2015. http://www.ilo.org/ipecinfo/product/download.do?type=document&id=27555.
  2. U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB).  ABK3 LEAP: Livelihoods, Education, Advocacy & Protection to Reduce Child Labor in Sugarcane Areas. Washington, D.C., 2016; available from https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ilab/abk3-leap-livelihoods-education-advocacy.