Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

The Site Exposure Matrices (SEM) website has been updated! This update makes the website current through November 16, 2024. New information is now available for 12 DOE sites, including significant additions to 10 of these sites including Ames Laboratory; Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (ETEC); Argonne National Lab-East; Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) Closure; Idaho National Laboratory; Kansas City Plant (Kansas City National Security Campus, 2014-present); Los Alamos National Laboratory, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant; and the Rocky Flats Plant.

The significant changes involved in this release include:

  • Ames Laboratory – Added information from the well drilling profile.
  • Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (ETEC) - Added information from the well drilling profile. Updated the radionuclide list for the Radiological Control Technicians.
  • Argonne National Laboratory-East - Added information from the well drilling profile; added Asbestos to 59 buildings built before 1990; added Security Police work activities and associated toxic materials.
  • Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) Closure - Added information from the well drilling profile; added new toxic materials to the Guard profiles; changed "Health Physics Monitoring" work process to "Radiological protection activities" and revised associated radionuclides to ensure all site radionuclides were applied to all Radiological Control Technicians.
  • Idaho National Laboratory - Added information from the well drilling profile.
  • Kansas City Plant (Kansas City National Security Campus, 2014-present) – An original new site profile to address the new Kansas City site after closure of the Bannister plant.
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory - Added information from the well drilling profile, numerous labor category aliases, numerous work processes and associated toxic materials from industrial hygiene (IH) Data and added information from several SEM Mailbox entries. Updated lead compounds in painting activities and medical surveillance. Added new buildings constructed between 2006 and2023 and added new toxics to several of the new buildings based on exposure data. Added buildings demolished between 2006 and2023. Added new toxic materials based on drilling and groundwater exposures. Updated Security police officer profile.
  • Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant - Added information from the well drilling profile. Added Sprinkler Fitter as an alias for Mechanic, Maintenance to address SEM Mailbox entries.
  • Rocky Flats Plant - Added information from the well drilling profile. Incorporated information from DOE Legacy Management Annual Report of Site Surveillance and Maintenance Activities at Rocky Flats Site, Colorado Calendar Year 2017 Groundwater Monitoring data. Updated the radioactive materials and radiation for the Radiological Control Technicians.

DOL received fourteen (14) Internet Accessible SEM Website (IAS) public submittals related to ten (10) toxic substances and four (4) disease inputs since the last update on May 16, 2024. Four (4) of the fourteen (14) IAS submittals resulted in SEM profile revisions.

Since the SEM first became available to the public in March 2010, there have been 28 revisions of the SEM website. Prior to the release of each new version, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reviews the new and revised information to ensure that no classification issues exist.