< Schedule 16


Report the labor organization's direct and indirect disbursements to all entities and individuals during the reporting period associated with contributions, gifts, and grants, other than those listed on Schedules 15, 16, and 20. Include, for example, charitable contributions, contributions to scholarship funds, etc.

For all major disbursements in this category:

Enter in Column (A) of an itemization page the full name and business address of the entity or individual to which the disbursement was made. Do not abbreviate the name of the entity or individual. If you do not know and cannot reasonably obtain the full address of the entity or individual, the union may report only the city and state.

Enter in Column (B) the type of business or job classification of the entity or individual to which the union disbursed $5,000 or more in Contributions, Gifts, and Grants during the reporting period, such as charity, scholarship fund, state or local affiliate, etc.

If additional lines are needed to complete Columns (C) through (E) for this Payee, click the “Add More Disbursements for This Payee” button in Column (A) of the itemization page. The software will add lines to the itemization page in increments of ten.

Enter in Column (C) the purpose of each individual disbursement of $5,000 or more, which means a brief statement or description of the reason the disbursement was made. Examples of adequate descriptions include the following: medical research, community development, job retraining, education, disaster and relief assistance, athletic and youth sponsorships, etc.

Enter in Column (D) the date that each individual disbursement of $5,000 or more was made. The format for the date must be mm/dd/yyyy. The date of disbursement for reporting purposes is the date the labor organization actually disbursed the money.

Enter in Column (E) the amount of each individual disbursement of $5,000 or more.

Enter the total of all non-itemized disbursements to this payee (that is, all individual disbursements of less than $5,000 each) on the “Total Non-Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line.

When you have completed entering all of the information for this payee, click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the itemization page and the software will add the amounts in Column (E) and enter the sum on the “Total Itemized Transactions with this Payee/Payer” line, and it will complete the “Total of All Transactions with this Payee/Payer for This Schedule” line.

An initial itemization page must be completed for each payee who met the itemization threshold during the reporting period. Only one payee should be reported per page.

To create a new “Contributions, Gifts and Grants” itemization page for a new payee, click the “Add Contributions, Gifts and Grants” button on the top of the page and a new page opens. Follow the instructions above to complete any additional “Contributions, Gifts and Grants” itemization pages.

By clicking the “Show Payee” drop down arrow at the top of the Schedule 17 page, you can select and view all of the "Contributions, Gifts and Grants" itemization pages you have completed.

As you complete each itemization page, click the “Save and Calculate” button at the top of the page and the total itemized transactions will be added to line 1 of Summary Schedule 17 on the Detailed Summary Page and the total non-itemized transactions will be added to Line 2 of the Summary Schedule.

The software enters in Line 3 of Summary Schedule 17 the total of all disbursements to officers allocated to the schedule. This is the sum of the amounts that correspond to the percentages entered in Line (I) of Schedule 11.

The software enters in Line 4 of Summary Schedule 17 the total of all disbursements to employees allocated to the schedule. This is the sum of the amounts that correspond to the percentages entered in Line (I) of Schedule 12.

Enter the total amount of all other transactions relating to this schedule made to other payees during the reporting period on Line 5 of Summary Schedule 17. This is the total from your organization’s books of all disbursements relating to this schedule made to payees who did not have a single disbursement of $5,000 or more or disbursements that aggregated $5,000 or more.

The software totals Lines 1 through 5 and enters that amount on Line 6 of Summary Schedule 17 and in Item 52 (Contributions, Gifts and Grants) of Statement B.

Last Updated: 6-14-12